Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Moissanite wedding bands and couple rings

Are you planning a wedding in 2022? If you answered yes, you should consider getting a Moissanite ring. You might be wondering what to keep an eye out for. You're not alone with this. There are, however, a couple caveats to getting it correctly. Continue reading to find out what you should look for in a Moissanite engagement ring. 

Engagement rings

Moissanite engagement rings are becoming increasingly popular due to their beauty, affordability, and long-term durability. Moissanite is a silicon carbide-based diamond substitute. A diamond simulant is a stone that has a diamond-like look. As a result, the majority of moissanite on the market is created in a laboratory. In a lab, making a single moissanite stone can take up to two months. When it comes to choosing a Moissanite engagement ring, you can be sure that you and your partner will cherish your Moissanite couple rings for the rest of your lives. 

rings for married couples

Moissanite makes an excellent engagement ring. It's also ideal for promise rings, wedding bands, and anniversary bands. It's a long-lasting stone (9.25-9.5 on the Mohs scale of hardness) that will last for generations. Moissanite that is colorless or nearly colorless is considerably more expensive than typical Moissanite (the yellowish-green variety).

Because of the wide price range, looking for the correct Moissanite ring center stone might be a bit of a challenge. While choosing the center stone for your Moissanite engagement ring, choose a high-quality, colorless rock from a reputable shopping website for pieces of jewelry such as earrings, necklaces, watches, bracelets, and rings.

Moissanite wedding bands and couple rings

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