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Thursday, July 29

Insomnia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, prevention, and therapy.

 Insomnia is defined as difficulty getting adequate sleep or sleeping uninterruptedly. You may have trouble going asleep, waking up too early, or waking up during the night. Any type of insomnia might make you feel drowsy and tired during the day.

Almost everyone experiences insomnia at some point in their lives, yet insomnia is not a temporary condition for everyone. Chronic insomnia is defined as insomnia that occurs virtually every night for at least one month. Insomnia can be caused by a medical or psychiatric condition, emotional tension or excitement, or your day and nighttime routines.

The most common reasons for short-term insomnia difficulties are your behaviours and surroundings. Insomnia can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  1. Anxiety or stress
  2. A change in sleeping arrangements (staying at a motel or at a relative's house)
  3. Uncomfortable sleeping conditions (too hot, too cold, too bright, too noisy)
  4. An inconvenient mattress
  5. a pair of pyjamas that is overly tight
  6. Having a bed companion that snores or sleeps in an inconvenient manner
  7. So your brain links lying down in bed without activities other than sleeping with watching television, reading a book, or problem-solving.
  8. Before going to bed, eat a large supper.
  9. Taking a prescription drug with sleeplessness as a side effect.
  10. Before going to bed, you should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.
  11. During the day, drinking a lot of caffeine-containing drinks (coffee, tea, cola)
  12. Using a cigarette
  13. Exercising just before the night is a good idea.
  14. Not doing enough exercise during the day so you have more energy
  15. Before going to bed, take a hot bath or shower.
  16. When you go to a different time zone, it's important to keep in mind that you'll be
  17. Getting to a much higher elevation
  18. Work in shifts

Insomnia affects pregnant ladies more than anybody else. Hormone fluctuations, heartburn, leg cramps, and the urge to pee more frequently can all cause sleeplessness in pregnant women. Furthermore, as the unborn baby grows in size, it becomes more difficult for the mother to find a comfortable resting posture.

A medical or mental issue might induce chronic sleeplessness. Chronic insomnia can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

Depression or post-traumatic stress disorder are examples of psychiatric illnesses (PTSD)

Chronic medical conditions, such as renal disease, heart failure, or asthma, are common.

Illnesses that cause pain, such as arthritis, neuropathy, acid reflux, or cancer

Hormone imbalances, such as menopause or hyperthyroidism, are common.

Taking a prescription drug with sleeplessness as a side effect.

Irritable bowel syndrome — Leg aches and pains are a symptom of this disease. Leg twitching, a tendency of repeated leg motions, and leg cramping are all possible symptoms.

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a kind of sleep apnea that

Sleep apnea is a very prevalent problem. However, many people who have this condition are unaware of it. Snorers and overweight persons may experience recurrent episodes of breathing stopping for 10 to 30 seconds during sleep, just as they are relaxing into a deep sleep.

The relaxation of the tongue and throat tissues, which can settle into a posture that blocks your airway, is the most common cause of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea causes your body to release adrenaline-like "alarm" chemicals, causing you to wake up and restart breathing. These hormones keep you awake at night for long periods of time.


Insomnia can cause the following symptoms:

Having trouble falling asleep

Getting up in the middle of the night

Getting up early in the morning yet not feeling refreshed

During the day, you're weary and irritated

Having problems focusing?


By inquiring about your routines and sleeping environment, evaluating your symptoms, and checking you, your doctor can usually figure out what's causing your sleeplessness. Your doctor may advise you to keep a sleep diary (a journal of your sleep habits) to keep track of how many hours you sleep if symptoms are the cause of your awakenings, and when you wake up.

You may require extra testing if your doctor believes a medical disease is causing your sleeplessness. An overnight sleep study at a sleep clinic may be required in some individuals. Your brain waves, breathing rhythm, and oxygen levels may all be examined, as well as your body movements, during a sleep study.

Expected Timeframe of Insomnia

Insomnia might last a single or two nights, or it can endure weeks, months, or even years. The duration of insomnia is determined by the aetiology as well as the efficacy of lifestyle modifications and therapy.


It's beneficial to develop behaviours that support restful sleep:

Maintain a consistent sleep pattern. Maintain a regular bedtime and get up at approximately the same time every morning.

In a comfy bed, sleep in relaxed, comfortable clothing.

Any sources of noise or bright lighting that inhibit or interrupt sleep should be eliminated. If noise from outside your bedroom can't be eradicated, you might be able to block it out by making your own repetitive noise. To produce a noise that can lull you to sleep, use a fan, a radio station with static noise, or a recording of ocean waves.

Keep your bedroom at a comfortable temperature.

Reduce your intake of caffeine-containing beverages during the day, as caffeine's stimulating effects might linger for several hours.

Before going to bed, stay away from big meals.

Eliminate alcohol since many people suffer drowsiness when the alcohol's impact wears off.

Exercise every day, especially first thing in the morning.

If you want to read before going to bed, do it on a chair or in a different room.

If your spouse keeps you awake, consider sleeping in a different bed or room.

If you suffer persistent insomnia as a result of chronic pain, physical disease, or psychological issues, get medical help right once. Don't make the mistake of assuming that sleeplessness is an unavoidable side effect of your condition.


The most effective method to manage insomnia is to make changes to your nighttime environment and routines that encourage sleep.

Some people with insomnia may benefit from behavioural treatments. Among these treatments are:

Relaxation treatment involves a variety of strategies for calming the mind and relaxing the muscles.

Sleep limitation — A regimen that allows just a few hours of sleep each night initially, then progressively increases the amount of time spent sleeping each night.

Reconditioning – A program that educates the patient to link sleeping (and sexual activity) with the bed by making them go to bed only when they are tired and avoiding daytime naps.

If insomnia is a symptom of a medical condition, addressing the underlying issue may be sufficient. Treatment of restless legs syndrome with a specialized medicine or sleep apnea with a customized mask, for example, can significantly improve sleep quality.

Sleeping tablets may be prescribed by your doctor for short-term or occasional use. Today, there are several medicines from which to select. Some work rapidly and are especially useful if you have problems sleeping. When the issue is remaining asleep, others have a longer duration of effect. Many of the drugs are accessible as generics, which are usually less expensive. Longer-acting medications should be avoided by the elderly since the drowsiness might continue considerably longer than eight or nine hours.

Some people respond to melatonin, a dietary supplement, while others do not. When used as indicated on the label, it has an excellent safety profile.

When Should You Hire a Professional?

If you're concerned about sleeping issues, see your doctor right away, especially if insufficient or disrupted sleep is interfering with your ability to function properly during the day. If your sleep issues make it risky for you to drive a car or perform potentially dangerous activities at work, you may have insomnia.


Normal sleep patterns return in many persons with insomnia within a few days, especially if a lifestyle concern (stress, a habit of eating large meals before bed, a shift in time zones) is removed or adjusted.

The prognosis for persistent insomniacs is determined by the underlying issue. When patients with obstructive sleep apnea use a nightly nasal mask that delivers mild constant air pressure via the mouth and nose, they usually feel better. A doctor's prescription is required for this mask.

Photo by SHVETS production

Quote of the day

Please remember to bring it to the Lord in prayer. Melody Jacob
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