Wednesday, April 28, 2021

International Stop Food Waste Day.

Stop Food Waste Day is an international day put aside to fight against food wastage. There are parts of the world where children lack food and we must do our best to appreciate nature by sharing our food and reducing wastage. 

Stop Food Waste Day is an international day of action in the fight against food waste. Statically roughly one-third of the food produced globally is either lost or wasted every year. This movement was launched in 2017 by Compass Group PLC, the global leader in the foodservice, and calls on consumers, corporates, and influencers across +30 countries.

Use your voice to raise awareness and inspire change because this is a critical issue and when you waste someone is starving.

28 April is Stop Food waste Day.

33%of all food produced globally is lost or wasted every year
45%of root crops, fruit, and vegetables produced globally is lost or wasted per year
$1,866the annual cost of food wasted by the average American family
25%of the food wasted globally could feed all 795 million undernourished people in the world
8%of all greenhouse gas emissions, each year are due to food loss and waste
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