Saturday, June 24, 2023

Iconic London US – Makeup Brands: What to consider when choosing products

The makeup that you use can make the world of difference to your look. Different makeup products have different ingredients and consistencies, all which impact the way they apply and stay in place. Though, with tens of thousands of makeup products out there on the market, choosing the right ones can be easier said than done! With this guide on what to consider when choosing products from makeup brands, we hope to elevate your makeup collection, and your final look!

Skin tone 

Broadly speaking, there are three different skin tones that people have – fair, medium and dark. But, within these skin tones, are countless different undertones, which are the more muted colours beneath the skin, and are separated into the categories of cool, warm and neutral. Therefore, when choosing makeup products like your foundation, concealer, blush and contour, it’s important to think about your skin tone and, more specifically, your skin undertones. This will ensure a seamless blend between the makeup on your face, and the natural tone of your body.

Skin type 

Not only is it important for you to know your skin tone, but you should figure out your skin type! Skin can be normal, oily, dry or a combination of two or all of these things! Your skin type directly determines the kind of makeup products you use. Foundation is a useful example, here. Normal skin types can handle any kind of foundation – powder, liquid or cushion/mousse. Oily skin tends to benefit from powder foundations the most, as these provide a matte finish. On the contrary, dry skin would prefer tinted moisturisers, as these products seal hydration into the skin! And, for makeup lovers with combination skin, liquid foundations with a dusting of powder are a safer bet. 

Eye Colour

Interestingly, your eye colour can also shape the makeup products you choose. This is especially true when it comes to your eyeshadow and eyeliner! In general, although all eye colours are unique in some way, most can be grouped into different colours of brown, blue, hazel or green. It’s important to bear your eye colour in mind, because certain shades of eyeshadow and eyeliner can brighten your eyes the best. Brown eyes work well with blues, purples and metallic shades like copper or gold. Blue eyes suit dark bronzes, oranges and deeper tones. Green eyes appreciate a number of eyeshadow and eyeliner shades – smoky grey, plum, violet and beige included. And, for hazel eyes, purples, yellows and greens also work well. 

A brand’s ethos 

A brand isn’t only great for the quality of its makeup, but the ethos that its products are founded upon. For example, some brands – like ICONIC LONDON – are certified as cruelty- free, which means that no animals are harmed when making their makeup products. For customers nowadays, where much more emphasis is rightfully placed on protecting our environment and the life in it, a brand’s ethos is a major factor to consider when choosing products to add to your current collection.

What to consider when  choosing products
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