Lifestyle Blogger

Friday, November 15

Bloggers struggling with poor traffic, this is how to generate traffic.

So we all know that traffic is one of the biggest targets of a blog or website owner. This is a major challenge for so many bloggers and we can all relate to it. Ever since google plus shut down, it's been a bit difficult to find a similar open free platform with high traffic that you can easily share your articles on. I went ahead and began to search if I can find a platform like/similar to Google plus because I used Google plus a lot and it worked really well for me, same with other bloggers. There are lots of social and article sharing platforms to share your articles and blog posts on but none can ever be as good as Google plus. Google plus has been shut down but it was indeed a very brilliant platform.

Photo by Canva Studio from Pexels

Google plus was open to everyone and it had a high Seo ranking. We didn't need to log in to view or access articles and all shared articles were also linked to top search engines. There was also a setup for automated share, immediately you share your blog post it automatically shares on google plus and since it was a busy platform the articles kept receiving lots of views daily. Now it's gone and people are searching for a better platform to share articles. Instagram isn't the best place to share an article, that isn't even the purpose of Instagram, it is more a photo app and marketing platform so you need to have a very high influence to be able to get a good number of clicks. Meanwhile, Instagram doesn't open your website on a browser it opens directly on Instagram so I doubt if the traffic coming from Instagram actually counts.

Google plus shut down

Factors are limiting the traffic gain to your blog and these are the factors you need to put into consideration and correct.

Be your number 1 content promoter: Some bloggers find it difficult to share their articles. The competition in the google ranking market is so high and you have to do your best to get your articles to the right audience. What's the aim of writing an article that won't get to the right audience? Getting traffic means putting much effort into sharing your content. You are the boss of the content and so share as many times as you can. Encourage your friends to share your articles on any social platform they are registered on.

Understanding the reason why your website has little or no traffic is a step to solving your poor traffic issue. Share as many times as you can to different social platforms. Joining good social platforms is very important. Some platforms do not permit direct sharing but instead, they ask that you submit the article for review before it is published. If you have to do that make sure you insert lots of clickable links that will re-direct readers back to your website.

Copywrite is a killer: Write your article and always check for Plagiarism. If you copy and paste the content that doesn't belong to you or let us just call it what is it, steal content you are harming your blog or website searchability. Write original content, be creative with your words, and post title. Most people in the blogging business share fashion tips and lifestyles but there are lots of topics yet to be shared. Do not underrate the title of your article, write it down as it comes. It should be unique so when readers visit your blog they read a catchy post title that makes them click on the next post.

Be patient, you are doing just fine. Be informed that traffic grows with time and that is why your choice of word is very important. In other words, using unique searchable words, catchy descriptions, top-ranking keywords, top trendy topic searches, following seasonal trends is totally required to influence the traffic drive to your blog over time. Some articles do not skyrocket immediately some take time and then boom it's receiving thousands of views per day. These are seasonal articles.

Copycat blogger: There are lots of copycat bloggers. It is not wrong to copy the writing style of another blogger as far as you aren't hurting anyone but what happened to be unique? Learn from others but create space for creativity. Some bloggers tend to copy the writing style of another blogger but what you don't know is that sometimes it is better to be original at grade one than appear to be in grade 2 without a proper clue as to what you are doing there. People want to visit your website and read your articles and feel the authenticity of it, not when they read your article it feels similar to another blog they always visit.

Share your article on different social platforms: Monitor the structure of a platform before joining and sharing your article. When you join a social platform or before using any social media platform to share your article, always understand the structure of that social platform and how it works. Monitor usage preference such as do people share more travel content here? is this a DIY network? or a general platform for sharing just any kind of article? This helps you share the right article to the right audience who will, in return, click to view the shared article, thereby increasing your traffic.

Note: Posting regularly increases your traffic.
Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels

Learning sharing patterns:  The are specific sharing tactics to help encourage clickability. Are you aware that different social platforms and follower base require a particular sharing system and pattern to promote your article and increase the number of clicks? The tactics to improve your blog traffic and increase your readers is by sharing and using the right keywords, hashtags and for example, 
*Sometimes it is better to share an article title alongside the link only.
*Post a few catchy words and the link.
*Post half of the article to get readers engaged and put a link for them to continue reading.

Here are different social platforms to join that will help increase your traffic. 

*Pay good attention and read carefully*.

Medium: Before joining a social platform read about it and check how many visitors it gets in a month. I don't advise joining platforms that have premium and free versions. I joined medium for free even tho it has its premium version but I realized that the content about (HOW NZU AFFECTED MY SKIN AND MENSTRUAL CYCLE) which I shared on the medium platform is still generating views back to my website.

Feedspot: Feedspot features all websites and blogs in one place. It rates and ranks blogs from a particular country. For example, if a brand is looking for bloggers from Nigeria, feedspot shows a list of all the bloggers available and registered on their platform making it easy for bloggers to get reached out by brands.
For traffic, feedspot comes in handy in search that patterns people searching for blogs/bloggers/websites from a particular location. Feedspot also automatically shares your content. It shows your post frequency, how many articles you share in a week. You can add your blog, tho it also has a premium version. 

