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Saturday, October 19

The ultimate bleisure travel guide

What is bleisure travel?

The term "bleisure" combines the meanings of "business" and "leisure" in a single word. Bleisure travel combines business with leisure, as the term suggests. Recent years have seen more businesses and vacationers do this.

With the globe getting more and more turbulent, business travelers are finding ways to balance their work and personal lives while abroad. They like walking tours, hiking, beach days, and relaxing in the hotel spa, among other activities.

While there are a variety of approaches to vacation travel, the most common ones involve adding on extra days to the beginning or end of the trip or bringing along loved ones to squeeze in some quality time between work and other obligations. We think that if business travelers are happy, they will be more productive, and the organization will get a better return on investment.

What are the benefits, for a business traveler, of combining work and pleasure?
As a result of the coronavirus, many organizations have adapted to a hybrid setup. In general, a flexible work environment has several benefits; however, there are many perks for bleisure travelers in particular:

  • Crossing time zones: Working remotely from a foreign nation is a common perk of business travel. The traveler can adjust to the time zone and perform at peak efficiency if they give themselves more time at the beginning of the trip.
  • Reduced tension: Combining work with enjoyable or personal pursuits can fundamentally improve work-life balance. The traveler may feel less anxious and have a better time as a result.
  • Job satisfaction—If workers believe their employers value them, they may be more motivated to put in extra effort, which can lead to greater satisfaction with their work after the trip.
  • Reducing emissions: When workers have pleasure in leisure travel, they might not feel the need to take that additional vacation later in the year. This not only saves them time and money, but it also reduces their carbon footprint because they may not have to fly as much.
What ways might bleisure trips for your staff help your business?
Making vacation travel choices available to employees might boost job satisfaction and deter them from seeking out other opportunities.

Raising morale and team spirit—Letting employees take a break and recharge on a vacation excursion ensures they'll be ready to tackle the day when they return to work!

Offering bleisure travel as an incentive to current employees is a fantastic way to keep them motivated, but it may also bring in fresh talent for your firm.

The likelihood of a rise in earnings is directly proportional to the level of productivity inside an organization.

Customer Retention—Encouraging staff to work remotely isn't always a picnic, particularly when they have responsibilities back home. However, letting your staff combine it with a vacation may encourage them to take it and return when needed.

Does bleisure travel provide any difficulties?
  • Trust is an essential component of any kind of business travel, and visibility is key. Even when the person is working abroad, you still want them to produce a fantastic job for the firm, just like when they are at home.
  • Expense management: It is critical to know who is responsible for paying for what and how. While there is no universally accepted method, it is usual practice for employers to pay for employees' airfare and expenses on work days, while the employee is responsible for paying any expenses associated with their vacation.
  • Establishing lines of contact for the business traveler to use for check-ins is essential. Be careful not to micromanage or overly supervise the employee; there has to be a fine line between checking in and doing too much.

5 things to keep in mind when organizing a getaway trip for your employee
Assess the level of danger. If they intend to travel to areas considered particularly dangerous, you may choose to prohibit them from taking any extended vacation. To find out more about where your employees can travel safely, you should visit your country's official website.

While bleisure is fun, your staff shouldn't let it take precedence over their job. For instance, you might advise them not to drink too much the night before the weeklong conference begins if they arrive a day or two early. In the end, this journey is all about business.

Clearly defined policies: Before an employee leaves on business, make sure they understand your company's travel policy and agree on what counts as working and personal periods. Business owners and travelers alike will appreciate the ease and safety that comes from having a clear understanding of what is and isn't covered in terms of traveler spending and security. To illustrate the point, if your company's travel business only provides assistance and insurance, you might advise your employees to secure their own travel insurance for their leisure activities.

No matter how trustworthy your staff is, relying solely on a "handshake agreement" is insufficient. Companies risk noncompliance, inflated costs, and even litigation if they do not put their bleisure travel policy in writing.

Privilege loyalty programs, contactless payment solutions, and safety-focused GPS apps are just a few examples of the new tools that digital companies are offering to businesses to cater to this growing trend. While it may be impossible to totally remove danger for business travelers, management teams can utilize technology to monitor their employees' safety no matter where they are.

Here are 5 pieces of advice for businesspeople on their first vacation:

Be smart with your vacation time. Your vacation excursion should ideally take place on a bank holiday, either right before or right after the weekend, if at all feasible. This is the most effective way to plan your vacation, allowing you to explore a new country for three days without sacrificing any of your paid vacation time. To avoid paying exorbitant amounts for flights and hotels, make sure you book in advance.
Why not broaden your journey by exploring a few nearby cities during your journey? For instance, when visiting a European city, it's not uncommon to find another stunning and intriguing city just a short and inexpensive train ride away. Look around at your leisure!

Pick a hotel—Find out how much money you have to spend on lodging and see whether you have any say with the hotel accomodation. You probably won't have much time to explore the area around the hotel, so any on-site amenities, like a pool or spa, would be perfect. You might also be planning to bring along a family member or significant other on your vacation. That being said, it would be ideal if there were facilities and activities, such as tennis courts or a kids club, that they could participate in while you worked.

