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Monday, September 27

Health Benefits of Bladderwrack

What is Bladderwrack?

Bladderwrack is a sea algae/seaweed that is found in the Atlantic and Baltic Seas. It can be consumed and is used as an iodine and mineral supplement all over the world. 

Characteristics of Bladderwrack

Fucus Vesiculosus is the Latin name for bladderwrack. It is also known as fucus, kelp, sea wrack, cutweed, rock wrack, and other names. Vitamin, mineral, lipid, amino acid, fibre, and carbohydrate contents differ depending on the time of year it is collected. For example, phlorotannins, which give the seaweed its brown colour and certain antioxidant qualities, are abundant in bladderwrack harvested throughout the summer months. Lipids, carotenoids, and chlorophyll levels are higher in bladderwrack algae harvested in the winter.

Because bladderwrack is easily harvested, it is a readily available food-as-medicine that is widely consumed in areas close to the Atlantic oceans. Seaweeds are an important element of many traditional diets and have a variety of uses.

Health Benefits Bladderwrack's

Phlorotannins found in bladderwrack have been shown to have antiviral, anticancer, antidiabetic, antiplatelet, and antioxidant properties. This seaweed also has a high concentration of minerals that are used to treat thyroid disorders. Bladderwrack also includes mucilaginous carbohydrates, which can help to nourish the skin and gastrointestinal tract.

1. Bladderwrack aids digestion

Bladderwrack contains from 4-59 per cent fibre, making it beneficial to digestion. It will help you meet your mineral and fibre goals while providing a salty, delicious crunch whether you eat it as a meal or seaweed snack.

2. The effect of Bladderwrack on the thyroid.

Bladderwrack is high in iodine, a mineral necessary for the production of thyroid hormone. Hypothyroidism and thyroid goitre is caused by iodine deficiency, and symptoms include tiredness, weight gain, hair loss, decreased metabolism and immunity, and more.

Iodine deficiency in the soil and native cuisine is prevalent in various parts of the world, and iodine supplementation is necessary to prevent and treat thyroid diseases. People who are iodine deficient may frequently restore normal thyroid function and correct the symptoms of goitre and hypothyroidism by taking a supplement containing natural or artificial forms of iodine.

Bladderwrack was used medicinally to cure many cases of hypothyroidism before the invention of current thyroid medications. Today, it may be used to replenish someone who is low in this mineral, but it must be taken with caution.

3. Skin Benefits of Bladderwrack

Bladderwrack is high in antioxidants, which protect the skin from the sun and environmental oxidative damage. Using a bladderwrack lotion or body butter helps nourish and protect your skin while you venture into the outdoors. Additionally, alginate in bladderwrack's aids in wound healing, thus it can be used to relieve itchy, irritated skin.

Bladderwrack has even been researched for its antibacterial properties, suggesting that this might help protect skin from infection. Bladderwrack may be found in a variety of products, including lotions, soaps, and body washes. It's a great, long-term method to use this medicinal herb in your daily routine.

How to Choose a Bladderwrack Supplement

Because not all seaweeds have the same amount of iodine, and because the amount of iodine in each batch of bladderwrack varies, using the supplementary or uncooked forms of bladderwrack as medicine might be problematic. Fortunately, the quantity of iodine in milligrams is listed on the label of many bladderwrack pills. If you want to utilize a supplement to replenish an iodine deficit, look for one that indicates the amount of iodine it contains.

It's important to note that you shouldn't assume you have an iodine shortage; instead, have your doctor test you for it and follow your levels as you recover. The easiest approach to check for iodine levels is to measure the quantity of iodine in your urine.

How Much Iodine Should You Take?

Iodine intake for adults should be between 100 and 300 micrograms per day. Taking too much of this might lead to health problems and aggravate hyperthyroidism. You might be deficient if you don't use iodized salt or consume seaweed or seafood on a regular basis. Request a blood test from your doctor, then develop a plan to satisfy your iodine requirements through a combination of food and supplements.

Precautions When Taking Bladderwrack Orally

Bladderwrack has anti-platelet properties, which can cause problems with blood clotting. If you use Warfarin or Coumadin, avoid bladderwrack since it will change the way these medications work and put you at risk for side effects. If you have hyperthyroidism, the iodine in bladderwrack can worsen your symptoms and interfere with your medicines, so avoid it. If you're going to have surgery, you should avoid bladderwrack for at least two weeks before the procedure to minimize severe bleeding.

As you can see, bladderwrack is a fantastic plant with a wide range of applications. Ask your doctor about the benefits of taking it as a supplement or try it in your skincare products.


Quote of the day

Please remember to bring it to the Lord in prayer. Melody Jacob
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