Saturday, August 31, 2024

Eating a diet high in salt is linked to a higher incidence of eczema

Diets high in sodium are linked to higher risks for a number of illnesses, including high blood pressure, renal disease, heart attacks, strokes, and more. Furthermore, a study that was published online in JAMA Dermatology on June 5, 2024, indicates that consuming a diet high in salt may also raise the chance of exacerbating eczema, a common form of atopic dermatitis that is characterized by rashes and dry, itchy skin. Researchers examined the medical records of almost 215,000 participants (aged 37 to 73) who had each provided a urine sample. The average amount of sodium taken in the previous 24 hours was determined to be 3 grams when scientists examined the sodium levels in the urine samples.There was an 11% increase in the likelihood of developing eczema, a 16% increase in the likelihood of a flare-up, and an 11% increase in the likelihood of a severe case for every extra gram of excreted salt over the average. The study did not show that consuming sodium causes eczema, even though it did find a link. Nonetheless, a number of compelling studies have demonstrated the connection between elevated salt consumption and various health issues. Therefore, if you are consuming more sodium than the recommended daily allowance of 2,300 mg, or roughly 2.3 grams, it would not harm to reduce your intake.



  1. Salt is never good for us, I also read somewhere that our breathing, or our diaphragm not being well positioned causes eczema and that we need to squat more because when squatting it gets into the right position and breathing well influences your whole immune system.

  2. I try to use as little salt as possible when I cook. If I buy ready-made food, it contains far too much salt. It's a problem for people's health.

  3. When I started on my wellness journey, I was shocked when reading food labels. I quit buying anything with high sodium or high sugar and try to buy very little processed food.

    Oddly, the only family members I know with eczema have been those ages birth to 3 years old. Hopefully, they will outgrow it.

  4. I tried to avoid using salt as little as possible, and have been doing so for years, but it's always goods to get a reminder of the health risks involved! xxx

  5. Thank you =) It was a really delicious week. I think the one from Düsseldorf comes in about 2 weeks. You're welcome <3

    Sounds really interesting. I love salt so it's hard to use less salt xD
    I wish you a happy weekend too

  6. Yes, high salt intake is linked with many illnesses.

  7. Zu viel Salz ist nicht gut. Aber so ist es eigentlich mit allem, was wir im Übermaß verzehren.
    Vielen Dank für Deinen netten Kommentar zur Linkparty!
    Liebe Grüße

  8. ...salt and sugar are in most prepared foods!

  9. This is interesting and good to keep in mind. Thanks for sharing it, Melody.

  10. Thank for sharing, Melody. I always try to eat less salt and sugar.

  11. As is so often the case, the dose makes the poison.

  12. There are so many illness nowadays related to processed foods.

  13. Very interesting post. I really try to avoid salt, but it's dificult to me, as I like salty food.


  14. This is such an informative post! I need to be better with reducing my sodium intake. Thank you for the reminder <3
    the creation of beauty is art.


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