Lifestyle Blogger

Wednesday, November 6

Beautiful photos of Fireweed (Chamerion angustifolium) Plant

While walking around my neighborhood, I enjoy looking at plants. I enjoy taking photos of them because of how beautiful they are. I have frequently observed this plant and eventually captured a photo of it, which I then decided to share. The name of this plant is Fireweed (Chamerion angustifolia). I would describe it as a tall, beautiful plant with its vivid magenta-pink flowers that bloom. In fall, the foliage turns into a rich burgundy crimson, making it more visually appealing.

The perennial is valuable for pollinators; it serves as a host for moth larvae and attracts a variety of insects. It is beneficial to wildlife but extremely poisonous to horses, cattle, and other livestock. Consumption can lead to stunted growth, liver issues, and even death in severe cases.

People have historically used fireweed for food and medicine. You can eat the young stems and make syrup and jam from the flowers. Also, people have used it medicinally as a salve and for digestive issues. Before using this plant, make sure you consult a verified botanist. Bushcrafters have also used the silky seed hairs as tinder and stuffing.

Fireweed grows in damp soils from calcareous to mildly acidic environments and spreads quickly, especially in fire-cleared areas. It is known as bombweed, rosebay willowherb, and fireweed. It is a resilient plant that enhances natural landscapes. You cannot walk past it without noticing it.



  1. Very nice photos and interesting description of this plant.
    Melody, I salute you and I wish you a good Thursday!

  2. It's such a beautiful plant. I've not used it before but I know butterflies and bees love their nectar. Thanks for sharing. x

  3. Simplesmente lindas!ADOREI! bjs, chica

  4. Anonymous11/06/2024

    Beautiful, indeed.

  5. The fireweed is such a gorgeous purple color. Nice photos Melody.

  6. the flowers look so beautiful....
    Thank you for sharing.

  7. Es una linda planta, te mando un beso.

  8. You captured fully the beauty of Fireweed. I haven’t seen them in person, but I’ve seen a video of them swaying in the breeze on the slope of Togakushi Highland which becomes skiing slope in winter.

  9. That looks gorgeous :-D

  10. This is an especially beautiful plant -- and so are your photos. Gorgeous.

  11. Bom dia, Melody
    Linda planta, também gosto de observar as flores quando estou caminhando, é bom demais, bjs querida.

  12. They really are beautiful....I would not have known their name.

  13. Querida amiga, muy bella planta, me encantó,
    Abrazos y te dejo un beso

  14. I've seen these flowers many times before, but never knew their name! xxx

  15. Yes beautiful photos indeed

  16. Dearest Meloda, thank you first for your always nice comments. It´s highest time to answer, to visit your blog...

    ...I damire your posts. I read some backwards. Here on the newest I would like to ask, whether isn`t this a Spider Plant!? We have this in our garden too. Youu can see - if you like - here

    Greetings by Heidrun

  17. Boa noite de paz, querida amiga Melody!
    Que encanto de fotos!
    Sabe, meus passeios diários são cheios de presentes.
    Hoje mesmo vi flores lindas e numa casa bem simples, um ramada de rosas lindas.
    Elas não escolhem riquezas, florescem, simplesmente...
    Você tem um bom gosto incrível.
    Continuo a lhe agradecer os comentários preciosos que me deixa nos blogs.
    Tenha um final de semana abençoado!
    Beijinhos fraternos

  18. 🌸🎀🌺🌷Beautiful flowers, just like you Melody!

    Have a great weekend 🌺🌺🌺🌺

  19. Es muy bella la descripción de esta planta, es muy detallada, siento que tienes una conexión emocional con esa planta. Y me resulta importante que hayas destacado la importancia que tiene para el ecosistema, su profundo conocimiento seguramente traerá beneficios y se evitarán esos problemas mencionados con el ganado.
    Nos has mostrado muy bien las múltiples características de la planta y redactado de una manera bella.
    Un beso en la mano.

  20. It is indeed beautiful. You mentioned on my post that you have created one for Words for Wednesday. Can you tell me where it is?

  21. Thank you for visiting my blog. You have a lot of great photos. Greetings.

  22. Interesante la mirada que das a la vegetación, a veces pasamos sin ver...pero cuando nos detemos un momento nos sorprendemos de lo bello que nos regala la naturaleza paso a paso
    y del valor intrísico que tiene cada planta en el ecosistema de la vida del ser humano y con ello, todo lo dempas se entiende.
    Me gustan las flores y cultivo en mi hogar un pequeño jardín y es una belleza que siempre acompaña mi día a día.

    Te dejo un abrazo.

  23. Witaj znowu Melody. Zdjęcia są niezwykle piękne. Ostatnio najbardziej lubię fotografować właśnie kwiaty i drzewa. Często odwiedzam nasz krakowski ogród botaniczny. Jest mały i jednocześnie uroczy. Warto wejść do szklarni tam też jest mnóstwo ciekawych okazów. Zawsze na wiosnę i latem spędzam tam kilka godzin z roślinami. Ostatnio w wakacje byliśmy za Krakowem w Ogrodach Kapias do których wstęp jest darmowy. U nas w Polsce mamy dużo pięknych ogrodów botanicznych. Kiedyś byłam u koleżanki w Łodzi tam też możesz zobaczyć ogromny wspaniały ogród botaniczny. Jest sporo stawów i skał i kwiatów. Polecam.

    Wszystkiego dobrego Melody. Przytulasy

  24. I had a really wonderful trip =) We had so much fun in every city. And yes the food was so delicious, it's so sad to be back at home and have to cook on my own xD
    Have a happy weekend <3
    Yes my October was really nice <3
    I had a great time on the A-Rosa Sena. Rotterdam was pretty cool and I loved to be back in Amsterdam after so many years <3 This city is such beautiful. Utrecht was amazing too. And we had a additional stop in Nijmegen, I was there last year and it was nice to be back.
    Oh yes "Berlin" is such a summer song <3

    Really wonderful post, I love this pictures <3 Flowers always make me smile especially flowers with such a lovely colour like these ones. The syrup and jam sounds delicious.

    1. I am glad you are having a lovely time. Thank you.

  25. Your photos are beautiful!

  26. Those flowers are gorgeous! Hope you have a great week! :)

    1. I know Ashley. Thank you and have a lovely week ahead.

  27. Hola! Interesante tu post, las flores son preciosas y las fotografías reflejan muy bien la bella naturaleza. Un beso y gracias por tu visita a mi blog.

  28. thanks for sharing delightful shots of very pretty flowers dear Melody
    i enjoyed the details as well

  29. Anonymous11/11/2024

    Absolutely beautiful.

  30. We have fireweed here in the Northeast United States, too. I never knew it was edible in certain stages of its growth. I understand it even grows in the Himalayas. You got nice captures of it; I enjoyed them.

  31. ...such beauty can result from destruction.

  32. I love these photos, what a gorgeous plant!! I don't think I've ever heard of that before!

    Make Life Marvelous

  33. These are beautiful photographs of fireweed indeed!


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