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Friday, June 10

Are you Struggling with migraine hangovers? Read this

Are you Struggling with migraine hangovers? Read this
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When a migraine's distinctive throbbing subsides, the relief is immense. But for many people who suffer from these potentially devastating headaches on a daily basis, their suffering does not end when the pain subsides. Instead, a unique phase of migraine known as the postdrome causes individuals to feel achy, exhausted, bewildered, and confused—symptoms that are strikingly similar to those of a whole different condition.

The "migraine hangover," dubbed the "migraine hangover," follows up to 80 per cent of migraine attacks, according to a study published in Neurology. Scientists are increasingly focusing on this hitherto under-recognized aspect of migraine.

Because patients are unaware that postdrome symptoms are a normal aspect of migraines, they come up with creative ways to describe them. They feel washed out, their skull feels hollow, or they feel like they have a hangover when they weren't drinking. Prior to recent years, science had not paid much attention to this aspect of the syndrome, but it is a natural step to focus on the whole problem.

The four migraine phases

The classic migraine is characterized by severe head pain, nausea, brain fog, and heightened sensitivity to light and sound, among other symptoms. About 16% of Americans get migraines, and women are nearly twice as likely as men to get them. Additionally, severe headaches are among the leading causes of emergency room visits.

Migraine headaches can contain four distinct phases, each with its own set of symptoms and lasting from hours to days. During the pre-pain prodrome and aura phases, you may see different things, feel more irritated, have trouble speaking, or feel numb and tingly. The headache itself can feel like a drill is working on your head.

The hangover is marked by persistent migraine symptoms. One to two days of postdrome symptoms may seem mild. But the persistent dizziness, tiredness, and stiff neck can be just as hard to deal with as the headache itself. is believed to work as a type of electrical storm that activates neurons in the brain. It has been suggested that a migraine hangover could be the result of "certain circuits becoming electrically or neurochemically fatigued." "It only takes time for the brain to return to normal function, or even replace certain depleted chemicals."

But much is still unclear about migraine postdrome, he adds, and studies have shown no consistent link between parameters such as the type of migraine medicine given and the duration of any following hangover.

Tips to alleviate a migraine headache

Following these actions on a regular basis may help you avoid persistent migraine symptoms:

  • Consume a lot of water.
  • By keeping normal eating and sleeping routines and reducing stress, you can prevent headaches.
  • If possible, after the headache pain has subsided, try to lighten your load for the next 24 hours.
  • Stop using pain medication as soon as the headache has subsided.
For migraine hangover patients who are so preoccupied with their inability to return to normal activities, even after the migraine pain has subsided, physicians may prescribe drugs generally used to treat memory loss, depression, or seizures. Even though they aren't the usual migraine treatments, some of these medicines have been shown to help with the postdrome syndrome and stop headaches.
"Think of the headache you just had as if you ran a marathon or participated in another stressful activity. Your body requires rest, which is distinct from remaining in bed with the lights off. Relax, yet maintain functionality. "

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Quote of the day

Please remember to bring it to the Lord in prayer. Melody Jacob
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