Tuesday, October 29, 2024

The most thoughtful Christmas gifts you can give this holiday season.

In the UK, there have been news reports of individuals relying on food banks, and the economy appears to be stagnating at the moment. With Christmas around the corner, we need to give thoughtful gifts that reflect the times and the world we currently live in. Given the hardships many countries are currently experiencing, providing meaningful gifts should go beyond simply listing typical Christmas gifts like scented candles and flowers, among other items we often associate with the holiday.

If you're looking for a meaningful gift guide to give to someone this holiday season, continue reading.

Food basket. 

People are hungry. You see that friend or neighbor who keeps smiling like all is well—gift them a food basket. Forget the mugs and Christmas cards; buy a variety of food items, wrap them, and send it over. If you know where homeless people stay, you don’t always have to donate to a charity; you can buy a fruit basket or a basket with food items and go to the street to give it out.  I cannot tell you how appreciated it will be when you do that. Although the person may not express it outwardly, I assure you that people truly need food.

Last month, on David Oyedepo's birthday, the founder of the Living Faith Church Worldwide, he chose to give birthday gifts to all church members around the world. He distributed two packets of medium-packaged rice, a carton of indomie noodles, and frying oil to all church members worldwide. When the church presented me with these gifts, I already had them at home. When I used the ones gifted by the church after my own ran out, I felt a deep sense of gratitude for their generosity.

Massage and spa gift cards. 

The stress we have all experienced is beyond what words may express, so when considering a Primark or H&M gift card as a Christmas gift, keep in mind that a massage at the spa would be more helpful and beneficial to that person's well-being.

Fuel gift card.

My reason for adding fuel is that gasoline is one of the most scarce or expensive commodities in many countries. In countries such as Nigeria, the president is treating the economy as a personal asset, opting to refine crude abroad despite having local refineries, all to profit for himself and his family. This situation is common in various countries, leading to increasing fuel prices. Instead of purchasing a Christmas card for that friend with a car, consider giving them a fuel gift card. Alternatively, surprise them by taking them to a fuel station and covering the cost of their fuel as a thoughtful Christmas gift.

Pay a rent. 

Many families and individuals are experiencing difficulties in meeting their house rent or mortgage payments this year. Instead of buying expensive home equipment for Christmas, why not give them an envelope with the money? If you're looking to buy an iPhone, upgraded earpods, a laptop, or a gift to impress, keep in mind that they already own a phone. This money in cash will go a long way. They can use it for other needs besides rent.

Appreciation call.

Many people long for what I refer to as an appreciation call from friends, family, or loved ones, but they rarely receive it due to our tendency to overlook the efforts our close ones put into our lives. Call someone if you don't have a physical Christmas gift and tell them how much you appreciate them, how important their efforts have been in your life, and how they've helped you through giving, mental health, or other challenges. Let them know that you appreciate them, remember their beneficial works, and make them feel seen and honored. You never know who is fighting a silent battle, but you can give them hope that they are still adding value to lives and will continue to push forward. You can also mentally give Christmas gifts.

Preach the gospel. 

As a Christian, one of the best gifts I can give anyone around me is telling them about Jesus. Many of us tend to shy away from talking about our religion to our friends, even though we respect their privacy. However, some of us have never tried to preach to them. If they decline to listen, then that is fine. As a Christian, the Great Commission is part of the instructions Jesus gave to us, and I believe that after this life comes judgment. I want to meet my friends in heaven. Whatever you believe, and if you think it is the light, preaching to a friend might just lead them on the right path and change their lives forever. Remember, this costs nothing but your heart.

Travel ticket.

Many students have been abroad for the longest time, and, let me say, many people have been working abroad for a while, wishing they could spend the special moment of Christmas with their loved ones. However, due to financial constraints, they are unable to do so. Do you know a family member or friend who frequently mentions relatives who reside in a different country and wish to visit them? If you want to present them with a gift, consider giving them an open ticket to that country or location. One thing I have come to understand is that people tend to hide their struggles and just put on a cheerful face, especially in this social media era where appearance only counts for some people.

