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Tuesday, February 1

Are some fruits more nutritious than others?

The difference between fruits

As with other foods, different fruits include a variety of nutrients. In general, whole fruits are high in fiber, whereas fruit juices are not. And a cup of fruit juice, even 100% fruit juice, contains far more sugar than a single piece or serving of real fruit. Additionally, whole fruits provide greater satiation than juices. When consuming the appropriate amount of fruit and vegetables, it is preferable to eat them whole rather than drink their juice. However, one should not completely avoid juice—if it is 100 per cent juice—but consumption should be limited to no more than 4 to 8 ounces per day.
The freezer department of the supermarket is frequently supplied with an array of frozen fruits. These are frequently already peeled and chopped (like mango), making them handier and frequently less expensive than fresh fruits. Frozen fruits are typically selected and quickly frozen near the point of harvest, which preserves the nutrients. Additionally, certain seasonal fruits, such as blueberries, are easily accessible frozen. The key to selecting is choosing unsweetened frozen fruits.
Numerous fruits are available dried, including raisins, apricots, and pineapple, to name a few. Additionally, they have high nutritional content, maintain their freshness for an extended period of time, are handy to carry, and are abundant in calories, making them a favorite of hikers and campers. Some, particularly mango and pineapple, are frequently sweetened throughout the drying process. Dried cranberries nearly always contain extra sugar due to their naturally sour flavour. Even without added sugar, the small size and sweetness make it fairly simple to consume a large quantity in one sitting, and the calories can soon pile up.
Sulfur dioxide is also used to maintain the freshness and color of some dried foods, such as raisins and apricots. While this is not a worry for the majority of people, certain individuals, particularly those with asthma, are sensitive. Because sulfur dioxide treatment is clearly labelled on the container, it is easy to avoid if necessary.

Consider purchasing organic.

We have a variety of organically and conventionally cultivated fruits to choose from, whether they are fresh, frozen, or dried. There is insufficient nutritional difference between the two to warrant choosing one over the other, yet consumers may prefer one over the other depending on growing practices and environmental impact. Although the United States has pesticide laws, some fruits have more residual pesticides than others. It is therefore always advisable to properly wash fruits before eating them.
Variations in nutritional value
Different fruits provide a variety of nutrients. Citrus fruits are a good source of vitamin C, and other fruits are also nutritious. A few examples are provided below.


Major functions

Good fruit sources


fluid and electrolyte balance, maintaining healthy blood pressure

oranges, raspberries, bananas, cherries, pomegranates, honeydew melons, avocados


formation of red blood cells, brain growth in children

dried apricots, raisins

vitamin C

maintaining a healthy immune system, wound healing, antioxidant

citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwi


DNA synthesis, formation of red blood cells, early neural tube development in the fetus

oranges, mangos, avocados

vitamin A

night vision, cell growth, immune function


Apart from the nutrients listed above, several fruits are also high in flavonoids. This is a wide category of compounds, some of which are powerful antioxidants that protect cells from oxidative damage and may help prevent certain diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Citrus fruits, in particular, are high in flavanones, while blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, and cherries are high in anthocyanidins.

Thus, which fruits should we consume?

As you can see, no single fruit has all of the nutrients, so eating a variety of fruits is critical for optimal health. Consider something fresh! The majority of adults should consume a variety of colours to the amount of roughly two cups every day. Give preference to whole fruits over juice. Consume seasonal produce to save money. Additionally, savor your fruits; eat them slowly and carefully to completely appreciate their aroma, texture, and flavor. Appetite!

Pexel photos

Quote of the day

Please remember to bring it to the Lord in prayer. Melody Jacob
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