Lifestyle Blogger

Tuesday, October 27

A healthy guide to your first vegetarian meal - BlendJet

I started my journey as a vegetarian and I must say, this is not the easiest journey for me. I have been reading more about it and finding a lot of information to guide me in the right direction and diet plan. I started really happy and I am counting on my journey. I got inspired by a documentary that made me decide to change my meal. Anyway, I am super excited to share my first vegetarian meal. I do not know how long I will go but let's see how it goes. If you see me eating chicken please it's the devil work.

Preparing my meals have been a lot easier using my Blendjet blender to blend fresh fruits and vegetables. This is one of the best reinventions in recent times. It makes my cooking process easy and helps me stick to freshly made meals helping reach a realistic diet goal. This blender is portable and does not require a plugin wire to use it. It is rechargeable and works just fine. It makes making my shakes fun as I experiment with mixing different fruits. After use, BlendJet blenders practically clean itself. Just add water and an optional drop of soap, and run your BlendJet until, “Presto,” it’s clean!

If you will like to purchase BlendJet for less, here a discount link to follow (Discount on Blendjet blenders)

An easy vegetarian start with Blendjet

There are basically different types of vegetarians according to Mayo Clinic. I started as vegan but I am yet to decide which suits me. I am still doing lots of research and seeking the best advice possible.

Lacto-vegetarian diets exclude meat, fish, poultry, and eggs, as well as foods that contain them. Dairy products, such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and butter, are included.

Ovo-vegetarian diets exclude meat, poultry, seafood, and dairy products, but allow eggs.

Lacto-Ovo vegetarian diets exclude meat, fish, and poultry, but allow dairy products and eggs.

Pescatarian diets exclude meat and poultry, dairy, and eggs, but allow fish.

Vegan diets exclude meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products — and foods that contain these products.

Some people follow a semi-vegetarian diet — also called a flexitarian diet — which is primarily a plant-based diet but includes meat, dairy, eggs, poultry, and fish on occasion or in small quantities.


Tips on starting a vegetarian diet plan.

The best advice I can give is to start light do not rush into it because your body needs to adjust to the entire diet change. A complete Vegan diet needs a proper diet plan to make sure you get all the nutrients needed for your body.

What is the best approach to becoming a vegetarian?




  1. Ask around at your Farmers Market and find people who grow their veggies organically. Shop at the Natural Food Store in your area. Everything organic, rice, tofu and tempeh ( soybean products for protein) Grow sprouts in quart/ gal jars with screen lids. Lots of great cookbooks in the Library.

  2. You must learn how to stay healthy by eating a balanced diet that includes all necessary types of proteins, antioxidants, amino acids, healthy fats, vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and collagen while avoiding pesticides, hormones and antibiotics. Otherwise a vegetarian diet may not be better than what you eat now.

    Read as many books as you can about nutrition and google every question. Take notes. Find others that wsnt to kearn to. And remember that people who live long lives have great friendships and low stress, as well as good nutrition.

  3. I don't know if there's a best way. For me it was easy to just change. I looked for recipes and started to prepare vegetarian meals daily. For breakfast I had fruits. I prepared a salad and took it to work for lunch. Then I cooked a whole meal in the evening. You may want to start slowly by eating vegetarian meals a few times per week and increase them gradually till every meal is vegetarian.

  4. I believe it’s important to embrace new foods and ways of cooking, it can be like an exploration or adventure. Find new comfort foods.
    Focus less on what you’re giving up.

    And, think about whether the little at a time or all at once approach is best for you. Also, consider what your goal is long term.

    And, beware of vegetarian/vegan junk foods. It can be an easy “trap” to fall into.

    Here is a link to a short informative video you might find interesting.
    Hope you find this helpful.

  5. I consider myself whole food plant based + oily fish since my body needs it.

    Curated By Jennifer

  6. I have always wanted to be a vegetarian but so much thought needs to go into meal preparation. It is a big commitment! Thank you for sharing this <3
    the creation of beauty is art.

  7. This is interesting! I'm not a vegetarian, but enjoyed reading your post and learning more about it. I didn't realize there were different types! The blendjet looks super neat and helpful!

    Make Life Marvelous

  8. I would say it depends how much you love and eat meat & psychologically why you want to become vegetarian. I would suggest replacing a couple of days a week with just vegetarian fare. Get a good simply cooking vegetarian cook book and hit up the internet for changing your favourite foods to vegetarian versions. Also, don’t beat yourself up when you eat meat as that won’t help. Good luck.

  9. Anonymous10/31/2020

    Very easy, don't eat animals ..

    the life of those animals has been horrible all those negative emotions make meat Bad

    They have been killed in a monstrous way and on top of that they have also been filled with medicines so that they do not get sick.

    In the end you eat medicines and dead meat with bad energy from those poor animals slaughtered so that some pretentious people eat meat "


Thank you for sharing your opinion and thoughts.

Quote of the day

Please remember to bring it to the Lord in prayer. Melody Jacob
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