Friday, October 08, 2021

12 Health benefits of cinnamon

What is cinnamon?

Cinnamon is a popular household spice that has been used for millennia throughout the world. This spice, which was once traded as currency, has a pleasant flavor and a toasty aroma that makes it popular in cookery, particularly in baking and curries.

The spice is obtained by extracting the inner bark of a tiny evergreen tree. The bark is peeled and then dried in the sun, where it curls into cinnamon sticks. Additionally, cinnamon is available in powdered form.

Cinnamon is extracted from the Cinnamomum verum (or Cinnamomum zeylanicum) tree's bark. This bark includes a number of unique compounds that contribute to its numerous health benefits, including cinnamaldehyde, cinnamic acid, and cinnamate.

Types of cinnamon

Ceylon cinnamon, which comes from the Cinnamomum Zeylanicum plant in Sri Lanka, is the most common variety.

The other predominant variety is Cassia cinnamon, which has a stronger flavor and is slightly more affordable.

To maximize cinnamon's medicinal value and health benefits, regardless of its type, the critical factor is its freshness.

While some prefer the delicate sweetness of Ceylon cinnamon in desserts and the stronger flavor of Cassia cinnamon in savory dishes, the majority of commercial cinnamon is a blend of the two.

Cinnamon: How to store and use it

Cinnamon should be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry location. Whole cinnamon lasts about a year, but ground cinnamon begins to lose flavor after a few months. It's worth checking the use-by dates on cinnamon in your cupboards, as the fresher it is, the better.

Nutrition facts Information

A tablespoon (approximately eight grams) of ground cinnamon contains the following:

19 calories

6.2 grams carbohydrates

0.3 grams protein

0.2 grams fat

4.1 grams dietary fiber

1.4 milligrams manganese (68 percent DV)

77.7 milligrams calcium (8 percent DV)

0.6 milligrams iron (4 percent DV)

2.4 micrograms vitamin K (3 percent DV)

This common spice also contains a small amount of vitamin E, niacin, vitamin B6, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and copper, in addition to the nutrients listed above.

Side effects

Cinnamon is generally safe when used in moderation and can be consumed with little risk of side effects.

However, research indicates that excessive amounts of the spice — specifically cassia cinnamon — can cause a number of adverse symptoms. This is because of the presence of a substance called coumarin, which has been shown to cause liver damage in large doses.

Excessive amounts of this spice may result in symptoms such as difficulty breathing, mouth sores, low blood sugar, and liver damage. To maximize the potential health benefits, it is best to consume in moderation and combine with a healthy diet and an active lifestyle. 

What are the health benefits of cinnamon?

Maintains Blood Sugar Stability

Cinnamon is well-known for its anti-diabetes properties, which is why it is one of the best diabetic foods. It has been shown in research to lower blood sugar levels and increase sensitivity to the hormone insulin, which aids in the transit of sugar from the bloodstream to the tissues, so maintaining blood sugar balance.

Cinnamon for diabetes may help inhibit the activity of numerous digestive enzymes, so slowing the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream following a high-carbohydrate meal. As a result, researchers believe that supplementing with cinnamon extract may have a considerable favorable effect on blood sugar indicators in persons with type 2 diabetes.

Protects the Health of the Heart

Cinnamon's capacity to boost heart health is one of its top health advantages, according to studies. Indeed, it has been demonstrated to reduce several of the most prevalent risk factors for heart disease, including elevated cholesterol, elevated triglyceride levels, and hypertension, thereby keeping your heart healthy and robust.

Additionally, it has been shown to lower blood pressure, another risk factor for heart disease or stroke.

It acts as a beneficial blood coagulant, assisting the body in forming blood clots. Cinnamon also enhances circulation and tissue healing, which may be particularly beneficial when it comes to renewing heart tissue to aid in the fight against heart attacks, heart disease, and stroke.

Maintains Brain Function

Due to its antioxidant content, research indicates that this spice may enhance cognitive function and may help protect against the development of neurological illnesses such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.

While human studies are lacking, in vitro studies show that cinnamon can prevent the accumulation of a specific protein in the brain, hence lowering the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Additionally, it has been proven in animal models to protect neurons from oxidative stress, so reducing the risk of inflammation and cell damage, which can help retain brain function and prevent cognitive decline.

