Lifestyle Blogger

Monday, January 8

Organizing and implementing intergenerational contact interventions

This is a new report from the World Health Organization. 

It points directly while also discussing how to break the cycle of intergenerational adversity using a public health approach from Cambridge Public Health’s recent showcase.

Connecting Generations: Planning and Implementing Interventions for Intergenerational Contact builds on the evidence of 2021’s Global Report on Ageism in its conviction to show ageism the door.

Ageism has long involved thinking, feeling, and acting based on stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination toward people based on their age. The report points out that ageism is widespread, subtle, often unnoticed, unchecked, and sometimes loud. It also uncovered the significant effect it has on people's health throughout their lives.

These effects also extend to the younger generation as well, because ageism is more common in healthcare, housing associations, and employment and has been frequently linked to mental health decline.

since ageism is more common in the fields of employment, health, and housing and is frequently linked to worse physical and mental health, increased social isolation, and loneliness in older adults. The effect of ageism is even worse when it coexists with racism, sexism, or ableism.

The report is a good resource for public health researchers because it outlines a systematic approach for planning, preparing, and evaluating intergenerational projects. It provides a step-by-step guide but also shows the potential for additional benefits through fostering meaningful relationships across different age groups.

This aligns well with the efforts of CPH's Life-Course and Aging team and their ongoing social return on investment project within age-friendly communities.

The interventions that are suggested create intergenerational programs that lead to long-lasting, community-driven intergenerational contact, and they are affordable and simple to put into practice. Its branch, which offers instructions on organizing and facilitating 40 intergenerational activities that have been proven effective by seasoned practitioners, is especially helpful.

The report did not hide from reporting the limitations of current research either. Most of it has only been done on a small scale by a small group of people rather than a broader population. This has limited the conclusion from a broader perspective.

The report has also recommended, in different social and physical environments and with participants in other demographic groups and socioeconomic characteristics, including the influence of different intergenerational interactions.

The study showed an intelligent response to age stereotypes, alongside policy, law, educational intervention, and effective strategy.


  1. Es muy interesante. Te mando un beso.

  2. It sounds like an interesting study and report! thanks for sharing!

  3. Dear Melody, I read this article with great interest. I would like nothing to divide us, humans,. After all, whether young or old, we are all human beings and we all want to live with dignity.

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