Friday, June 23, 2023

How friendships can help you stay socially active


One of the biggest health problems older people face is loneliness. More social interaction is the best way to be more social, which is the best method for overcoming loneliness. Being more socially active is made simpler by retaining and making new acquaintances, as friendships frequently entail engaging in activities alone or with others. Read how to communicate with your friends.

Friendship-free zone
Compared to women, men experience more difficulty making and keeping friends as they get older. The issue is that many men find lifelong companions through activities they have in common, such as sports, the military, and employment. "A man's circle of friends gets smaller as those sources are eliminated over time—through retirement, life changes, and death."

Replicating circumstances and environments that encourage male bonding is the best strategy for establishing friends and preserving current relationships, he continues. For instance:

Learn about group dynamics. Consider joining a walking group, a golf or bowling league, a card, book, or chess club, or a continuing education course at an adult education facility. Or invite an existing friend to join you so you both can add more people to your friend list. It is frequently simpler to communicate with others who share your passions, so find something you enjoy, and chances are there are others who share your interest.

Don't forget to give yourself adequate time so you can develop relationships with others. If a connection isn't felt right away, don't give up. Friendships often take six months to a year of consistent contact to develop. Try a different league or team with a comparable focus if you simply don't appear to be making progress. You'll eventually meet friends who share your interests.

Plan to spend time together. If you already have friends but don't see them often, take the initiative and plan get-togethers at a specific time. It saves everyone from having to reach out constantly, and most men respond favourably to routine and scheduled events. Pick a certain day, time, and location for coffee or lunch; ideally, it should be a venue that promotes easy conversation. In order to ease everyone into the new adventure without making them feel overwhelmed, start with a weekly or every other-week plan.

Start a project. Starting a group project is another way to stay in touch with existing friends and make new ones.

Practise "weak ties"
Weak ties—causes and rare interactions—can also aid in a person's social growth. "Even if it's only for a short while, engaging in quick discussions and small talk with a stranger or store employee at a coffee shop or grocery store can stimulate your mind.



  1. Having the right social life is so important for an healthy life!
    Very useful tips!

  2. Freunde sind wirklich wichtig, man merkt es erst, wenn es hart auf hart kommt. LG Romy

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