Monday, December 23, 2024

Christmas with Friends: Wishing you a Merry Christmas

It’s just two days to Christmas, and guess what? I’m not working on Christmas Day!

I’ve been thinking about writing a Christmas post because I can’t end this year without thanking everyone who has been reading, commenting, and supporting my blog. Writing and connecting with all of you through my thoughts and feelings about life has truly been one of my favorite activities this year.

A few days ago, my friend Ebube called and mentioned that she’d be coming to Glasgow for a day trip with Yinka. They planned to leave the next day, and it got me thinking about how every year, since moving to the UK during the Christmas period, I’ve had the chance to meet up with Ebube. Do you remember my Christmas trip to Edinburgh with Ebube? Well, we’re doing it again this year, but this time, it’s just a quick day trip before Christmas.

Yesterday, being Sunday, Yinka arrived on time as planned. She used FlixBus, and it didn’t disappoint this time. Unlike the first time I used it to travel to Aberdeen for her graduation, the delay at the station caused me to arrive late. Ebube, on the other hand, had a bit of a hectic journey. Her flight from Cork to Glasgow circled above the city for about 20–30 minutes because of strong winds, and they eventually decided to land at Edinburgh Airport instead. From there, she took a bus to Glasgow.

Once we picked her up from Glasgow airport, she dropped off her things at the hotel, changed her outfit, and we headed to the city center. We went to a lounge, relaxed, and caught up with each other.

They are both traveling back today; I really appreciate their presence. We had a wonderful time, and it was a lovely Christmas visit. They did mention that Glasgow didn’t seem to have much of a Christmas vibe or many lights, which I hadn’t noticed until they pointed it out. I joked that maybe the city was broke, and we all laughed about it. I wish them a safe journey back.

And just before I end this post, I want to thank every one of you who takes the time to comment, read, and contribute to this blog. I am truly grateful, and I love it when you do, especially because so many people read my blog and learn from your comments and reactions. It’s always fulfilling for me to see how your engagement adds value to this space.

I want to wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas. I pray that God will keep and bless you, fill your heart with love and peace, and keep you smiling throughout this festive period. I also pray that next year will be even better than this one—filled with joyful smiles, hearty laughter, excellent health, and the fulfillment of your dreams. May God grant you insight on how to start that project you’ve always wanted to pursue and connect you to the resources and opportunities to make your goal a reality.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you so much, and God bless you!

One last post to go for the year, and I will wrap up 2024’s posts. I am excited!


  1. Muito bom ter amigos com quem conviver.
    Feliz Natal!

  2. I wish you a Merry Christmas, dear Melody, under my best willing and my heart.

  3. Grazie a te per i tuoi articoli. Buon Natale e che tu possa trascorrere queste giornate in salute, pace e serenità.

  4. You had a wonderful trip with your friends.
    I'm sure you all enjoyed it.

    I wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.


  5. Wow, super. Wesołych Świąt dla Ciebie i Twojej rodziny :)

  6. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
    Health and joy together with your family and friends!❤️😘

  7. Have a wonderful holiday time. Merry Christmas. 🎅🎄😘🎁

  8. So great you're spending time with your friends. Merry Christmas!

  9. Disfruta con tus amigos y familia. Te deseo una feliz navidad.

  10. It's nice that your friends were visiting Glasgow and you had a great time.

    I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  11. Bom dia, Melody
    Viajar com os amigos é muito bom. Desejo um Feliz Natal, que a Luz de Cristo brilhe sempre em nossos corações e que o ano de 2025 seja repleto das bênçãos de Deus, obrigada pela presença no meu blog, um forte abraço.

  12. Boa tarde Melody,
    Fantástico esse encontro com os seus amigos!
    Deve ter sido uma enorme alegria esse encontro.
    Muito obrigada por suas visitas aos meus blogues!
    Desejo-lhe Feliz Natal e um 2025 pleno de saúde, amor e paz!

