Sunday, April 19, 2020

5 Tips to Maximize Your Dental Insurance Coverage

There are a lot of aspects that go into staying healthy. When many people think about being healthy, they think about their weight, what they eat and how often they exercise. While those are good things to think about, they don’t show the whole picture of the health of an individual.

For example, an aspect of health that often goes underrated is oral health. The health of your teeth and gums can be a direct look at your overall health. Not only that, but no one wants a stained smile, unhealthy gums, or an oral disease. If you're looking to maintain good oral health, you should visit this dentist in Plantation.

Unfortunately, paying for dental-related costs out of pocket can be very costly. For example, full-mouth dental reconstruction can run $30,000 and up. As a result, having the best dental insurance is very important. But how can you go about maximizing this coverage for your benefit? Without any further ado, let’s take a close look at 5 different tips to help you get the most out of your dental insurance coverage.

Know Your Needs

The first step to maximizing the benefits of your plan is to know your needs. If you know the needs of you and your family, you will be able to find the right plan that suits them. If you aren’t using the majority of your coverage, your insurance isn’t being maximized. Your plan needs to directly line up with your needs, so you actually use what you pay for, so take your time to really think about your needs.

A simple way to find your needs is to look at your past dental expenditures and see what services or care you use the most frequently. However, instead of only looking to the past, be sure to look to the future. If you (or someone in your family) has some potential dental work or care coming up, make sure it is covered.

Evaluate Your Options

Once your needs have been figured out, it’s time to look at your options. There are many potential providers and plans that you can choose from when it comes to dental coverage. You need to find one that not only matches up with your needs but also your budget. Take your time here, as choosing the wrong plan could end up being quite costly.
In addition to simply choosing a plan, you need to know it like the back of your hand. The more you know about your plan (such as copay amounts, benefits, and limits), the better you will be able to maximize its value. If you don’t know the true details of your plan, how are you going to get the most value from it?

Use Your Coverage

Of course, one of the best ways to maximize your coverage is to actually use it. If you pay for something but never end up using it, that is just a ton of lost value. While you might not have emergencies or other situations that will call for using all of your coverage, be sure to be preventative and plan out how you want to use the coverage you are paying for.

Even if things are seemingly fine, a visit to the dentist for a checkup and a cleaning is a good idea. It will cost you pennies on the dollar thanks to insurance and will keep your oral health in check. However, be aware of your limits and make sure you stay within them.
Time Your Benefits if Possible

Timing your benefits isn’t always possible, but doing so can save you a considerable amount of money. Doing this involves scheduling all of your appointments in ways that maximize coverage. For example, let’s say you have 3 fillings to get and it is December of 2020, but your insurance coverage will only be able to cover the cost of two of them.

Instead of getting all three and paying for one completely out of pocket, consider waiting until the following year (next month) to get the last one. This will allow your coverage to reset and thus, everything will be covered. While most benefits will renew at the start of the new year, be sure to talk to your provider to make sure. While you can’t always prepare ahead of time for certain emergencies, most preventative care or minor procedures can often be put off a little.
Be Aware of Any Potential Extras

Some insurance plans will come with added extras to provide additional value to customers. If you aren’t taking advantage of these, it is impossible to maximize your insurance coverage. This could be anything from discounts on potential services, free products or care, or anything in between. 

It is completely up to the provider to decide what extra add-ons they want to provide for their customers. Be aware that not every plan will have this sort of extra benefit or value. As a result, don’t expect them from everyone.
In conclusion, hopefully, the information in this blog post has been able to help you maximize your dental insurance coverage. 

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels


  1. Interesting post dear!

  2. Thanks for sharing this Mel, hope you staying safe my dear.

    The Style Fanatic

  3. Oooh I need to do a better job at taking full advantage of my dental insurance. I do the basic cleaning, but there may be more I can do. I've been wanting to whiten my teeth for a while. Thanks for sharing!

    Nancy ♥

  4. These are good tips! Over here in Australia dentists are closed unless it is an emergency :(

    Hope that you are having a nice weekend :) It's a rainy day here - perfect weather for continuing to isolate at home!

    Away From Blue

  5. Such a useful post Hun! Hope you're having a lovely week :)

    Grace ||


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