Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Taking a shower during a storm is not a good idea.

You shouldn't hide under a tree, use electronics, or stand near a window during a storm, among other things. If you've ever heard that you shouldn't take a shower during a storm because the lightning could give you an electric shock, you might have rolled your eyes.

But it turns out that this is not a lie. Even though it doesn't happen often, it has happened.

Jeffrey Peters, the Severe Weather Program Coordinator for the National Weather Service (NWS) and an expert on lightning safety, says that if people in a home along the path of the lightning use the plumbing or water, they are taking a lightning safety risk.

But how can lightning energy get into your house? And if taking a shower is bad, what about washing dishes, and hands, or going to the bathroom?

We asked people who know a lot about lightning what you should not do. We're happy with any reason not to do the dishes.

Can lightning go through water? 
Yes, and that's why lifeguards always tell you to get out of the pool when they hear thunder.

Randy Adkins, a meteorologist in AccuWeather's forecasting department, says that pure water is not a good conductor of electricity. "But none of the water we drink is pure," he says. "It has minerals that have been dissolved in it, and it is these minerals that carry electricity."

Brits are using this trick to almost heat their homes for free. 
Brits use this trick to heat their homes for almost nothing. 
Our homes' pipes also make it dangerous to use water inside during a storm.

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