  13. Independentemente da publicação que li com muito gosto, aplaudo e elogio,, passo a fim de deixar votos de um Feliz e Santo Natal, extensivos à sua família e amigos. Que no seu LAR haja Saúde, Paz e Amor
    Pensamentos e devaneios poéticos

  14. What a joy to be able to meet up with friends! It seems like it was a great visit ;)
    I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and may 2025 be much better and more incredible. May God always bless you! ♥

  15. Boa tarde. Um Feliz Natal, com muita paz e saúde. Obrigado por lembrar de mim, com tanta ternura e doçura. Faço votos de boas festas.

  16. Muita Saúde, Paz, Amor, Fraternidade, Solidariedade, são os votos que deixo, para si e família, Neste Natal de 2024. Que a felicidade seja sempre o mais belo elixir do seu sorriso.
    Ilusões e Poesia ...Boas festas

  17. Hola Melody.
    Te deseo una muy feliz Navidad y que el año Nuevo te traiga todo lo mejor.
    Un abrazo.

  18. This sounds like a fun trip even if it was less on the festive side which is surprising. I wish you Happy Holidays, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    Allie of

  19. Melody ter amigos é tão bom, desejo um Feliz Natal pra você bjs.

  20. Melody ter amigos é tão bom desejo um Feliz Natal pra você bjs.

  21. Sounds like a fun trip! Merry Christmas! May it be Bright and Beautiful!

  22. Oh, what fun! Here's to the wonder of Christmas with full of experiences of joy and laughter! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  23. Olá! Muito legal ter amigos assim!
    Um feliz natal e um 2025 maravilhoso!

  24. Melody, my good Friend!!!
    On the occasion of these special, special days I wish you all the best! I wish you and your Family health, happiness, joy, fulfillment of dreams, many moments spent with loved ones and the Blessings of the Newborn Lord Jesus in every day of the New 2025 Year!!!

  25. A very Merry Christmas to you as well! And yay that you're not working Christmas Day:) My husband used to work during the holidays so I know the struggle:D

  26. Good and beautiful Christmas day, in harmony and health Bonita ´,~`)))

  27. No hay como celebrar estas fechas con familias y amigos espero que disfrutes de estas fechas.


  28. Merry Christmas, Merry! I has been a joy following your blog this year!
    Your day trip with friends sounds absolutely perfect! xxx

  29. Také přeji pohodové a klidné svátky a do nového roku hodně zdraví 🎄

  30. Espero que ese viaje con tus amigas lo disfruten de verdad y lo pases genial. Cuídense mucho y a disfrutar de estas fiestas tan bonitas. Besos y abrazos y, descanse para entrar al nuevo año con mucho ánimo.

  31. I wish you beautiful holidays, relaxation and much joy.

  32. May your Christmas be as merry and bright as the lights on the tree, filled with love and joy. Best wishes!

  33. Wishing you magical holidays, dear friend. Aloha

  34. It's great to have friends and be able to spend important moments with them!
    Merry Christmas, my dear, and all the best in the New Year!
    Warm hugs 🤗😘

  35. E' sempre un piacere trascorrere le festività in compagnia
    Tantissimi cari auguri di buon anno

  36. Super spotkanie. Lubię tą atmosferę pełną prezentów i niespodzianek. Pozdrawiam serdecznie ❤️

  37. Hello Melody,
    Thank you for your wishes. Hope you had a wonderful christmas.
    I wish you a new year full of health, joy and many achievements.

    . 🌺🌺 🌺🌺
    Λ 🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺
    ( ˘ ᵕ ˘ 🌺🌺🌺
    ヽ つ\ /
    / 🎀 \

  38. It's wonderful that you had such a wonderful time! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  39. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Happy New Year Melody!

  40. Awww, you are so sweet, Melody! How nice of you to remember about your readers :) I really appreciate your kind words. Also, I'm happy that your friend safely landed in Glasgow and that you had an amazing time together. I had a pleasure to visit both cities: Glasgow and Edinburgh, and although I enjoyed my time spent there, I have to admit that Edinburgh has a nicer vibe than Glasgow.
    Happy Christmas to you and your loved ones :)

    1. Aww, thank you so much for your lovely message! 😊 It means a lot to me. I'm glad you’ve had the chance to visit both Glasgow and Edinburgh—such beautiful cities, aren’t they? I have to agree, Edinburgh does have a certain charm with its historic vibe and stunning architecture, while Glasgow has its own lively energy. It’s nice to hear your perspective. Thank you again for your kind words—they truly made my day.

