Happy New Year! I hope your January is off to a great start!

Lifestyle Blogger

Monday, January 13, 2025

Last Night I Could Not Sleep and Here Is What I Learnt From It

I couldn’t sleep last night because I slept in the afternoon, and let’s be real—whenever I nap during the day, I struggle to sleep at night. So, here I am, writing this post at 4:01 AM. I tried distracting myself by watching a show, but here’s the thing: if I feel sleepy, I’ll usually just knock out. But this time, I wasn’t sleepy at all, and I started worrying because I had work in the morning.

I thought maybe snacking on some cashew nuts would help, so I headed to the kitchen. But as I walked, I caught myself worrying about not being able to sleep again, even though I knew exactly why I couldn’t sleep. Then it hit me—why am I worrying? Worrying wasn’t going to fix anything; it was just making me more stressed.

So, I decided to let it go. I drank some water, opened a window for some fresh air, lay back on my bed, and wrote this post. I told myself, “You know what? I can’t sleep because I already napped in the afternoon. No big deal. Let me just enjoy this show.” And guess what? Once I stopped stressing about it, I started feeling sleepy.

Here’s what I realized: sometimes, things don’t go the way we plan—whether it’s little things or big things. And when we’re so used to things going a certain way, it’s easy to worry when they don’t. But what does worrying really do? It doesn’t solve the problem; it just adds to the stress.

If you’re going through something right now, ask yourself: why let worry take over your whole mood or day? Instead, do something that makes you happy. Take a walk, grab your favorite treat, pray, or go see something interesting. Distract yourself with something positive. There’s a saying in Nigeria: “Wahala no dey finish, make you try dey enjoy life.” It means troubles and worries never end, so we need to make an effort to enjoy life in the meantime.

Even something as small as not being able to sleep for one night almost got me stressing out, and I already knew the reason why! It’s a reminder of how quickly we let worry creep into our lives.

So, take a deep breath and let it go. Troubles will always be there, but your peace of mind is worth more. 

I hope this serves as a reminder: when worries creep in (which is a normal human response to stress or situations we can’t fix), remind yourself that you deserve a life free of constant worry. You deserve happiness, even in the midst of stressful moments. One thing I’ve learned from my mom is that, no matter how urgent a situation seems, she speaks and acts like it’s no big deal. I used to wonder how she did it. She cares, but she doesn’t let the situation take over her peace—and I think we should all do the same.

If you can’t help a situation right now, focus on enjoying the moment while working toward a solution. It takes practice to get to this mindset. I’ve been practicing it, and though I sometimes fail, I focus on my wins. I feel proud when a situation arises, and I manage not to let it ruin my day or bother me for more than 10 minutes.

Now, I’m not saying you should run away from problems. I’m saying you should analyze them and look for the best way to solve them. If they can’t be solved immediately, take a step back. Do something else, appreciate other aspects of life, and trust that everything will come together. Remember, when your breath stops, and your heart stops beating, nothing matters anymore.

This year, let your goals include walking away from stressful situations you can’t solve, preserving your happiness, and focusing on the good things in life while finding solutions. Don’t let one stressful moment define your whole day—or worse, your whole month. Let’s treat our minds and bodies with respect so our hearts can keep beating with pride.

Photo by Skitterphoto


  1. I do think we tend to have sleepless nights when we have troubles and all day we set them aside and do all the work that needs to be done, or have other things to keep our mind off of it and when everything is quiet and still it comes to mind and it tries to work through it then. I know that praying to God when these situations arise is what can calm the fears and wash over a sense of peace, asking him to take it away is what will work, we just need to remember to call on him first and he will guide us from there :)

  2. Olá, Melody!
    As insónias são sempre um problema. Além de não conseguirmos dormir, causam-nos transtornos durante o dia. Nem sempre há solução para as insónias. No entanto, podemos sempre tentar ler um pouco ou ver alguma coisa na tv. Em última análise, tomar um chá de Cidreira ou, um ante ansiolítico para ajudar no sono.
    Espero que recuperes do sono perdido.

    Deixo os votos de uma boa semana, com muita saúde e paz.
    Beijinhos, com carinho e amizade.

    Mário Margaride


  3. Muito bem. Gostei de te ler. Há que ter foco positivo, e não persistir no problema se não está nas nossas mãos resolvê-lo no imediato.
    Beijinhos e todo o bem!

  4. Hi Melody.
    Melody, you have written very wise and important words! Unfortunately, I'm a person for whom “the glass is half empty”. I, out of stubbornness and by choice, am a pessimist, because I want to be happy later - not disappointed.
    Unfortunately, but now I have difficult u stressful days. Unfortunately, but some things aren't up to me and involve the health of my mother...
    Melody, I salute you and I wish you a good new week!