Assists in Reducing Allergy Symptoms

The numerous medicinal ingredients packed inside this spice may provide comfort to those suffering from allergies. Indeed, it may aid in the treatment of common allergy symptoms, as it has been found to decrease inflammation and inhibit histamine reactivity in a variety of animal models.

Defends Against Infections and Viruses

Cinnamon has a plethora of possible health benefits when it comes to fighting the body against illness. It is naturally antibacterial, antibiotic, antifungal, and antiviral, and its essential oils contain potent immune-stimulating chemicals.

As a result, it is utilized in a variety of cultures to naturally aid in the battle against dangerous illnesses and viruses. Cinnamon oil, in particular, has been shown to protect against bacterial infections, which can result in common colds, strep throat, and pneumonia.

Natural Preservative

Cinnamon powder contains compounds that has the ability to preserve food. Due to its antibacterial and antioxidant properties, research indicates that it can be utilized as a preservative in a variety of foods without the need of chemicals or artificial additives.

According to a recent study, when fruit pectin was coated with cinnamon leaf extract, it showed highest antioxidant and antibacterial activity and remained fresh for an extended period of time. Cinnamon has anti-tyrosinase properties, which are beneficial in preventing discoloration of fruits and vegetables as they oxidize and begin to rot.

Antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties

Cinnamon is also high in polyphenol antioxidants. Antioxidants, which are present in fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices, can help protect the body against disease.

May Assist in Reducing Cancer Risk

Cinnamon's antioxidant properties may help protect against DNA damage, cell mutation, and the formation of cancerous tumors. Cinnamon's health advantages are attributed to a compound called cinnamaldehyde, which has been shown to suppress tumor growth and protect DNA from damage while also destroying cancer cells.

This is particularly true when it comes to the colon. It has been shown in studies to promote colon health, perhaps lowering the risk of colon cancer.

Without Adding Sugar, Sweetens Recipes

Due to cinnamon's naturally sweet flavor, it can help you reduce the quantity of sugar you normally use, effectively lowering the glycemic load of your meal. It already has anti-diabetic properties that decrease sugar absorption and may help curb cravings by regulating blood sugar, but consuming it for its naturally sweet flavor adds additional advantage that may assist improve blood sugar control. It's an excellent sweetener for diabetics.

It contains no added sugar and has a low calorie count but is high in a variety of nutrients, making it a great addition to a variety of meals.

Instead of adding additional sugar to coffee, tea, baked goods, yogurt, fruit, or porridge, try using cinnamon. This can assist you in lowering your sugar intake and calorie intake to aid in weight loss and combat candida, diabetes, and low energy.

Improves Oral Hygiene

Cinnamon has been shown to improve oral hygiene and may protect against some germs that cause foul breath, tooth decay, cavities, and mouth infections. Cinnamon essential oils are antimicrobial and can be used to naturally treat bacteria in the mouth, acting as a natural mouthwash.

Prevents Candida

Cinnamon's potent antifungal effects may be beneficial in treating and preventing candida overgrowth in the digestive tract, according to research. It has been demonstrated to reduce harmful candida albicans levels, which are caused by the yeast that causes candida overgrowth and can result in a variety of digestive and immunological problems.

Another well-researched health advantage of cinnamon is that it aids with blood sugar regulation. A diet heavy in refined carbohydrates can raise blood sugar levels in the digestive tract and may be connected with an increased risk of candida infection.

Benefits for Skin Health

Cinnamon's possible skin advantages stem from its antibacterial and antimicrobial characteristics, which may aid in protecting the skin from irritation, rashes, allergic responses, and infection. According to one study, directly applying cinnamon essential oil to the skin may help reduce inflammation, edema, discomfort, and redness.

Cinnamon and honey, another antimicrobial component, work synergistically to enhance skin health and may be good for acne, rosacea, and skin allergies. To provide further skin comfort, you can add raw honey or Manuka honey.

Skin care products that contains cinnamon.



  1. I knew about some of the benefits of cinnamon but not all. I need to try to incorporate it more into my diet.

  2. Cinnamon and ginger are the two spices that I use in just about anything and everything for their health benefits - really useful post, thank you for sharing!

    Lisa |

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