  41. Hope you had a wonderful and joyful Christmas, Melody. Wish you the best for 2025.

  42. MERRY CHRISTMAS to you - I hope you had a great one. And now to New Year's!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  43. Ich hoffe du hattest ein schönes Weihnachtsfest, ich wünsche dir einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr und das sich all deine Wünsche erfüllen. LG Romy

  44. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I appreciated your lovely comment. I hope you've had a wonderful Christmas. All the best to you for increased joy and grace for your new year.

  45. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year Melody.
    May the new year brings happiness to you and your family.
    Müjde Dural

  46. Merry Christmas to you, Melody, even if belatedly. (I'm afraid it's even too late in the day to wish you a happy Boxing Day, too!). Have a lovely rest of the season surrounded by those you love and enjoy. Happy New Year!


  47. Amiga Melody, espero que tenhas tido um Feliz Natal, na companhia dos teus entes queridos. No fundo, é o que todos desejamos, a convivência em alegria, amor e paz.

    Deixo os votos de um feliz fim de semana, com tudo de bom.

    Mário Margaride

  48. It sounded like a wonderful time was spent with Yinka during her visit. Getting to catch up with friends who don't live nearby is a precious gift in itself, so I am happy you were able to share some holiday time with your dear friend. Stopping by to say I hope that your Christmas was a lovely one and to wish you bountiful blessings in the upcoming New Year!

  49. How thoughtful of you to keep your readers in mind!
    Your kind and heartfelt message is appreciated.

    Wishing you a wonderful 2025 ahead, Melody.

  50. I hope that everything went ok with your Christmas and now i hope you have a very good 2025 :)


    1. Everything went well; I enjoyed Christmas in my own little big way. Thank you.

  51. Espero que tenha passado um bom Natal na companhia calorosa da família e amigos.
    Desejo um Próspero Ano Novo 2025, com tudo de bom.
    Abraço de amizade.
    Juvenal Nunes

  52. Natal é mesmo essa festa para se dedicar aos amigos, à família, ao estar junto com as pessoas que gostamos.

    Tenha um belo, bom e verdadeiramente feliz ano novo.

    Um abraço. Tudo de bom.
    APON NA ARTE DA VIDA 💗 Textos para sentir e pensar & Nossos Vídeos no Youtube.

  53. Hello, thank you for your wishes and I wish you a wonderful weekend.

  54. Can you believe it will soon be the last weekend of 2024, I wish you a good one, and good wishes for the coming New Year.

    All the best Jan

  55. I'm glad you had such a nice Christmas! Friends are important.
    Thank you for the wishes! Happy New Year!

  56. I noticed that hardly any houses in my area have outdoor decorations this year and I believe it's because of the cost of electricity (the highest in the world). A shame, as it means the UK no longer looks festive. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and all the best for 2025.

  57. It's really late for Merry Chistmas but i tell you "Happy New Year"!

  58. Olá Melody
    Que o Ano Novo traga paz, e a fé seja renovada e fortificada no coração de cada um. Que Deus oriente, proteja e abençoe a todos vocês com um ano de muitas alegrias, saúde, amor e paz. Feliz Ano Novo!

  59. I hope you had a very Merry Christmas, and yay for having the day off <3

  60. That was great your friends were able to come and visit, it helps make things extra special.
    Wishing you a very Happy new year!

  61. I'm so glad you were able to spend time with friends... it sounds like you had a great time! I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and I hope 2025 is a wonderful year!

  62. I'm so glad you were able to have such a special Christmas visit! Experiences like that definitely make the season bright. <3

  63. Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year!

  64. Super czas spędziłaś z przyjaciółkami. Bardzo się cieszę Melody. Ważne by ten świąteczny okres był jak najlepiej pamiętany. Bardzo lubię zaglądać na twój blog. Zawsze znajduje tu coś ciekawego i nastrojowego. Tak trzymaj Kochana. Uściski. Dziękuję że o mnie pamiętasz


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