Note: You have to request to add your website or blog. You can add your blog under any country of your choice. For example, look at Top 50 blogs in South Africa.

Here is a picture showing how you can add your blog.

Feedspot is a social platform for sharing different articles. It is just like Facebook. 
There are open and closed groups you can share your article with. I just started using it.

Reddit: Many of us are very similar to Reddit but we hardly use it as a sharing tool. Reddit has a close format to google plus because it is an open platform but requires you to log in if you want to post but you can view different topics.

Reddit share

Pluspora is also similar to Facebook. You can share your articles with others.

Twitter is also a very effective tool for sharing your blog articles. Copy the direct link and insert it on your Twitter page. Join groups and Twitter sharing forums. 
Twitter group share

Linkedin is a job finding platform but nevertheless take advantage of the platform and share interesting stories and post posts.

Linkedin sharing job platform

Quora: Tho Quora is a question based asking platform, be tricky, ask questions, and leave an article link relating to that question below the question you have asked. I just joined quora and I received responses already.

The Facebook personal page remains an all-time champion when it comes to sharing content. Different groups relating to people and bloggers are all available for you to join and start sharing your articles. Facebook has very high traffic and so it serves as a good tool to drive traffic to your blog/website. Your friends get to see your article and help reshare.  If you have a page your followers get to click on your articles because it appears on their timeline. There are lots of people and adverts on Facebook so it is very advisable to keep your content unique with a very catchy topic and post an article. Join Facebook groups that promote sharing and commenting.  
Facebook sharing groups

Lookbook is a picture sharing platform just like Instagram but the description part is a good space to insert your blog link or the direct link of the picture which you are sharing, to your website. is a platform for bloggers to share articles and learn new ideas. You have to be approved to be able to share. 

Refinary29 share all tips and tricks of fashion on this platform. Enjoy the traffic feedback.

Pinterest directly pin your blog post. After pinning the pictures directly to Pinterest. Go to the description and give it a catchy caption and word searchability. Also, use hashtags.
Pinterest sharing network

Inlinkz: This is a platform designed to promote networking amongst bloggers. You get to add your blog to an Inlinkz party hosted by a blogger. It is super interactive.

If you are using any platform to get views, even if is a very old platform do not stop using it. They all come in handy at the end of the day. Do not be fooled by new social networks, those old sharing platforms are not vibing at the moment but so many still get high traffic drive because they are designed to promote networking.

Do you have social platforms that you recommend for sharing articles? please share with us in the comment section below.



  1. A great review indeed, thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you so much Oksana Zolotukhina.

  2. Great post. I find writing articles that give something back to the reader generally do well in search, especially if they're original. Also posting regularly, every new post is an opportunity to rank.

    Sarah xo Oomph London

    1. You are totally right. Writing articles that answers questions help you rank.

  3. Thank you so much for this comprehensive guide! I certainly need all the help I can get in the area of traffic to my site. I'm definitely going to be referring back to this to try to see more growth.


    1. You are welcome Ruth. Driving traffic to your website require hard work and devotion. Traffic is a way to access your progress.

  4. Such a good article, very helpful dear!

    Cats in the City

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you for stopping by Jennifer.

  6. This was such a helpful article, than you for posting Melody!

    xx, Elise

  7. These are wonderful suggestions! It can be so hard to stand out, but I think posting regularly about content that inspires you is the most important thing.

    1. That is totally another way to stand out.

  8. So many great tips + new platforms I need to investigate!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  9. Such a great and informative post. I really enjoy reading it and find so many useful informations. Thank you for sharing.

    New Post -

  10. Sur dwar, you should try them out.

  11. Great article with some great information. Thank you for sharing!

  12. great post

  13. Very great tips... Thank you for sharing!

  14. Thank you Melody for sharing.. I will definitely apply for feedspot for my blog

  15. I never really thought about this, thanks for sharing! I use twitter and facebook and I run my link up, but I haven't used the others! :)

    Hope that you have a great weekend ahead of you! It will be a quiet one here, we are all a little unwell and the smoke haze means we need to stay indoors mostly!

    Away From Blue

    1. Oh Mica, you should try using other social networks. I am already having a great weekend. All the best.

  16. Thank you for all of these great tips! I try to share each and every blog post I do on my social channels.


  17. Yes! I so agree that bloggers should always be promoting their own content! Happy weekend!


  18. Your post is really helpful! Thanks for sharing!
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  19. This is super informative dear! Thanks a lot for sharing!

    Jessica |

  20. Thanks for sharing this! I'm actually not on a lot of these so I'll be sure to check them out.

    Ekaterina | Polar Bear Style

  21. Thanks for sharing these tips. I have maintained steady traffic to my blog but have not been able to grow it in years despite using many of these platforms. I still don’t know what I am missing. Perhaps I will figure it out one of these days. Thanks for linking up!


    1. It happens that way sometimes. Keep trying. All the best.

  22. Stunning girl! Thank you for share this! 🌺🌸

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