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Monday, February 21

How to boost your child's immune system

Immune system booster for your child

As another school year begins under the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic, many parents are wondering what they can do to keep their children healthy. Is there a method to strengthen the immune system and protect against COVID-19 and other illnesses?

Yes, but there are no magic wands or pills. The greatest method to maintain a healthy immune system is to simply take the appropriate precautions. As tedious as that may sound, it is a tried and true method.

Here are some simple steps you can take to keep your children healthy this school year.

Provide them with healthy/nutritious food.

By "healthy," I mean a diet rich in fruits and vegetables (five servings a day are suggested, and they should constitute at least half of each meal plate), whole grains, and lean protein. Additionally, a balanced diet should include dairy or another source of calcium, as well as healthy fats such as vegetable oils.

Processed foods, foods with added sugar, and foods high in harmful fats, such as saturated fats found in animal products, should be avoided. That is not to say that your youngster will never be able to consume cookies or ice cream. However, if you want your child to be healthy, they should avoid eating certain things on a daily basis. (The Academy of Dietetics and Nutrition includes recipes for healthier baked products and other tips for improving your family's diet.)

Numerous supplements promise to strengthen your immune system. While the jury is still out on whether the majority of them actually work, none of them can replace a nutritious diet. If your child refuses veggies or has a restricted diet in general, a multivitamin with iron may be beneficial; consult your doctor to determine whether vitamins or supplements are appropriate for your child.

Ascertain that they have an adequate amount of sleep.

We all require sleep to rejuvenate and restore our bodies, including children. Sleep requirements for children vary by age (from 12 to 16 hours per day for infants to eight to ten hours per day for adolescents) and also differs with each child (some just need more than others). You may promote healthy sleep habits by limiting screen time — for teens, gadgets should be turned off an hour or two before bedtime and avoided in the bedroom at night — and maintaining a consistent routine.

Encourage them to  be active

Exercise keeps us healthy and makes us less prone to illness. Children should be physically engaged for at least an hour per day. "Active" does not have to entail participating in a sport or visiting a gym; it could just mean playing on a playground or taking a walk. More is not always better; if your child is a dedicated athlete who exercises several hours a day, ensure that the training is not interfering with sleep or producing burnout, both of which can result in immune system difficulties. In that vein.

Limit their stress

Stress impairs our health and makes us more susceptible to infection. Assure that children have playtime and access to activities and people that bring them joy (or whichever form of that is allowed during the pandemic ). Share moments together as a family and provide an opportunity for your children to discuss any concerns they may have. Many children have developed depression or anxiety as a result of the pandemic; therefore, if you have concerns about your child's moods or emotional health, speak with your doctor.

Ascertain that they  are immunized for their current age

Immunizations protect us against a wide variety of diseases. Consult your physician to determine whether your child is up to date on vaccines. The flu shot is recommended annually for everyone six months of age and older, but it will be especially critical this year: not only is the combination of influenza and COVID-19 alarming, but each cold symptom this winter means missed school or work while waiting for test results. Additionally, please vaccinate everyone in your household who is eligible for COVID-19; it is safe and effective in preventing serious disease.

Bear in mind the incredibly simple precautions

Every member of the family may assist with keeping themselves healthy by taking simple precautions. Hand-washing is recommended. With your elbow, cover your coughs and sneezes as they occur. Keep as far away from sick persons as possible. Masks can also be beneficial, particularly in congested indoor environments.

If your kid has a health concern that may make fighting off an illness more difficult, speak with your doctor about any additional or unusual precautions you should take.

Photo by Kindel Media from Pexels

Quote of the day

Please remember to bring it to the Lord in prayer. Melody Jacob
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