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Tuesday, August 9

9 Nutrients Important for Postnatal Health

What Are Postnatal Vitamins?

Supplements called postnatal vitamins are meant to help to breastfeed women take in the required amount of nutrients each day. Let's examine typical nutrients present in postnatal vitamins and how they help your development as a new mother as well as the development of your child.

Principal Ingredients in Postnatal Vitamins

Getting the right nutrients is crucial for mothers both during and after pregnancy. While postnatal vitamins give you the micronutrients you need after giving birth, prenatal vitamins are taken during pregnancy. The major nutrients in postnatal vitamins are shown below.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

For a healthy brain, eye, and nerve cell development in developing infants, omega-3 fatty acids are essential, particularly the longer chain DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) found in fish or algal oils. There is some evidence that taking fish oil supplements can also help with mood and stress management after giving birth.


An essential vitamin for a healthy infant's brain and memory development is choline. Choline requirements rise during pregnancy and are greatest for breastfeeding mothers. Additionally, choline helps maintain digestive and immunological health in pregnant women.

Eggs, organ meat, caviar, salmon, shitake mushrooms, and soybeans are among the foods high in choline. A postnatal vitamin containing choline is a good substitute if some of these items are a little too exotic for you to regularly eat.

For the first year after giving birth, lactating moms are advised to take 550 mg of choline daily.

Due to blood loss after childbirth, iron levels can drop. Iron is a crucial mineral for breastfeeding mothers to restore for both themselves and their children.

Iron helps your baby's thyroid function develop properly. To generate haemoglobin, a protein that delivers oxygen to your red blood cells, your body needs iron. You can get iron deficiency anaemia if your haemoglobin is low due to low iron levels. You experience fatigue and poor energy when you have anaemia, which can influence your mood and make it more difficult to form a bond with your child. Additionally, you can become more agitated and more prone to postpartum depression.

Cereal with iron added, lentils, lima beans, oysters, and chicken liver are a few examples of foods high in iron. A good source of iron is a postnatal vitamin.

Vitamin B12 
Vitamin B12 should be present in the postnatal vitamin you select because it is crucial for your baby's healthy brain development. B12 also aids in the creation of DNA, energy production, and red blood cell development. Babies that are vitamin B12 deficient are more likely to experience developmental delays as well as failure to thrive. Infants with a B12 deficiency may exhibit abnormal movements, a delayed social grin, eyelid twitching, and uncontrollable muscle contractions.

Beef, liver, chicken, tuna, salmon, dairy products, and eggs are among the foods high in B12. It's best to take a high-quality postnatal vitamin with B12 supplements.

Vitamin A
If you are nursing, the National Institutes of Health advise taking 1,200–1,300 mcg of vitamin A daily.

An essential ingredient for postpartum tissue repair is vitamin A. Additionally, it aids with the growth of your child's bones, eyes, heart, and lungs. The development of the respiratory, neurological, and cardiovascular systems depends heavily on vitamin A.

Vitamin A
is also necessary for a healthy immune system and to keep your eyes from deteriorating with age.

Retinol is a form of vitamin A, as are provitamin A carotenoids like beta-carotene.

Leafy greens, cantaloupe, mango, milk, eggs, tomato, and grapefruit are among the foods high in vitamin A.

Because retinol is a fat-soluble vitamin, taking too much of it can lead to harmful buildup in the body. Provitamin A carotenoids are not hazardous because if the body has enough of them, it will stop converting them to vitamin A. Abdominal pain, vomiting, agitation, and lethargy are signs of vitamin A intoxication. Fontanelles can enlarge in infants who have vitamin A poisoning. A good postnatal vitamin should ensure that you don't get too much vitamin A while yet providing enough for both you and your unborn child.

Vitamin D
The body needs vitamin D for several functions, including healthy immunological function. Sunlight acting on the skin can help to produce vitamin D. It helps the brain and nerves as well as the immune systems of both you and your infant. Vitamin D levels that are enough help lower the risk of anxiety and postpartum depression.

High levels of vitamin D3 are present in fatty fish like mackerel and salmon. Oranges, sardines, spinach, kale, fortified milk, orange juice, and beef liver are additional foods high in vitamin D.

According to research, women who breastfeed have a higher chance of not getting enough vitamin D. Taking the right postnatal vitamin supplements can significantly lower your risk.

Moringa Leaf 
Since ancient times, breastfeeding women have employed natural galactagogues—substances that encourage or increase the flow of a mother's milk—to support milk production.

Protein, calcium, iron, zinc, potassium, and vitamins A, B, C, and E are all abundant in moringa leaves. The United Nations advises moringa for both expectant mothers and nursing mothers. This nutrient powerhouse may offer anti-ageing benefits in addition to replacing lost nutrients that are reduced during pregnancy.

Supporting the health of hair follicles is a specific additional advantage for women after delivery. Following pregnancy, many women experience hair loss, which can be very upsetting following the significant hair growth that can occur due to high hormone levels during pregnancy. The minerals in moringa are beneficial for postpartum hair follicle strength.

Moringa leaf will be put on the ingredient label of a postnatal vitamin that has been thoughtfully created.

 Lutein A recent study demonstrates that breastfeeding mothers who use lutein supplements successfully increase the lutein levels in the foetus as well.

Children's brain and eye health are supported by lutein. Additionally, it helps mom's eye health and is a potent antioxidant, shielding your body from disease-causing free radicals.

Adults' learning, memory, visual processing, verbal fluency, and problem-solving abilities may all be enhanced by a diet high in lutein. The neonatal brain has a high lutein content, which suggests that lutein is necessary for brain development.

Kale, spinach, romaine lettuce, corn, bell peppers, pistachios, and parsley are lutein-rich foods.

Lutein will be a component of high-quality postnatal vitamins.

Vitamin E The fat-soluble vitamin E is essential for healthy eyes and a strong immune system. Vitamin E is good for your baby's health since it supports healthy skin and the proper operation of the body's organs.

Additionally, vitamin E is a potent antioxidant. Strong antioxidant activity may be able to postpone or stop the onset of chronic diseases linked to free radicals.

Reduced immunological function, ataxia (lack of bodily mobility), peripheral neuropathy (numbness, tingling, and weakness, usually in the hands and feet), and damage to the retina that can impair vision are all indications of vitamin E insufficiency (retinopathy). Overconsumption of vitamin E can cause toxicity due to its fat-soluble nature, which can cause excessive bleeding.

Wheat germ oil, sunflower seeds, almonds, peanuts, collard greens, pumpkin, and red bell pepper are a few foods that are good sources of vitamin E.

A suitable postnatal supplement will contain the recommended daily intake of vitamin E for lactating women.

Postnatal Vitamins: A Comprehensive Review
The main components you should search for in a high-quality postnatal vitamin are choline, moringa leaf, lutein, iron, and nutrients from postnatal vitamins including Vitamins A, B12, D, and E. Vitamin K, riboflavin, biotin, iodine, selenium, copper, manganese, and molybdenum are other substances to watch out for.

After giving birth, your main priority should be to look after both you and your child. The top priorities for self-care and infant care while breastfeeding should be eating the correct kinds of nutrient-dense foods and taking good postnatal vitamins.

Before using any supplement, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or have any underlying medical issues, see your doctor.

Mother caring forher child

Photo by Варвара Курочкина from Pexels

Quote of the day

Please remember to bring it to the Lord in prayer. Melody Jacob
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