Lifestyle Blogger

Wednesday, March 13

Why Some Men Are Not Great At Parenting and Child Care

It's not a new thing that women do better when it comes to taking care of children, but the question is why? it is simply because women are taught and tailored that way right from childhood. We have watched our mums do the same and this is not in any way bad but if we have to fight for equality then I think this has to be a part of a man's growing responsibility and parents need to start teaching male children that infant/childcare is not just for women. Men should be taught that taking care of children is normal and should be a shared responsibility between a man and a woman. Men are brought up feeling it's all about providing for their families. Well, what happens when you need to share duties especially take care of a child?.

This mentality needs to stop. It's our child and one person should not be obligated to take care of the child (only if agreed mutually). Some men go as far as telling their wives, partner or baby mama to take the child along even when she needs to go to work while he sits at home doing nothing and even if you are busy at home it is your child, take care of that child, create time because women always find a way around it. Men need to be brought up to understand that babysitting is a two-way duty and should not be done only by the woman, especially if both of you work.

Parents need to stop training men with the mindset that women belong to the kitchen, taking care of children, running errands and men need to work,  just come home, provide and get served. If your wife also works she takes the stress of holding the family together alone and this can lead to a mental break down and overload. This makes some women age faster.
 Some men have the reply sentence, "go and meet your mum"  well dad why can't you change his pampers,  did you donate the spam to her? or wasn't this child a mutual agreement?. No matter the situation surrounding it, Parents and the society need to do better in teaching males that a home is run by a man and a woman and that includes childcare and both should be involved in every step and process.

What do you think about this topic? Let me know in the comment box below. If you have any topic you would like me to write about, you can send me an email or drop a comment below.
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash



  1. It's true because not even all women can parent well if they haven't been taught. And having a male presence as part of our upbringing can be such a benefit!!

    1. Not all women can parent very well, and the male is also needed. That is totally right.

  2. I do agree. Parenting should be a shared responsibility, especially since today both parents are typically working, so it is really not fair to expect one parent (usually the female one) to do all the parenting work. I think every family needs to come up with a plan that suits them, but definitely our society needs to be more open to men spending more time with their children. I think kids themselves can benefit of spending time with both parents.

    1. It is sad that sometimes It is left for one parents and the workload can be too much to handle.

  3. That's a cute photo! I agree, parenting is definitely not a solo activity if you are in a relationship :) It's not fair for one partner to do all the work!

    Hope that your week is going well :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. It also helps the child to experience love from both side.

  4. Parenting needs to be a shared responsibility! I think it's important for kids to have a strong bond with both parents!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  5. I agree with all of this! On last weeks BBT, Bernadette was leaving for the weekend and Howard mentioned babysitting the kids and Bernadette said "you don't babysit your own kids, it's called parenting."

    Effortlessly Sophisticated

    1. You are so right, Parenting which is very important and both side should get involved.

  6. That's interesting actually, you're right, it is conditioned from a young age. I think it should be equal!
    Raindrops of Sapphire

    1. Well, we should catch them young and hopefully our generation will make it better.

  7. I agree 100%!! I love this post!

    xx, Elise

  8. Very interesting post. I am pregnant we will see what will happen. xoxo

    1. Lol, girl don't worry..everything will go as planned. Perfect.

  9. So lovely post dear;)

  10. Melody finally voiced out the thoughts in my head. Couldn't have said it better.

    1. Feels good knowing we share same view. Hi Benny.

  11. This is quite an interesting read. Indeed, women are more wired to nurture, which is why they tend to be better at parenting. Anyway, thanks for sharing dear!

    Jessica |

  12. I agree with you!
    Thanks for your comment


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