Monday, January 30, 2023

Still feeling the January blues? Here’s how to boost your mental wellbeing through to spring

Looking after your health is one of the most important investments of your time. In the midst of the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, staying positive can feel tricky – and many Brits have been struggling with money worries on top of existing mental health issues. In fact, at least one in six people report having a mental health problem each week in England.

While it’s always best to seek professional advice if you’ve been struggling for a while, there are numerous proactive steps that could help you feel a little bit better on a day-to-day basis. From raking a gentle stroll to spending quality time with friends, small things can make a big difference.

How to improve and maintain your mental health

Look after your physical health first
Though it might be tricky to muster the motivation to exercise, there’s plenty of evidence to prove that moving your body carries an immense range of benefits for your overall well-being.

If you’ve been unfortunate enough to have an accident, it’s important to give your body the time and rest it needs to recover from a personal injury of any type.

Surround yourself with loved 
you’re feeling low, it can be tempting to isolate yourself from others until you’re feeling better. However, this could actually be counter-intuitive and make you feel lethargic, lonely, and hopeless.

Even if it feels more difficult, always try to seek the company of those close to you. And even if you’re in a good place with your mental health, a sense of closeness and community is imperative to your overall well-being.

Spend more time outside in nature 
With homeworking becoming more and more prevalent, many workers in the UK are spending most of their time indoors. But being outdoors has been shown to reduce stress, heart rate, and blood pressure, all while lifting your mood too. Furthermore, the NHS recommends exercise for depression, ordinarily as an early intervention before the need for medication arises.

Check (and fix) your vitamin D levels
Taking vitamin D supplements won’t be a quick fix for your mental health. However, particularly during winter, lack of exposure to sunlight can cause vitamin D levels to fall below healthy levels. If this deficiency occurs, you might feel weaker and slightly more tired than usual. This vitamin is crucial for bone and cardiovascular health and for growing strong muscles too.

Seek professional help
Lastly, if you’re struggling with anxiety or depression or you feel like you’re losing control over your thoughts, it could be time to speak to a therapist. Individual circumstances are always challenging in different ways, but in any case, a therapist could help you to process any recent stressful events.

Therapists specialize in different areas and approach their work differently. Your treatment will depend on your health and circumstances, but you should be able to access helpful, life-affirming treatments like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and counseling.
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