Personal care products.

To ensure survival, most people have reduced the quality of the products they purchase. Gifting personal care products, like quality creams, bath gels, and soaps in bulk, can cut down on cost. One thing I've noticed about personal care products in the UK is that they may appear inexpensive, but with the constant addition of cents at the end of every item cost, the final bill of these items is expensive.

Water purification filters or tablets.

I myself buy water a lot, so if someone gifts me packs of water, I will appreciate it more than a mug because I have mugs at home, spoon sets, plates, etc., that we always gift repeatedly. Water purification filters help filter tap water. There is no country with excellent tap water, so filtering the water is a way of staying healthy for those who cannot afford to buy drinking water every week or in bulk. Be practical when you want to give. Ask yourself how this gift will be impactful in this person's life. Until that gift comes from a place of care, not a ritual, you have not yet fulfilled a need.

Solar heater or fan.

The bills for heating are making my head spin. If you live in a cold country, consider a solar heater, and if you live in a hot country, consider a solar cooling fan as a wonderful gift. This is a game changer and will cut costs for the person or family. Giving your friends a Netflix gift card as a Christmas gift is thoughtful, but you know what's even better? A solar heater or cooling fan.

Warming blankets.

I appreciate their practicality and constant necessity. I use a heated blanket, and the warm feeling of lying on a heated bed when the weather is cold is so comforting. When you give this gift, you are not only cutting costs but also bringing warmth to someone. Before you start ordering personalized cards, check the price of heated blankets.

First aid kit.

Having a first aid kit can be beneficial, particularly in countries like America where medical bills are significantly high. Giving someone a first aid kit with a guide enables them to take the necessary steps when first aid is required. We don't pray for anything undesirable to happen, but believe me, this is a thoughtful gift.

Gym subscription.

You know how many friends and family members are becoming overweight and keep procrastinating about getting fit due to work or financial reasons. You can get them a gym membership to encourage them to start prioritizing fitness and taking their health more seriously. To make this gift even more impactful, consider pairing the gym subscription with the Transform Your Life in 12 Weeks: The 12 Weeks to a Better You' Program. This program can provide them with a structured plan and motivation to reach their fitness goals, helping them truly transform their lives over the course of three months.

Meal subcription.

Food subscriptions are now a thing. You can subscribe to lunch meals from services like HelloFresh and the likes and get fresh food items delivered to your doorstep. This is also a thoughtful gift. Forget the wine and get them a food subscription package.

Remember that if you have the ability to give more, don't hesitate; you can add one or two gift items to the above lists. Remember, “Give, and it shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over.

Being Santa Clause is a matter of being watchful and thoughtful with your gifts.

I want every piece of content on this blog to count. If it is not meaningful or adding to humanity, then I won’t share it. What are your views, and which gift from the list are you considering? And if you have any thoughtful suggestions, let me know in the comment section below.

Photo by Nicole Michalou


  1. Great gift ideas for sure, there are a few people that we especially try to help all year long but I am sure there are many more that could use an extra lift this time of year!

    1. Thank you! It’s so heartwarming to hear about your year-round generosity. The holidays are indeed a perfect time to reach even more people who could use a bit of extra cheer. Sometimes, even the smallest thoughtful gestures can mean so much!

  2. We absolutely all need to think about those in need during the holidays instead of wasting the money on silly things which is opposite of what Christmas should be about, isn't it?

    1. Exactly! The holidays are a beautiful reminder to shift our focus toward kindness and generosity. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the commercial side of Christmas, but giving with purpose truly captures the spirit of the season. Have you found any favorite ways to make a meaningful impact during the holidays?

  3. Nesse mundo que cada vez mais louco está, pessoas que umas nada tem e outras, que esbanjam demais, eu prefiro na hora de presentear, dar coisas significatic=vas para cada um!
    Lembrancinhas ,das que pensamos realmente na pessoa e nã apenas comprar algo, emrulhar e printo! Gostei das sugestões! beijos, tudo de bom,chica

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, chica! I couldn’t agree more – meaningful gifts truly stand out, especially in a world that feels increasingly fast-paced and materialistic. Putting real thought into each gift, choosing something that resonates with the person, makes it all so much more special. I'm so glad you liked the suggestions!