Be sure to research hotspots beforehand; not all hotels provide dedicated workstations or even have any idea of where you may put up a makeshift office. Make a note of possible cafes in the vicinity that have free wifi, a decent signal, or even simply a peaceful place with a wonderful view of the beach before you arrive.

Pack like an expert. The original three-day work trip has been extended to an eight-day vacation. Choosing the smaller carry-on bag instead of one medium-sized case will free up more space in your backpack, eliminating the need to wear your swimsuit under your suit. This is a simple answer to the seemingly insurmountable process of packing. If you're short on closet space, think about investing in pieces that can transition from work casual to more formal settings. This way, you can throw on a pair of heels or smart shoes for a client dinner, then hop into your sneakers for a day of exploring the city.


  1. New word, thank you! Like any employee I wouldn't mind an occasional bleisure travel, but university professors must impement educational process in their working place. I made a note of this post, Melody, to discuss it with my students, when we come to the unit A Job Well Done. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. You're very welcome! I'm glad you found the post useful, and I think discussing it with your students sounds like a fantastic idea. Wishing you a wonderful weekend as well!

  2. A detailed guide on bleisure. It reminds me that I haven't traveled now for too long. Time to pack the bag.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the guide! Where are you thinking of going next?

  3. I prefer just holidays and pleasure but the world is changing and sometimes bleisure is better than anything!!

    1. I totally get that—pure holidays are always amazing! But you're right, the world is changing, and bleisure can be a nice way to sneak in a bit of fun during a work trip.

  4. Bleisure...a new word. I personally prefer separate them though.

    1. It’s definitely an interesting new word! I get what you mean about keeping work and play separate—it’s nice to fully unplug sometimes.

  5. Nie znam zbyt wielu osób pracujących za granicą i chyba jednak wakacje, to wakacje, nie wyobrażam sobie łączenia jednego z drugim, ale może dla pracujących zdalnie, to możliwe rozwiązanie.

    1. I totally understand—vacations are meant for relaxing and fully disconnecting! For some, mixing work with travel might feel like it would take away from that, but for remote workers, it can be a nice way to explore new places without taking time off.

    2. I totally understand—vacations are meant for relaxing and fully disconnecting! For some, mixing work with travel might feel like it would take away from that, but for remote workers, it can be a nice way to explore new places without taking time off.

  6. Hello,
    I am luckily retired and all my travels are for fun. The resort looks beautiful. Take care, have a great weekend.

    1. Hello! That sounds amazing—retirement and fun-filled travels sound like the perfect combination! I’m glad you liked the resort, it does look like a lovely place to relax. Enjoy your adventures, and have a fantastic weekend as well! Take care!

  7. You do a very professional job my dear! I hope you will find the opportunities to match your wonderful abilities. Then you will have the opportunity for many more bleisure trips! Aloha

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! 😊 It truly means a lot.

  8. ..."bleisure" is new to me. I wish you an awesome autumn weekend.

    1. I’m glad you discovered a new word! It’s always fun learning something new. Wishing you a wonderful autumn weekend as well—hope it’s full of cozy moments and beautiful fall colors!

  9. Myślę, że dla osób, które pracuję zdalnie to ciekawa opcja.

    1. Absolutely! Bleisure seems like the perfect fit for remote workers, combining flexibility with the chance to explore new places.

  10. Melody, your next interesting post.
    I salute you and I wish you a good Sunday!

  11. Didnt know the concept
    Great to know the blog

  12. The perfect solution for remote workers :)
    Have a nice weekend! 🤗🧡

  13. If you have to go away, might as well find some time to have fun, too.

    1. Ofcos, having some fun is not a bad idea at all.

  14. Bardzo ciekawa opcja podróży! Na pewno warto skorzystać :) Miłego weekendu :)

  15. For me, I was fortunate in only having to take one business trip in my career, and there was no opportunity for a personal vacation (plus it was a destination I never would have visited for pleasure). That was back in the 1970's. Times sure have changed, and for the better.

    1. Thank you for sharing that! It’s interesting to think how much things have changed over the years, especially with travel. I can imagine business trips back in the 1970s were quite different from today! It’s a shame there wasn’t an opportunity for a personal vacation, but I’m glad to hear times have changed for the better.

  16. It's nice if you can fit in some personal time and enjoy the location on a business trip!

    1. Absolutely! It’s such a bonus when you can squeeze in some personal time during a business trip and really enjoy the location. Getting to explore a new place while handling work feels like the best of both worlds!

  17. A detailed guide about Bleisure. I have never been abroad. But there are beautiful places. Thank you. ✔😊

    1. I’m glad you found the topic interesting! Bleisure travel is such a great way to mix work with pleasure, and even though you haven’t been abroad yet, I’m sure you’ll get the chance to explore some beautiful places in the future.

