Eating a nutritious diet is important for treating and preventing heart disease. That is simple to comprehend, but sometimes difficult to implement. There is no such thing as a diet regimen that fits all, but there are 9 diet types. The American Heart Association changed its dietary advice for the first time in 15 years with this in mind. Rather than specifying dos and don'ts for individual nutrients (such as protein or fat), the new circulation guidelines (published online on Nov. 2, 2021) emphasize healthy eating patterns. As long as the following guidelines are followed, you can design a heart-healthy diet around your preferences and circumstances.
1. Keep a healthy balance of calorie consumption and physical activity.
Weight gain is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and eating more calories than you expend results in weight gain. Consult a dietitian to determine the number of calories you should consume based on your level of activity. It may just take a few minor adjustments to your diet to ensure that the calories you eat equal the calories you burn during activity. Perhaps you need to cut back on fast food in order to make room for healthy foods. Or perhaps your portions are overly large. For instance, a salad may contain a cup of beans when a quarter-cup would serve.
Include a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Consuming a rainbow of colourful fruits and vegetables (which are high in nutrients and numerous beneficial plant compounds) has been related to a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease and premature death, according to the guidelines. At a minimum, you should have five servings each day. The fruits you eat do not need to be fresh; they can be frozen or canned.
Choose foods and products that are high in whole grains. The recommendations emphasize the value of whole grains (such as whole-wheat bread or brown rice) over refined grains (such as white bread or white rice). This is because daily consumption of whole grains is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack, stroke, and diabetes. Maintain interest by experimenting with new whole grains, such as quinoa, buckwheat, or wild rice. They provide B vitamins and protein and are readily available in most grocery stores.
Find your total daily energy expenditure by using the Tdee calculator.
4. Choose lean proteins.

The guidelines recommend consuming a majority of your protein from plant sources, such as nuts or legumes (beans, lentils), combined with two to three servings of fish each week. They are all connected with a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease. And, while the issue is still debatable, the new guidelines advocate substituting low-fat dairy products (such as milk or yoghurt) for improved heart health. If you must consume meat or poultry, the guidelines recommend choosing low-fat cuts and avoiding all processed meats. What amount of protein do you require? Do not be concerned about reaching a specific figure; incorporate protein into every meal, whether it's in the form of beans, salmon, or low-fat cheese."
5. Use tropical oils

Instead of liquid plant oils. Using plant oils like olive, canola, or safflower oil instead of red meat and tropical oils like coconut oil or palm oil can help your heart.
This is not a license to smother foods in plant-based oils; oils are still fats, and fat contains twice the calories per gram as protein or carbs. The amount that is ideal for you is determined by your calorie goals.
Select foods that have been minimally processed. According to the guidelines, eating ultra-processed foods (high in salt, added sugar, fat, and preservatives) is associated with an increased risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and death from any cause. Therefore, avoid processed meats, frozen dinners, ready-made baked products, chips, and other processed foods as much as possible. Rather than that, choose whole foods that have not been processed or packed to withstand prolonged shelf life.
7. Limit your intake of sugary foods and beverages.
Sugary foods and drinks have been linked to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and weight gain for a long time, the guidelines say.
Scan Nutrition Facts labels for "added sugars" or check the ingredients list for added sugars (search for names such as glucose, dextrose, sucrose, corn syrup, honey, maple syrup, or concentrated fruit juice). In your diet, avoid them as much as possible.
Avoid using salt as much as you can, if possible do not use salt and if you must use salt use very little quantity. The guidelines warn that eating too much salt may elevate blood pressure, which is a risk factor for heart attack and stroke. Restaurant fare and processed cuisine are examples of foods that are too salty. However, salt is included in salad dressings and whole-wheat bread as well.
Read food labels carefully to verify sodium (salt) levels and keep your intake below 2,300 milligrams (mg) per day.
If you don't drink alcohol now, don't start. The guidelines warn that excessive alcohol consumption increases the risk of stroke and hazardous irregular heartbeats. Limit yourself to one drink per day as a woman, and two drinks per day as a man.
10. Follow these guidelines regardless of where you eat.
Adhere to the principles when eating meals in any setting. What happens if you're visiting a friend's house or restaurant? "While it is enjoyable, it is not the best for everyone. You must continue to monitor your portions. " Additionally, keep sauces to a minimum or request them on the side. They are frequently high in sodium, sugar, and fat. However, do not berate yourself if you occasionally violate the guidelines. Just improve your performance at your next meal. It's up to you to keep your heart safe. "
Get a free consultation from the Melody Jacob Health Team. Send us an email at if you have any questions. Thanks for reading.
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