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Thursday, November 25

Smarter food shopping tips to enhance your health

Smarter food shopping tips

Nutritional health does not have to be costly. Indeed, the reverse is true. Some of the healthiest foods available at supermarkets are also some of the least expensive.

You don't need to spend a fortune to stock your refrigerator and pantry with the healthiest foods for regular meals, which will help you cut down on takeout and bad snacks. If nutritious foods are more readily available and ready to eat, you will consume more of them.

Thoughts on food

Healthy buying comes down to a few fundamental methods. Moore's advice for selecting the greatest foods at the best rates is shown below.

Create a plan. Make a list of everything you require, from the essentials to ingredients for specific dishes. Sticky notes to your refrigerator and jot down products you'll need during the week so you're not forced to create a comprehensive list all at once. Another alternative is to use your phone to take images of the inside of your refrigerator and pantry to use as a visual reference when you're at the grocery shop.

Each week, shop on the same day. A basic routine removes the need for additional store visits, which may encourage you to purchase items that weren't on your list.

Work your way around the perimeter. This is frequently where the most nutritious, least processed items, such as fresh vegetables, dairy, and frozen foods, may be found. However, this is dependent on the setup of the shop.

Develop the ability to compare prices. Whether your primary concern is sodium, fiber, sugar, or calories, reading and analyzing nutrition labels can assist you in making more informed choices. If you are trying to lose weight, be sure to pay attention to your calories.

Purchase in large quantities. Bulk or big containers of shelf-stable products such as grains, rice, almonds, and dry beans are less expensive. For example, a pound of rice may cost $1.60, but a 5-pound bag of rice may cost $4, or 80 cents per pound.

Purchase generic or store-brand products. These are less expensive in part because less money is spent on advertising and beautiful packaging.

Stock up on essentials

The following foods are nutritious, inexpensive, and highly flexible. Maintain a supply of them at all times.

Whole grains (brown rice, quinoa)
Canned tomatoes
Frozen berries
Canned beans
Nut butter (peanut, almond)
Canned tuna
Popcorn (no butter, no or low salt)

Don't squander your money

Many people waste money by failing to take adequate care of their fresh fruit and vegetables. Frequently, we forget about them in the refrigerator and they end up in the garbage — along with the money you spent," Moore explains. Here's how to prolong the life of these foods.

Know your fruits and vegetables. Certain fruits continue to ripen over time (this is referred to as climacteric ripening), whereas others do not continue to ripen after harvesting (called non-climacteric).

Guava, apples, apricots, peaches, avocados, pawpaw, cantaloupe, nectarines, pears, plums, bananas, and tomatoes are all climatic fruits. Keep these on the counter at room temperature until they achieve the desired level of ripeness, or refrigerate if not used immediately.  Climatic fruits such as Grapes, Bell peppers,, cherries, berries, citrus (lemons, limes, oranges, and grapefruit), cucumber, eggplant, and watermelon are all non-climacteric fruits. You may immediately refrigerate them to keep them fresh.

Prep your vegetables. Prepare vegetables as soon as possible after buying. They should be washed, chopped, and dried. Then store them in clearly labeled containers. The chance of forgetting about them increases if you immediately put them in the produce bins of your refrigerator.

Consider the frozen option over the fresh. For everyday basics, Moore recommends frozen versions, which are nutritionally equivalent to their fresh counterparts. It is advisable to stay away from brands that contain flavorings, sauces, or creams. Much frozen produce has a shelf life of several months to a year. Each package should be labeled with the date it was stored.

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Quote of the day

Please remember to bring it to the Lord in prayer. Melody Jacob
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