Lifestyle Blogger

Friday, October 25

When Silence Isn't Golden: The Social Media Trap of Judging Relationships by One-Sided Narratives

Let me explain further. Essentially, some couples create content together and share aspects of their lives on various social platforms. Most of them have amassed a large following and enjoy widespread adoration, despite the presence of people who do not like them. When a problem arises in their relationship or marriage and they decide to split, people notice and begin to ask questions, which is normal given that they share their lives on social media. Sometimes they choose to remain silent, but occasionally one party may decide to speak out. The internet often assumes the person who speaks out is the one with the problem, which isn't always true.

There are various levels of wickedness and manipulation, and a person's silence does not necessarily indicate their innocence or goodness. Silence is golden, but not in all cases. The same world that says silence is golden also says a closed mouth is a closed destiny. Some people feel so hurt that they need to speak out, while others are able to remain silent, heal, or carry the pain all their lives. There is no rule stating that the person who remains silent has fewer problems.

Social media has pushed this narrative for a long time, and I just felt the need to write about it. Some manipulations are nonverbal explanations and require physical presence to fully comprehend, as not all injuries result in visible bruises. Some come with silence and disrespect.

Some individuals who have experienced significant hurt in their relationships find it challenging to discuss their experiences, as others either cannot relate or tend to downplay them. This is why some people choose to remain silent. While silence is golden, never think that the person who speaks out is the problem. This could potentially be the beginning of their journey toward healing and releasing that burden. This could also serve as a path to liberation, symbolizing the conclusion of an unwanted phase in their lives. Remember, you didn't witness the beginning and process of any story on social media before you supported it.

Why did I write this post? I shared this post as a response to a couple on Instagram who had been creating amusing videos together but abruptly stopped and ended their relationship. One person spoke about the situation online, while the other has moved on and chosen to get married again within a year. However, some have suggested that her decision to open up about her marriage online and her partner's choice to remain silent indicate that he is mature and not the problem, a notion that may not always hold true.

I wonder if people realize that the person who truly knows a partner is often not their family or friends, but rather the woman or man they are in a relationship with or married to. It's mind-boggling how social media establishes unrealistic expectations, leading to superficial judgments and assumptions about people's knowledge of situations they are unfamiliar with. This can be more or less than you perceive, so always keep in mind that you don't know these people. You are just a viewer.

What do you think about this narrative?

1 comment

  1. This is so true! It's wild how social media makes us think we know everything about a couple just from a few cute pics. Like, you never really know what someone's going through behind the scenes. Silence doesn't mean they're okay, and speaking out doesn't make them the bad guy. Thanks for sharing this perspective! x

    Lenne |


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