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Sunday, March 27

The keys to digital leadership

The keys to digital leadership Digital Transformation Requires Effective Digital Leadership

Digital Transformation Requires Effective Digital Leadership

The Boston Consulting Group and Google have been collaborating on digital transformation since 2018. They recently started a study to find out why some businesses are able to get a lot of value out of digital solutions, but others aren't. They looked at the digital skills and maturity of 2,000 global businesses.
were able to identify digital leaders, or companies that were ahead of the curve, They all shared one quality: the ability to rapidly scale digital solutions. The ability to scale digital pilot initiatives elevates them from fascinating experiments into important value drivers. Companies that accomplish this sooner than their competitors gain a significant competitive edge.

By taking a closer look at these three critical aspects, we were able to discover three critical aspects that allowed these digital leaders to successfully scale their digital solutions.
Aligning the C-suite: Becoming a digital leader starts at the top. According to our findings, 72 percent of digital executives believe that constant C-level collaboration is critical. Companies succeed when digital transformation isn't only the duty of a single boss, but when the entire C-suite is on board with a shared vision.
Build capabilities: APIs and microservices have given more than 90% of digital executives the ability to integrate digital solutions into their tech stacks. A focus on efficient data-management methods prepares the way for a steady stream of high-quality data that teams can rely on.
Instead of thinking of digital transformation as a single project, digital innovators use an adaptable, always-on approach to improve and expand their trials as they show value, rather than thinking of it as a one-time project.
What was the most important thing to remember? Early adopters have reaped large benefits from digital transformation. If they are willing to adjust, all businesses can expect to gain similar benefits.

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