Lifestyle Blogger

Wednesday, September 11


If there are words for Him then I don't have them. My brain has not yet reached the point to form a thought that could adequately describe the greatness of my God. My lungs have not yet developed the ability to release a breath to breathe out the greatness of his love. My voice is so inhabited restrained by human limits that it's hard to even sing the praise that he deserves. if there are words for Him then I don't have them. My God is grace is remarkable, merciful are innumerable, strength is impenetrable, he is honorable, accountable, faithful, he is unsearchable yet knowable, indefinable yet approachable, indescribable yet personal, beyond comprehension, further than imagination, King if every nation. If there are words for Him then I don't have them. Trying to capture the one true God using my vocabulary will never do. This is an expression of worship to a savior who is both worthy and deserving of my praise. My heart will bless his name forever. He has defeated me in my rebellion, conquered me in my sin and welcomed me into his presence. Followed me with mercies in the morning and journeyed me grace in the night.

If there are words for him I don't have them but what I do have is good news. He sent his son Jesus Christ as the word living proof, an image of the invisible God. The 1st born of all creation, but by him, all things were created, he is before all this and overall things he reigns. The humble son of God becoming the perfect sacrifice, he willing stood in our place, he is everything that was promised. Praise the living king.

Photo by Aaron Ulsh from Pexels



  1. Beautiful and touching words. I agree with you. Our words are limited and cannot ever truly describe the greatness of God, but we can try.

  2. Great post. Thank you for sharing! :)New post  -   

  3. God is great and amazing! I know I'm nothing without HIM. Period!

  4. such a great post.

  5. Interesting post!

    xx Alyssa | STYLE VANITY


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Quote of the day

Please remember to bring it to the Lord in prayer. Melody Jacob
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