Protective styling is the key to hair health. During the cold season, protecting your hair is a must. A lot of people ask how do protective hairstyles protect your hair and what type of protective hairstyles are best during the cold season. Protective styling preserves your hair health and protects it from damage that can result from harsh wind, cold, fingers, and more. The goal is to keep your ends tucked away safely to prevent manipulation of the hair. The importance of wearing protective hairstyles is clear, they help keep your natural hair healthy.
Why are braids a protective hairstyle?
Although not all protective hairstyles protect your hair you need to know the recommended styles that actually do the job. A protective style is any style that keeps the ends of the hair tucked away and minimizes manipulation. Neglecting your hair while it is in a protective style is highly likely to damage your hair. Moisturizing is a great way to grow your hair. Keeping your hair clean is the foundation of great hair growth. Braids have been one of the best, recommended, and most trusted hairstyles for recommended to protect your hair from harsh products, bad weather conditions, and lots more.

Braids are an excellent protective styling because they give the ends of your hair a break from bad weather conditions. These styles tuck away the delicate part of your hair that easily breaks which are the edges and the tips. Not everyone has the time to moisturize, I recommend products inside spray bottles, which are easy to press and get the deep levels of your hair without having to session the hair much. The size of the braids doesn't matter you can go for big bold braids or a million twists all serve the same purpose. No pressure, just enjoy the process.
Loving your braids!
Curated By Jennifer
Those braids are very beautiful and the colours add a personal touch. Thanks for sharing!