Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger

Monday, April 08, 2019

Lipton yellow label tea review

Growing up, sipping Lipton tea was a morning ritual, similar to waking up and having a cup of coffee. My mom usually adds milk to our tea because she believes that doing so provides an additional creamy flavour. I chose to travel to Europe and have tried several tea brands, and yellow label Lipton tea is the only one that is superior. I understand that my statement might not be popular, but it is something I believe must be spoken. Lipton tea is one of the most well-known brands of tea in the world. The brand is owned by Unilever, which produces it using the best tea leaves, and it is delicious and natural-tasting. The store offers a variety of items, such as black tea, flavoured tea, hot tea, iced tea.

Matcha green tea and mint, green iced tea citrus, berry hibiscus, and black iced tea peach are some of their unique offerings. It is at the top of the list of tea manufacturers in the world because it produces a variety of tea and taste goods.

photo belongs to liptonukraine

Do you drink lipton tea?



  1. hmmm tempting <3

    Mrs. Aa

  2. Looking at the packaging, I think I've tried Lipton tea but I'm not absolutely sure. Thank you for sharing, I will check it out in the shops.

  3. It's funny, but Lipton tea always reminds me of childhood! I loved tea and Lipton was one of my favorites! I used to drink a lot of black tea with lemon! :)

    Bri |

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