Lifestyle Blogger

Friday, May 4

The Creative Process photo challenge : Cash Prize & Format Pro

The question of creativity—where it comes from and how it happens—is fascinating. In this photo challenge, we're looking for a glimpse into any of the phases of your creative process–whether it's coming up with the idea or putting the finishing touches on the project. The photos submitted can depict the creative process from any visual medium (photography, design, painting, sculpture, fashion, illustration).
Some ideas on the types of shots to take:
Caught in the act: photos that show the creator at work
Tools of the trade: photos that depict the creator's workspace or gear
Hands: The hands are often a creator's most valued asset. Show how the hands interact with the materials.
Miscellaneous: Any other images that capture the creative and technical process behind your chosen art. 
Check out this Collection for example photos. 
Cash Prize & Format Pro
$200 USD cash prize + a free year of Format Pro to 1st place winner ($344 USD value). 2nd and 3rd place winners will receive a free year of Format Pro ($144 USD value).

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Quote of the day

Please remember to bring it to the Lord in prayer. Melody Jacob
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