Lifestyle Blogger

Thursday, October 5

Who will be affected by the UK smoking ban?

According to Rishi Sunak, the UK will soon implement a smoking ban that will raise the legal smoking age by one year yearly, making it illegal for a 14-year-old to purchase cigarettes.

During his speech to the Conservative Party conference in Manchester, the prime minister said that the government will be introducing a plan to phase out the sale of cigarettes for the next generation. This would be a significant step forward for the UK's overall health.

In addition, the PM promised to take stronger action against youngsters being sold disposable vapes, stating that more needs to be done to limit access to those under the age of 18.

During his address, Mr. Sunak stated that four out of five people who smoke began before the age of twenty. Most of them attempt to stop smoking later on, but many of them fail because they are addicted and regret starting the habit in the first place.

"We would be close to eradicating the leading cause of avoidable illness and death in our nation if we could interrupt that loop and halt the beginning.

"I suggest that going forward, the smoking age be raised yearly by one year. This implies that a 14-year-old can grow up smoke-free and that they will never be able to lawfully purchase cigarettes.

After the prime minister's statement, let's examine the British smoking regulations as they stand now and potential changes:

What are the UK's current smoking regulations?

In the UK, the legal age to purchase tobacco goods, including cigarettes, has been raised to 18 years old from 16 years old in 2007 by the previous Labour government.

In July 2007, smoking was outlawed nationwide in most businesses, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, and work cars.

In the UK, you have to be at least 18 years old to purchase and use a vape pen. Currently, there are no national laws or limitations prohibiting vaping in public places, and unless a business has explicitly banned it, using one indoors is usually acceptable.
The plan, which would essentially outlaw smoking, is anticipated to be structured similarly to the policies put in place in New Zealand last December, which forbade the sale of tobacco to anybody who was born on or after January 1, 2009.

The changes entail raising the smoking age gradually and prohibiting future generations from ever purchasing cigarettes.

It is anticipated that the UK will also raise the legal smoking age annually by outlawing the sale of tobacco products to anybody born after a specific date, though specific plans are still unknown. By 2027, if the UK puts the regulations into effect, no one younger than 14 will be allowed to purchase cigarettes.

Mr. Sunak stated to the Conservative Party conference that smokers will still be able to smoke and that a vote on the legislation in parliament would be a “matter of conscience” without the use of party whips.

It is also anticipated that single-use vapes will be prohibited due to worries that they were being "marketed towards children."

"As any parent or teacher knows, one of the most worrying trends right now is the rise in vaping among children – one in five have used vapes," the prime minister said at the Tory conference. Before it becomes endemic, we must take action.

Keep reading here.



  1. I think the age should be higher personally! Like 16 or even 18!

    Curated by Jennifer

  2. Hi,
    In Portugal some restrictive laws been aproved. It's a war againts smokers. I did smoke for 4 years it's a terrible addict. Great post!

    1. Smoking is terrible and needs to stop.

  3. In my opinion smoking should became harder and harder to do (and maybe even more and more expensive),so that people would be descouraged even just on trying it!
    At the end you can do whatever you want with your life but I don't wanna breath your dirt!

  4. Fumar es perjudicial a cualquier edad, pero es peor cuanto más joven es la persona. Por lo visto el vapeo tampoco es inocuo.

    1. You are right. Vaping is the new madness and it is annoying seeing young peple vape as a life necessity.

  5. I'd love to see smoking outlawed.

  6. I don't smoke so wouldn't bother me

  7. I think it's a good rule, smoking causes a lot of damage to our body. Have a nice weekend dear.

    1. Ad it is not just about the smokers but also the secondary smokers too.

  8. En mi opinión Melody, el problema no es la edad si no más bien que hay una educación desde base para garantizar que fumar o vaporizar es dañino. Luego si unos países u otros fijan la edad de 18 años o inferior, ellos sabrán lo que hacen. De cualquier manera cuanto más se prohibe más consumo hay de las consumas. Hay pruebas más que evidentes porque siempre hay intereses creados, sobre todo en estos niveles.
    Se está apreciando que vaporizar según ciertas sustancias es peor que la nicotina de fumar. Pero más allá de que sanidad y educación deben ir unidas hay que acostumbrarse a buscar otras alternativas. parece como si una persona no fuma no puede estar en sociedad con los demás y esa es la gran equivocación. Personalmente uno cuando es mayor de edad puede hacer lo que considere oportuno, pero luego que no se queje de que su vida se ve reducida en longevidad. Más hoy día si no es tabaco hay muchas otras sustancias que matan muy rápidamente como ciertas drogas que hay. Siempre es cuestión de ser fuerte y saber decir que no a las cosas. Y para ello se necesita no solo educación sino también ayuda mental o automotivación, así como crear o jugar a ciertos juegos de aire y no encerrarse en las casas con PC o televisiones. Resumiendo es cuestión de humanidad y no de consumo por consumo. Más esto se aprende con las vicisitudes de la vida.
    Gracias por pasar por blog y dejar el enlace para poder llegar hasta aquí. Saludos y que tengas un fin de semana estupendo.

    1. Oh dear, you have said it all. Thank you for leaving this informative comment.

  9. Es una buena norma. Te mando un beso.

  10. I don't smoke, never have but hubby does and I have siblings who smoke or vape it isn't a good habit

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