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Sunday, November 14

How to Find Your Dream Career

Finding a Career path

When you were a child, your parents or other adults probably asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Perhaps you stated that you were a physician or an astronaut. Perhaps you stated that you were an actress, a lawyer, or a police officer. You fantasized with dreamy eyes about the day you would live in a mansion and enjoy every amenity. A job seemed impossible at the time, but now that the time has arrived for you to pick, your interests are likely to have shifted. Finding the proper job path for you can be challenging, but not impossible; thus, have an optimistic attitude!

Examining Your Aspirations

Consider what you would like to do professionally if money were not an issue. According to the eminent philosopher Alan Watts, the greatest approach to choosing what you should accomplish with your life is to ask oneself this critical question: "What would you do if money were no object?" What if you won the lotto and could spend your life whatever you pleased? The time it's understandable that you'd want to unwind for a while, you're bound to become bored. Therefore, what would you do to ensure that you are actually happy?
Perhaps you prefer working with children, producing art, or constructing things.

Dissect your dream job into its simplest components.

Break down any task or job you uncovered in the previous stage into its most fundamental components. How would you describe your job to a three-year-old?

What would you answer if that child asked you what was enjoyable about it or how it made someone feel when they performed it? These fundamental components comprise what you should seek in a career.

Consider what truly makes you happy.

Consider the fundamental components of that professional experience and choose which features entice you.

Recognize the factors that drew you to that career.
Do you find happiness in bringing joy to others? 
Are you more drawn to the art of performing and the process of creating a film?
This is something you can do for your current career as well, not simply a hypothetical dream job. Consider whether there is something specific about your current job that you do.
You may wish to take a personality test,  to ascertain which jobs fit your personality best.

Evaluate which jobs generate comparable emotions and experiences.

  • Look for occupations that elicit the emotions you desire from that employment. For instance, if you are a millionaire and prefer to travel, professions that match your experience include tour guide, international teacher, or flight attendant.
  • If you'd prefer to spend your days outdoors in nature, consider working as a geologist, lumberjack, wilderness guide, or park ranger.
  • Alternatively, you might pursue a career as a CTO if you choose to work in a technology-related field.

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of that professional path.

When considering these more reachable jobs, do your homework. Acquaint yourself with what life is like in that job line. You must be aware of the disadvantages of those jobs in order to make an informed choice.
Read articles or reviews written by people who do the occupations you're interested in to learn what they enjoy and dislike.
For instance, if a career you adore demands frequent travel but you have young children at home, this may be a disadvantage.

Consider your financial requirements.

 If you're in a career that truly fulfills you and makes you happy, making money from it won't matter. However, life is replete with responsibilities that extend beyond your satisfaction. If your chosen career does not provide enough income to support your family or pay off your college loans, you may need to explore alternative possibilities.
You should always prioritize occupations that give you similar sentiments to those that make you joyful.

Consider your strengths. 

Do you have a particular area in which you excel? Not simply something you do well, but something you do better than the majority of people you meet? This is something to consider when looking for work. You may not believe that you enjoy it that much, but the reality is that you rarely become proficient at something unless you enjoy it on some level. You may be able to commercialize your ability or perhaps specialize in an element of it that you adore.

Analyze your interests.

Numerous hobbies are monetizable. This frequently entails starting a small business and all of the associated problems, but you may end up with a career that you truly enjoy. Before you dismiss your pastime as something you could never earn money from, conduct some internet research. You may be pleasantly surprised.

Take a career assessment test online.

If you're truly lost and none of these strategies work, consider taking an online job exam or visiting a local career center for professional advice. While there are numerous free online exams available, many of the finest charge a small fee.
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