Lifestyle Blogger

Friday, September 20

How to make swallowing medication easier

Some people who can swallow food and liquid without difficulty struggle with tablets. If you're having difficulties getting the medicine down, try one of these solutions.
Use a bottle. Fill up a plastic water or soda bottle with water. Place the pill on your tongue and firmly shut your lips around the bottle opening. Take a drink, keeping the bottle in contact with your lips and sucking to take the water and medication. Do not let air into the bottle.

Tuck your head. Place the pill on your tongue. Take a drink of water and keep it in your mouth. Lower your chin towards your chest. Swallow the tablet and water with your head bent.

Make the pill look like something else. Put it in something that can be taken without chewing, like applesauce, yogurt, or a fruit or vegetable purée.

Modify the medication. Check with your pharmacist to see whether the tablet may be ground or broken into smaller bits that can be mixed with food to make swallowing easier. (This is not an option for coated pills, time-release formulations, combination drugs, or capsules, which are designed to be eaten whole.)

Try a different format. Consult your doctor to see if the drug can be taken as a drink, a topical treatment (such as a cream or patch), or an injection.

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1 comment

  1. I haven't problems with tablets but is true a lot of people have, soyour tips are very helpful!!!


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Please remember to bring it to the Lord in prayer. Melody Jacob
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