Monday, April 18, 2022

How can I protect and care for my knees?

Knee care is very important. It is critical to begin taking care of your knees early in life. The knee joint is one of the most important joints in the body since it allows you to walk, stand, and run while also bearing your body's weight. Many people encounter knee difficulties at some point in their lives, which are generally preventable because it is involved in so many actions and carries so much bodyweight.

Knee discomfort is a typical occurrence, particularly among elderly people. Your knees experience a great deal of wear and tear over time as you struggle against gravity to move and walk.

Along with the natural, unavoidable aging of the knee joints, other factors can predispose you to pain. osteoarthritis, a lot of weight, and not enough strength and flexibility can all cause or make it more difficult to move your knees.

The most prevalent type of arthritis is osteoarthritis. The cartilage that cushions the joints degrades in this degenerative illness, resulting in pain, immobility, stiffness, and swelling. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, osteoarthritis affects more than 32.5 million adults in the United States.

Injury to the knee, whether caused by past trauma or repetitive stress from kneeling, running, etc., can also result in acute, dull, recurring, or chronic pain. If left untreated, the damage might progress to osteoarthritis.

Excessive stress on weight-bearing joints, such as the knees, increases your risk of developing knee discomfort. The more weight you have, the faster your joints will break down. This increases your risk of developing osteoarthritis.

Similarly, weak or inflexible muscles place excessive strain on the joints. Without the strength and flexibility to support your whole range of motion, your knees are more likely to get hurt.

No matter your age, you can help protect the health of your knees by following certain lifestyle behaviours. Strengthen the muscles in your upper and lower legs. Consult your physician before beginning a new workout plan.

Concentrate on hamstrings, quadriceps, gluteus muscles, hip flexors, and psoas exercises.

Extend the same leg muscles to ensure your whole range of motion is supported. Include yoga in your stretching routine.

Maintain a healthy weight. Additional pounds place a tremendous strain on the knees. Even a ten-pound weight loss can have a significant impact.

To protect the cartilage in your knees, use low-impact workouts. In order to keep your knee cartilage healthy, you should do cardio activities like cycling on a properly-equipped bike or swimming in a pool.

Consult a physician immediately if you have a swollen knee. It could be a sign of damaged cartilage.

Take care when you play sports that require you to start, stop, or pivot quickly, like basketball or football.

Maintain daily activity. Physical activity can help reduce stiffness and muscle atrophy, and it can also help protect your knees from injury.

Alternate your exercise routines. Repetitive stress on the knees from certain movements can increase your risk of developing a knee condition.

Get a free consultation from the Melody Jacob Health Team. Send us an email at if you have any questions on how to care for your knees. Thanks for reading.

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