Saturday, May 28, 2022

Practicing body neutrality while on the path to wellness

The majority of people desire to be energetic and to feel alive. Dr. John Travis developed a wellness spectrum in the 1970s, with illness on one end, a point of neutrality in the middle (when a person shows no signs or symptoms of disease), and wellness on the other.
Wellness refers to a condition of health and well-being that extends beyond the absence of illness. People in this state are confident, open to new challenges, curious, and eager to take action. They're doing well. Wellness seekers might want to climb a mountain, read a new book, learn to play a new instrument, or actively interact with new people.
Heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer are among the most common health problems that people face today. People who are suffering from these (and other) ailments are on the disease side of the spectrum. Smoking, alcohol substance use disorders, a lack of exercise, sleep deprivation, and a diet high in processed foods, sugar, saturated fat, and artificial flavours are all risk factors for developing these disorders. Another factor that can put you at risk for these disorders is your weight, especially if you carry additional weight around your waist.
Include more movement in your day; eat a whole-food (unprocessed), plant-based diet; avoid smoking; sleep seven to nine hours a night; practice stress-reduction techniques such as deep breathing, yoga, meditation, tai chi, and mindfulness; and spend time with family and friends to move toward the wellness side of the spectrum.

Consider what your body can do for you, as well as what you can do for it.

People of different sizes and shapes can be healthy and happy, especially if they have a calm mind that practices mindfulness, self-compassion, and a growth mentality. When healthy living choices are established and maintained, a body that is at the neutral point on the wellness spectrum can go to the side of thriving and flourishing, and this has nothing to do with the shape or size of your body.
The body neutrality movement stresses our bodies' extraordinary activities, movements, and physiology, regardless of how they seem. We have the ability to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel. We have the ability to leap, skip, sing, hug, and dance. Our muscles include mitochondria, which provide us with energy.
The digestive system is an example of the body's amazing processes. The digestive system is home to billions of bacteria that aid in the fermentation of fiber from vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, as well as the production of short-chain fatty acids that aid in energy metabolism, glucose metabolism, lipid metabolism, inflammation, immunity, and other functions. This is why fibre-rich foods such as whole grains, veggies, and fruits are so vital.
Our brains are connected to our bodies and contain neurons (brain cells), synapses (connections), neurochemicals, and hormones that help to protect and replace brain cells. Moving our bodies aids in the production of these substances. Moving our bodies on a regular basis also helps us to produce more serotonin, which can make us feel less nervous and depressed. Hugging raises oxytocin levels in the brain, which aids in feelings of belonging and bonding. The actions of the body have a big effect on the brain, and the brain has a big effect on the body.

Body positivity vs. body neutrality: what's the difference?

Body positivity is a movement that encourages people to accept themselves as they are, without comparing themselves to unattainable body ideals. Body positivity challenges society's unhealthy norms for body types and sizes. It's also important to note that cultural norms and what makes a good body change over time.
The purpose of body positivity is to respect and value all body types, including your own. It feels wonderful and can be powerful to be confident in your appearance.
The focus of body neutrality is on the function of your body: finding happiness and fulfilment, enjoying the strength of our muscles, the strength of our bones, the protection our skin provides, and the rewards of our brain's dopamine system. Healthy ways to approach your body include connecting with friends and family, setting small, meaningful goals, and engaging in physical activity. A focus on finding pleasure in the wellness path can benefit both your body and your brain, regardless of size.

Keep in mind all the things your body can do for you.

You will be transported from point A to point B (quickly or slowly).
pleasure-inducing neurochemicals, such as those released when hugging a loved one.
Move your arms and/or legs joyfully in time with the music's rhythm and beat.
To relax your mind, take a few deep breaths.
Stretches that release endorphins should be done.
Yoga, tai chi, or qigong are all good ways to relax the body and mind.
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