Monday, October 25, 2021

This is why your pillowcase could be the cause of your acne.

 Pillowcase weekly  hygiene


Do you want to have flawless facial skin and glow? then you need to keep in mind that your beddings should be a very big part of your skincare routine. You buy the good products, spend lots of money and lay your head on a dirty pillowcase, well you aren't getting anywhere with that, which brings us to the big question could your pillowcase be a contributing reason to your acne?

And if you think washing your sheets once a week is excessive, wait till you hear how frequently you are supposed to wash pillowcases.

You should replace them around two to three times every week. When you go to bed, you contaminate your bed linens with dead skin cells (approximately 50 million per day), sweat, makeup, lotions, and hair, as well as anything else you've picked up throughout the day, from pollen and pet dander to fungal mold and dirt particles, as well as bacteria and viral particles. Dead skin cells and sweat provide food for dust mites, which attract them to your bed and aids in their proliferation. After feeding on all the awful things you brought into your bed, the dust mites poop, which is both disgusting and worsening allergies and asthma.

Do you know that purchasing beautiful colorful pillowcases can help give you the drive to change your pillowcases just as stated above? Let's give you a boost by guiding you to shop for cheap pillowcases that will not only improve your bedding hygiene but give your room a bright lift. White is always a go-to but try these colors.

We are keeping it under 20 euros 

Additionally, your perspiration and oils serve as a breeding environment for bacteria and yeast. This increases the risk of skin irritation and infection, and may also lead to acne breakouts in those with acne-prone skin.


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