  5. Possono essere molteplici i motivi per cui non dormiamo, e talvolta aver riposato nel pomeriggio, o avere delle preoccupazioni, può influire sulla bontà del sonno, così necessario per ricaricarsi, in questa vita, spesso complicata.
    Un saluto

  6. I hate when I can't sleep bcs my brain works too much!
    Luckily it happened to me very few times, but since I'm convinced that a good sleep brings solutions, this situation is really annoying to me...
    The way you front a sleepless night is very smart and wise, anyway, I'm gonna keep your words in mind for the future!

  7. Mi dispiace tanto che hai passato la notte insonne.
    Io ho talmente tanto sonno arretrato che se faccio il pisolino al pomeriggio... Riesco a dormire tranquilla anche la notte 😴😴😴

  8. Excellent tips. I often struggle with sleepless nights.

  9. Hello Melody :)
    It is a problem when you can't get to sleep, and the more you worry about it the worse it gets, but from personal experience I find music helps me to stop worrying about anything and if I can't sleep I just put one of my Micheal Buble's or Ela Fitzgerald's CDs on, go back to bed, and like a baby listening to a lullaby :) I'm soon fast asleep. :)) Music really does help to distract your mind from worry. If I worry about things I can't fix, which I do occasionally, it's best to leave it to the people or person that can resolve the problem, and instead of worrying unnecessarily I go for a walk with my camera, which is a great distraction. Fresh air always frees the mind of troubling thoughts and the exercise does me good too.. All this is only echoing what you have written Melody if not in the same words at least in accordance with your thought process about worry, which made a good post.
    All the best

  10. Yo si me despierto a media noche como nos dices te ocurrió en esta ocasión me quedo en cama y me suelo dormir.
    Cuando voy hacer un viaje en especial si la ruta no me es conocida es cuando peor suelo dormir ya suelo mirar que cruces o salidas de autovías debo realizar para no perderme. Aunque ponga el GPS ya que en alguna ocasión me manda por lugares equivocados.
    Loa consejos de tu madre son buenos.


  11. Sleep issues is something I am far to familiar with, and you are so right worrying or stressing over why one can't sleep will do nothing to help one sleep so don't do it. I can't have an afternoon nap as it will mess with me sleeping at night, so when I am tired of an afternoon I will find something to do, to help me stay awake and not think about how tired I feel.

  12. I'm a notorious worrier, so any advice to counteract worrying is very welcome indeed! xxx

  13. Olá.
    De uma situação aparentemente banal, você tirou uma grande lição.

  14. Great wisdom you shared! I've kept a quote on my desk since the first mention of snow in my area. It says. "Learn to find joy in the snow. If you don't you'll have less joy, and precisely the same amount of snow". Worrying does nothing but cause wrinkles and stomach issues.

  15. Sleepless nights and worry, I can relate. I remind myself to Focus on Jesus, not the storm. I also repeat Trust Jesus, as a form of prayer. Sleep and trust are so important. I hope your sleep is refreshing tonight.

  16. I used to worry compulsively. Now, not so much thanks to God Worry is such a recurring theme throughout Scripture. I try to focus on Him and do as He has always said. In Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus teaches us not to worry about our lives, what we will eat or drink, or about our bodies and what we will wear. He reminds us that our Heavenly Father knows our needs and will provide for us. Instead of worrying, Jesus encourages us to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, trusting that all these things will be given to us as well.

    Philippians 4:6-7 also instructs us not to be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, to present our requests to God. The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

    1 Peter 5:7 further encourages us to cast all our anxieties on Him because He cares for us. These passages remind us of God's love, provision, and faithfulness, encouraging us to trust Him and experience His peace in the midst of life's challenges.

    Excellent post, Melody!

  17. No poder dormir es duro. Preocuparse por las cosas cotidianas tambien el estrés y todo lo que nos afecta no hacen sentir vulnerables. Espero que consigas dormir mañana . Puedes tomar un poco de te de manzanilla , lavanda o pasiflora. Te mando u n beso.

  18. A great reminder of the importance of relaxation and de-stressing. Thank you.

  19. Acho que esse post veio na hora certa. Estou escrevendo aqui as 0305 da madrugada. Resolvi ler os blogs amigos e me deparo com esse texto. Realmente quando as preocupações estão em excesso a gente não consegue dormir e concordo quando você fala que não podemos deixar que isso mude nosso humor do dia inteiro.
    A vida é bela. E quando isso acontece perdemos momentos preciosos.
    Amei a sua reflexão, vamos colocar como meta para vida não deixar que algo que não podemos controlar seja capaz e controlar o nosso humor e os nossos dias.
    Precisamos analisar o que importa e o que podemos fazer em determinada situação.



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