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Monday, April 18

How to keep your vagina clean and free of irritation

Vagina care to prevent irritation and infection

Infections and discomfort can be avoided by maintaining a healthy vulva and vagina. Changes in vaginal discharge that are unusual are a sign that there is a problem.

What are the benefits of vulvar and vaginal care?

Many women suffer from vaginal infections (vaginitis) at some point in their lives. The area around the vaginal (vulva) entrance can also become irritated. Some steps can be taken to relieve vulvar discomfort and prevent vaginal infections.

Some types of vaginal infections can be made worse by home treatments. If the problem persists, contact your healthcare provider if you have any concerns about your vulvar or vaginal health or notice unusual changes in vaginal discharge.

What exactly is the vulva?

The vulva is the area outside of the vagina where female sex organs are located. The labia are sensitive tissue folds found in these organs (labia means "lips"). There are two parts to the labia. The labia majora are the outermost folds. The labia minora, or second set of folds, is enclosed within the labia majora. The vulva also houses the pubic bone's mounded area (mons pubis), a small, round organ (clitoris), and the vaginal and urinary canal openings (urethra).

What exactly is the vaginal?

The female genitalia includes the vagina. It begins at the introitus, or inner part of the labia, and ends at the cervix, which is the opening of the uterus.

What causes vaginal infections?

When bacteria, fungi, or other organisms grow out of control, they cause vaginal infections. Some of these organisms already live in the vaginal canal and coexist with other organisms to maintain a healthy balance. Infectious organisms can also enter the vaginal canal through poor hygiene or unsafe sex.

What is vulvar care?

Keeping the vulva dry and free of irritants is the goal of vulvar care. You can avoid the vulva becoming red, swollen, and irritated this way. Because many infections are transmitted through the vaginal canal, these guidelines also serve as a foundation for good vaginal hygiene.

What are some vulvar care tips?

Wash the vulva in warm water. Using a clean towel, thoroughly dry the area. (If the vulva is extremely irritated, try drying it with a cool blow dryer.)

Vaginal discharge is a natural way for the vagina to cleanse itself. Do not use douches unless your doctor has prescribed them. These products have the potential to disrupt organisms' natural balance.
Wear only white underwear made of 100 per cent cotton. If you have sensitive skin or are prone to vulvar irritation, avoid wearing nylon, acetate, or other manmade fibres.

Thongs should be avoided.

After washing, rinse underclothes thoroughly or double-rinse. When it comes to laundry detergent, don't use too much.

Before wearing new underwear, make sure they're clean.

When washing underwear, use a mild soap (such as Woolite®). Fabric softeners (including dryer sheets) and enzyme-based detergents should be avoided (amylase, lipase, protease and cellulose).

Use soft toilet paper (white only).

To control menstrual bleeding, use tampons instead of sanitary napkins. (Deodorant tampons are not recommended.) To avoid toxic shock syndrome, do not leave tampons in for an extended period. Tampons should not be left in all night.

If your healthcare provider recommends it, take sitz baths daily.
Please don't scratch.

Wearing nylon pantyhose or panty girdles is not recommended. They trap heat and moisture, making them ideal for organisms to reproduce. Wear cotton or nylons with a cotton panty when nylons or leggings are required.

sanitary pads, feminine spray and deodorants, scented oils, bubble baths, bath oils, talc or powder are all products that can irritate the vulva.

Get a free consultation from the Melody Jacob Health Team, Send us an email at if you have any questions on how to maintain your vagina clean and free of irritation. Thanks for reading.

Quote of the day

Please remember to bring it to the Lord in prayer. Melody Jacob
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