Sunday, July 24, 2022

World Drowning Prevention Day 2022

The 25th of July is World Drowning Prevention Day, as designated by the April 2021 UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/75/273 "Global drowning prevention."

This global advocacy event provides an opportunity to highlight the devastating and deep effects of drowning on families and communities, as well as to provide life-saving solutions to avoid it. Annually, an estimated 236,000 individuals drown, and drowning is one of the ten top causes of mortality for children and adolescents aged 1 to 24. More than ninety per cent of deaths from drowning occur in rivers, lakes, wells, and domestic water storage vessels in low- and middle-income countries, with rural children and adolescents, disproportionately affected.

Governments, UN agencies, civil society organizations, the commercial sector, academic institutions, and individuals are all encouraged to observe World Drowning Prevention Day by emphasizing the need for immediate, coordinated, multi-sectoral action on proven measures such as:

Erecting barriers Controlling water access

Providing pre-school children with safe spaces away from water, such as creches, and competent child care.

Instruction in swimming, water safety, and rescue techniques

Training bystanders in rescue and resuscitation in a safe environment and enforcing acceptable boating, shipping, and ferry laws enhance flood risk management. 

The new resolution of the United Nations General Assembly requested WHO to coordinate efforts to avoid drowning within the UN system. In this role, WHO coordinates the preparations for World Drowning Prevention Day by organizing a global launch event, creating associated advocacy materials, and supporting national and local activities in nations and communities worldwide. Regarding the latter, some groups may desire to participate in "Going Blue for World Drowning Prevention Day" as a unique event. The concept is basic. Local organizations collaborate with local authorities to illuminate one or more prominent landmarks in blue light on the evening of July 25. The URL to this page can be sent to local authorities in order for them to comprehend the global context surrounding drowning and its prevention, as well as utilize the advocacy tools created for the occasion to promote what they are doing and encourage their networks to do the same.

WHO encourages using the hashtag #DrowningPrevention on social media, particularly on World Drowning Prevention Day.

Photo by Arun Kr:
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