Thursday, September 16, 2021

Gonorrhea: Symptoms, Treatment, Causes, and More

Gonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae or gonococcus gonorrhoea. It was previously referred to as "the clap."

How gonorrhoea is transmitted?

The germs that cause gonorrhoea are most frequently detected in penile discharge and vaginal fluid.

Gonorrhoea is easily transmitted between humans via the following routes:

Vaginal, oral, or anal intercourse that is not protected

Exchanging vibrators or other sex devices that have not been thoroughly cleaned or wrapped with a fresh condom after each usage

The bacteria can infect the womb's entrance (cervix), the tube that excretes urine from the body (urethra), the rectum, and, less frequently, the throat or eyes.

Additionally, the illness can be transmitted from a pregnant mother to her unborn child. If you're pregnant and suspect you may have gonorrhoea, it's critical to get tested and treated before giving birth.

Without treatment, gonorrhoea might result in a newborn's lifelong blindness.

Gonorrhoea is not shared by kissing, embracing, swimming pools, or sharing toilet seats, nor is it spread through sharing baths, towels, glasses, plates, or cutlery. Bacteria cannot survive outside the human body for an extended period of time.

Gonorrhoea symptoms

Typical gonorrhoea symptoms include a thick green or yellow discharge from the vagina or penis, discomfort when peeing, and, in women, bleeding between periods.

However, around one in ten infected males and almost half of the infected women exhibit no symptoms.

Getting tested

If you exhibit any of the symptoms of gonorrhoea or are concerned that you may have an STI, you should seek treatment in a sexual health clinic.

Locate a clinic that specializes in sexual health.

Gonorrhoea can be readily diagnosed by analyzing a swab sample of discharge. In men, a urine sample can also be used to diagnose the disease.

It is critical to seek testing as soon as possible since untreated gonorrhoea can result in more significant long-term health concerns, including pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) in women and infertility.

Gonorrhoea diagnosis potential gonorrhoea consequences visiting an STI clinic.

Diagnosing and treating gonorrhoea

Generally, gonorrhoea is treated with a single antibiotic injection and one antibiotic pill. The majority of your symptoms should improve within a few days with proper therapy.

It is typically advised that you return for a follow-up visit a week or two following treatment to have another test performed to see if you are infection-free.

You should abstain from sexual activity until you are assured you are no longer infected.

Successful treatment of gonorrhoea does not protect you from contracting it again.

Who is affected

Anyone who is sexually active is at risk of contracting gonorrhoea, but those who change partners frequently or who do not use a barrier form of contraception, such as a condom, while having sex are more at risk.

Gonorrhoea is the second most prevalent bacterial sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the United Kingdom, behind chlamydia.

In 2017, over 44,500 persons in England were diagnosed with gonorrhoea, the majority of whom were young men and women under the age of 25.

Preventing gonorrhoea

Gonorrhoea and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can be successfully prevented by using effective contraception and adopting other measures, such as:

Using male condoms or female condoms whenever you have vaginal sex or male condoms during anal sex; Using a condom to cover the penis or a latex or plastic square (dam) to cover the female genitals if you have oral sex; Not sharing sex toys, or washing and covering them with a new condom before anyone else uses them;

If you're concerned that you may have an STI, get assistance from a sexual health center.

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