  4. Boa lista, sem dúvida.

    Inconcebível que existam pessoas passando fome numa Humanidade que gasta milhões para ir até Marte a fim de saber o que lá existe...

    Abraço, boa semana .

    1. Thank you so much for reading and for your thoughtful comment. I totally agree—it’s incredible, isn’t it? The contrast between the massive amounts we spend on exploring space and the fact that so many still struggle to have enough to eat is hard to wrap my head around sometimes. Just goes to show how much we still need to work on our priorities here on Earth.

      Sending hugs back to you, and wishing you a wonderful week as well!

  5. Witaj 🙂
    To naprawdę świetny przewodnik po prezentach. Na wiele pomysłów sama bym nie wpadła, jak np.bon na paliwo czy subskrybowanie żywności. To są naprawdę doskonałe i wartościowego pomysły. Z pewnością będą bardziej cieszyły niż kolejna świeca czy bluzka. My z córciami przyłączamy się do każdej akcji ze zbiórka żywności. Czy to w szkole czy w parafii czy organizowanej przez banki żywności. Myślę że pełny brzuch dla potrzebującego to najlepszy prezent, nie tylko na Gwiazdkę.
    Serdecznie pozdrawiam Monika 🙂

    1. I love that you and your daughters participate in food drives! Giving back is such a wonderful way to spread joy, especially during the holiday season. A full belly really does make a difference, and it’s inspiring to see families like yours making an impact.

  6. ...I have asked my my family for no gifts this, but I would welcome their help!

    1. That’s such a thoughtful approach! Asking for help instead of gifts can really shift the focus to creating memories together.

  7. I like massage and spa gift cards and my family too.

  8. What wonderful gift ideas! Someone who has everything will not complain, and someone who lacks will be very happy!

  9. Olá Jacob,
    Magníficas ideias para presentear os amigos e família!
    na quadra festiva que se aproxima.
    Muito obrigada por partilhar tão vasta gama de ideias.

  10. Jaki ciekawy przewodnik po prezentach. Super pomysły.

  11. Melody, your words are very wise, thoughtful and good!!! We really live in not easy times. Times are very difficult and we should all realize that!!!
    Melody, not more than an hour ago I saw on TV a commercial for a chain store-supermarket. The commercial encouraged people to buy Christmas gifts - for example: LEGO bricks, Barbie, perfumes, watches and similar things.
    Melody, I salute you!

    1. I completely understand the mixed feelings about holiday shopping, especially when there are so many ads pushing material gifts. It can be overwhelming! That’s why I believe focusing on meaningful gifts, experiences, or giving back can make such a positive impact.

  12. Jacob, estou encantada com as suas sugestões de presentes de Natal pois demonstra o quando o seu coração é generoso.
    Dar alimentos, nestes tempos tão complexos, realmente é a saída para matar a fome de quem necessita...O Natal não é consumismo desenfreado, é a oportunidade de ajudar quem precisa, de quem está passando necessidade.
    Agradeço por compartilhar ideias tão profundas para acalentar o coração de alguém!
    Beijos e uma especial semana querida!!

    1. You’re absolutely right—this season should be about spreading kindness and warmth rather than just consumerism. Every little bit counts, and it’s heartwarming to see so many people come together to make a difference.

  13. Such a great ideas for gifts, much better than scented candles or mugs. Spa gift card sounds absolutely wonderful.
    Happy new week!

    1. Much better! We can do without scented candles, but food is a necessity.

  14. Lovely ideas! It's not about the quantity but the quality! All the gifts you mentioned seem so thoughtful and just warm! ♥️

  15. Buenos consejos para regalar. Te mando un beso.

  16. These are fantastic gift ideas! This year, I am going to gift one fun and unnecessary item and then also gift something practical, like a fuel gift card or a gift card for the grocery store. I know every little bit counts and it's a good idea to keep that in mind. Thank you <3
    the creation of beauty is art.