  18. Witaj 🙂
    Do tej pory nie słyszałam o takim sposobie podróżowania. Dość ciekawy pomysł, chociaż ja sobie nie wyobrażam być na urlopie i jednocześnie w pracy. Dla mnie urlop wyjazd na urlop to odpoczywanie i przebywanie na 100% z rodziną. Jak znam siebie to w takiej sytuacji byłam bym bardziej cały czas w pracy i zestresowana więc nie dla mnie taka opcja. Ale jeśli ktoś umie te obie funkcje połączyć myślę że może to być ciekawa forma odpoczynku.
    Serdecznie pozdrawiam 🙂

    1. Hello! I completely understand where you’re coming from. For many people, a holiday is all about relaxation and spending quality time with family, so mixing in work can feel overwhelming. It’s great that you know what works best for you!

      But you're right—some people have found a way to balance both work and leisure, making it an interesting option for those who can manage it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on it!

  19. Zaciekawiłaś mnie. Nie znałam tego sposobu podróżowania
    Pozdrawiam słonecznie

  20. Bom dia, Melody
    Ótima postagem, não conhecia a palavra bleisure, acho uma forma maravilhosa de investir na vida dos funcionários, viajar é bom demais. Obrigada pelas felicitações lá no blog e pelas palavras carinhosas, desejo um belo domingo, um forte abraço.

    1. Good evening! I’m glad you enjoyed the post! “Bleisure” is a fun concept, and it really can enhance the travel experience for employees. Traveling does bring so much joy and new perspectives! Thank you for your kind words about the blog. I hope you have a beautiful Sunday too!

      A big hug to you!

  21. Któż nie lubi odpoczywać po ciężkiej pracy. Każdy, komu jest on potrzebny, by się zresetować, naładować akumulatory, mówiąc potocznie. I dla mnie określenie "bleisure travel" jest nowym. Dorzucę do swojego słownika. Wpadłaś na bardzo dobry pomysł Melodio, by przybliżyć szczegóły tego nowego trendu, nie każdy jest zorientowany. Ponieważ już nie pracuję, informacja taka również dla mnie jest na czasie, nie tylko dla pracowników. Dziękuję.
    Pozdrawiam serdecznie...

    1. Thank you so much! I’m glad you found the concept of “bleisure travel” interesting, and it’s great that you’ll add it to your dictionary! We all need that time to reset and recharge, whether we’re working or not, so I’m happy to hear the information was timely for you too. It’s always a pleasure to share ideas that bring something new to the table!

      Best regards to you as well!

  22. Olá, tudo bem?
    Interessante esse teu artigo. Acho que conciliar viagens com negócios pode ser interessante. Eu sempre viajei apenas à passeios nunca à trabalho.

    abraços, bom domingo.

    1. Hello! I’m doing well, thank you. I’m glad you found the article interesting! Combining travel with business can definitely be a unique experience, though traveling purely for pleasure sounds like the perfect way to relax and enjoy yourself.

      Hugs to you too, and I hope you have a wonderful Sunday!

  23. Dear Melody, I am fortunately already retired, my husband too, so our trips are now just for pure pleasure. My work had to take place on site, but with another job I could have imagined combining work and leisure. But I am convinced that there have to be strict rules for this, because otherwise some employees might overdo the pleasure 😉.

    When our daughter was still a child, my husband worked in Prague for several months and usually came home at the weekend (back then in Vienna). But one time we organized it so that he stayed in Prague over the weekend and we came to visit him. That was great for everyone involved.
    All the best, Traude

    1. Dear Traude,

      It’s wonderful that both you and your husband are now retired and can enjoy traveling purely for pleasure! 😊 I completely agree—there definitely need to be clear boundaries when combining work and leisure, otherwise, it’s easy to blur the lines and overindulge in the “leisure” part. 😉

      What a lovely memory of your time in Prague! That must have been such a special trip for your family. Visiting your husband while he worked abroad sounds like the perfect way to blend family time with new experiences.

      Wishing you all the best as well!

  24. Replies
    1. I'm glad you learned a new word! Wishing you a great week as well! xx

  25. Hello Melody, thank you for the interesting article. I have never gone on a business trip, but I would love to do so, especially in autumn and winter when it is dark and unpleasant in my country. Regards, have a good new week.

    1. Thank you for your kind words! I totally understand—traveling for business sounds much more appealing when the weather is dark and cold. It would be a great opportunity to experience new places during those seasons. I hope you get the chance one day!

      Warm regards, and have a wonderful week ahead!

  26. I learned something new today- bleisure travel! I would be game for this, it would definitely be a fun way to balance work and play.

    Le Stylo Rouge

    1. I'm so glad you learned something new, Ashley! Bleisure travel does sound like a fun way to mix work and play, doesn’t it? I hope you get to experience it one day—it could be the perfect balance!

      Thanks for sharing, and have a great day!

  27. Genial Te mando un beso.

  28. I agree that making the most of vacation time is especially important for business people.
    Your tips for the ultimate bleisure travel guide is amazing!


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