Monday, February 06, 2023

How to style cargo pants and a puffy jacket

It is another beautiful Monday morning, and a girl decided to wear her Femme Luxe cargo pants and puffy jacket in order to look simple and stylish. I've always admired cargo pants from afar but never seriously considered buying a pair myself since they first became popular or started trending. I thought I'd give them a try and see how they looked. Mind you, this jacket is warm and suits the winter season.


While getting ready for work this morning, the locksmiths arrived at my house right before I left for work, fixed the lock, and installed a second lock. Yesterday morning, as I was trying to unwind, I heard my intercom ring so I got up to answer, and being that I was expecting a package, I assumed it was my package. However, when I waited to see who it was, no one picked up the phone. A few seconds later, I opened my door to find that someone had tried to break into my apartment, which I think happened the night before, and the person wanted to find out if there was anyone in the house before trying to break in again. It was hostile and unsettling, but I called the apartment manager, and they said someone would be out this morning to fix the lock and add an additional lock and also advised that the incident be reported to the police.

Law enforcement is looking into the situation. I can't shake the feeling that this person is following me around, trying to figure out when there are people in the apartment and when the door is closed and locked. Amazingly, I learned yesterday that theft is on the rise in Glasgow. I'm on high alert, and I'm going to be even quieter in my apartment in case this person tries to break in again so I can call the police immediately. Have you ever been in a situation like this before, and how did you handle it?

Outfit details:

Stone Button-Up Double Pocket Cargo Trousers - Laya.

Black Hooded Drawstring Cropped Puffer Jacket - Stacey.

You can also check out other products such as White Dresses, Black Dresses,
and Denim Shorts.



  1. OMG that sounds terrible, stay safe.

    Loved how you styled these cargo pants .

    1. Oh my gosh, it really made me so angry but I am fine now. Thnak you Nina.

  2. Yes! This look is everything. I love the jacket - so chic!!


  3. Beautiful look and photos!

    Kisses ;*

  4. Wow, that's crazy about your lock and such. Feeling safe is so key to being happy.
    I do love this top with the cargo pants. It's a great dichotomy,

    1. Oh dear, I hope the issue is fixed as soon as possible. Thank you so much.

  5. I love how you styled these pants, which, by the way, are gorgeous! The photos look really fun.
    Três de Dezembro

  6. That is so scary! Be extra vigilant and stay safe! Love this entire look! Those cargo pants are so cute on you!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. Oh dear, i got locks installed and I am so careful. So sad what the world becoming. Thank you so much.

  7. Oh wow, that is horrible. My apartment was broken into when I lived in Seattle. I have heard bad things about Glasgow. I had a friend there that lived there for years she has Irish and American citizenship. She left as she could not deal with all the crime. And I knew another person from Ireland that lived in NY and got married and moved to Glasgow and same thing after a few years left and moved back to NY as could not deal with all the crime. I hope the double locks help and they do not come back. But on the upside you look GREAT!

    Allie of

    1. Oh no, that's terrible. To be honest, I never expected things to be this bad, and I'm considering leaving. I hope these crimes are investigated and people can feel safe again. Thank you very much for your warm words. Have a wonderful week.

  8. I think you are doing the right thing by being vigilant and taking precautions. As the saying goes: it's better be safe then sorry. Love your street lux outfit, Melody. Anna

    1. Thank you, Anna. I am being so careful and hope everything is sorted out as soon as possible. Thank you so much.

  9. That's terrifying to hear, be cautious about your environment when stepping out to work for grocery and so on. Hoping the police gets to the root of it. By the way loving the entire outfit.

    The Style Fanatic

  10. Thanks for sharing such a great idea! Looking forward for the next post.

    Tips to Upgrade Your Summer Wardrobe

  11. Nice outfit! Thanks for sharing.
    I invite you to visit my last post. Have a good week!

  12. Love how you styled these cargo pants!

  13. Love this edgy look! That puffer jacket is great with that top (that looks SO great on you BTW!) and the looser fit cargo pants!


  14. A super stylish way to wear cargos!!!

  15. I love how you put together this look, Melody! And I am SO sorry you had to experience this, I would also have been so scared and just on edge not knowing what's going on. Hopefully since the person didn't get in, maybe they moved onto to somewhere else, especially now that your landlord was able to get your locks taken care of. Ugh, it's horrible we have to worry about such things!! Praying for you, friend!

    Make Life Marvelous

    1. Oh, Ashley, you are so thoughtful and kind with your words. The thought of the worst-case scenario made me anxious. The authorities will deal with this in the right way, and I have faith that God will not allow this to happen. There shouldn't be any reason to second-guess leaving the comfort of our own homes. I am extremely cautious and will remain so.

      Thank you so much. Have a lovely week.

  16. Replies
    1. I will be sharing another cargo pant; I am still trying this trend out. Thank you so much.

  17. Oh Melody, that’s so scary. I am glad you got the extra locks. And you managed to look fabulous in spite of it! These cargo pants are really cute.


  18. This looks so good on you! I am obsessed with that jacket. And those trainers are amazing. This is a fun and comfy look but you still keep the chicness.

  19. Hi!
    Really like the look, the jacket looks so comfy!

  20. Thanks for visit my blog.
    Nice style!
    Greetings from Poland!

  21. Thank you for linking up with the Ageless Style gals and me. I am so sorry about your attempted break-in. So scary. Hope by now the landlord has repaired the existing lock and added a second one. You might invest in a 'beware of dog' sign, too.

    Your cargo pants are perfection. They should be your go-to look!! And that puffer frames your pretty face so well. Just the perfect amount of skin peeking out on that cute top. Head to toe, you look a-mazing.

  22. Love the outfit, siple but effective!
    Also hope you are doing okay, sounds like a scary situation, but at least the apartment management has helped with changing and adding locks!
    Aimsy xoxo
    Aimsy’s Antics

  23. Well if they were after your wardrobe that may have been a compliment? I'm joking... not trying to say it's not serious. That would certainly have me worried. I've seen a fake security cam that you can put up to deter thieves. Not sure if they work.

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