    1. I love your approach to gifting! Combining a fun, unnecessary item with something practical is a great way to balance joy and utility.

  17. I think this is a great list, as well as very original. Christmas is a time when we can show love and solidarity towards others.

  18. the main idea is empathy: to give her/him something she/he really wants, really needs...
    the best regards :)

  19. I love research gift ideas and your are very nice, from some year I tend to do Christmas gifts that are helpful and useful...for example last year I gifted2friendsofminenthat love reading a warm pile blanket with a a package of delicious cookies and a packet of tea....They lloved the gift. All your tips are good!!!

    1. Thanks for sharing! It sounds like you put a lot of thought into your gifts, which is awesome! That cozy blanket, cookies, and tea combo is such a winner—who wouldn’t love that? I’m always on the lookout for useful gift ideas too, so I appreciate your input! Do you have any ideas brewing for this year’s gifts?

  20. These are brilliant ideas. The older we get, the harder it is to find things for people. We already have more than we need. I don't need another cute thing and the things I do need I would never expect someone to give me (new windows?!). I'm asking Rick not for a thing but some time around the house to fix a leaky toilet, better secure the dishwasher to the counter, paint a spot on the ceiling that was repaired earlier in the year, that kind of thing. He would do it anyway (eventually!) but that's all I need! For most of my friends with whom I still exchange, we've decided (locally) to stop the gift (unless a wee token) and have a lovely dinner out or a day-experience (out of town to a museum, for example). Or, give things one can eat or use up. Nothing that takes shelf space!

    1. I totally get where you’re coming from! It can be really tough to find gifts that feel meaningful when we already have so much. I love your idea of asking for help with projects around the house—that’s such a practical and thoughtful request! Sometimes the best gifts are the ones that make our lives a little easier. And I think it’s great that you and your friends are shifting towards experiences or consumable gifts. Sharing a meal or an adventure sounds way more enjoyable than accumulating more stuff. Plus, it creates memories that last longer than any object!

  21. Bom dia, Melody
    Bela postagem, o Natal é uma época maravilhosa, pois comemora-se o nascimento de Jesus Cristo, o nosso lindo Salvador. Ótimas opções de presentes, dar uma cesta de alimentos é bom demais e também falar do evangelho de Cristo é bênção, Ele transforma vidas, um forte abraço.

  22. Fantastic and useful tips ❤️
    Just like I did last year, I'm thinking giving for Christmas, food baskets and personal care products.
    Greetings and hugs from,

    1. Thanks so much, Maria! I’m really glad you found the tips helpful! Food baskets and personal care products are such thoughtful gifts—everyone appreciates a little pampering and delicious treats.

  23. I love the idea of giving gifts that aren't things since we all seem to end up with "things" we either don't want, don't like, or are not sure where to put. Well I shouldn't say we all, because I guess if someone tries to be thoughtful, this doesn't happen. What's on your list this year?

    1. I totally agree! Gifts that aren't just "things" can make such a difference. Experiences or thoughtful gestures really show you care, and they tend to create lasting memories instead of clutter.

      On a more personal note, my wish list includes some heartfelt wishes too. I hope that God takes away any person causing me pain, and I wish to see my parents in good health next year. And honestly, I’d prefer money gifts over items since it gives me the freedom to use it how I need.

  24. Boa noite de sábado, querida amiga Melody!
    Adorei tudo aqui, sobretudo as cestas de alimentação.
    Natal não é ostentação.
    Tenha um final de semana abençoado!

  25. Melody, these are good ideas. I especially like the one about meal subscriptions. What a great idea for an elderly person or a student. Or a busy mom!

    Thank you for your kind comment over on my blog. :)

    1. I mean studentd and elderly people will benefit from healthy meal subscription.

  26. Good ideas! It's really important to choose useful gifts, rather than just buying silly things.


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