Thursday, April 11, 2019

How do you feel at the moment?

We all have feelings, at every point in time we feel something, love, sad, emotional and more. Its weekend and I will like to know what your feelings are at the moment?
Who's in this with me? I feel some type of way I can't really explain but generally I am perfectly fine.
What are you feeling right now?


  1. I've been feeling "yuck" lately. Just stuck and confused. I don't know if you follow astrology but on twitter I follow someone with the same sign as me and she's always posing this question and it's amazing how many others are sharing the same type of "fog" as I do.


  2. How do I feel at this moment - like things are going to be fine. I don't know when or how, but they will be.

    Thanks for asking.

    Berry Dakara Blog


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