Hope your year is going well so far! Wishing you a wonderful January and an even better year ahead!

Lifestyle Blogger

Sunday, November 22, 2015


This Ankara post was inspired by Fashionstirfry. This piece is the head-tie of my Ankara dress.
I decided to be a little creative using my Ankara scarf as a wrapper and my dress from sheinside, as a top, they both fit perfectly.
The red on the Ankara material matches the top so well. I paired it with my new shoes which is a gift from a friend, thanks a lot Gloria for this one, and a statement tribal necklace from Janestone, its is the Green Leaf Pendant Bib Necklace.
Still trying to rock my braids to the fullest, i guess i am not taking it off anytime soon, so get ready to see more photos with it.
Get my eye glasses from Dressin, (retro style flip roundup steam punk glasses)
  Thanks a lot for reading, please visit the online stores for more fashionable items.
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