Featured on the front page of Uooze.com

Featured: Is This Mutton Choice: University of Aberdeen: A Historic Campus and Tourist Attraction by Melody Jacob

Featured in Fine whatever blog.

Last week’s favourites were…
By Style Splash
Karin of Karin’s Kottage, Melody Jacob and Suzy Turner!
Featured on the Finewhateverblog wearing the Uoozee green maxi dress.
Featured on Doused In Pink linkup
Melody Jacob as Face of CZASNABUTY.PL Brand
Melody Jacob is featured as the face of THE IMPACT SERIES, an original film and speaker series focused on social change that launches in Canada this September. Shared by Insider.
Zoho launches Commerce Plus, an integrated e-commerce platform.
Featured on the screen of Zoho Commerce Plus.
Resources for Black-owned businesses in Canada featured on ca.godaddy.

Featured on yahoo style news UK
Melody Jacob Featured on MSN.
Featured MSN.
Featured on Steve Harvey Website
Featured on Thought Catalog
Featured on Jessica Buurman now Renamed as The Label.

Face of the United Bank of Africa Happy Card United Bank of Africa.
Melody Jacob Blog 1st Forbes feature, Shot by Evg Photos. Read more on FORBES.COM.
Top best bloggers show you how to color block by alishasamson.blogspot.com.
Featured on Fashlars
Melody Jacob Featured on Szaleo.pl.
Melody Jacob Featured wearing a green summer hat by Szaleo.pl.
Melody Jacob Featured wearing a Panama hat by Szaleo.pl.
Melody Jacob Featured on the front page Jarlolondon.
Melody Jacob Featured wearing the Jarlolondon Blaze dress.
Melody Jacob Festured on Giantvintage wearing the cabine yellow checkers sunglasses.
Cobain white red checkers by Giantvintage.

Peoplemaven : Best influencer 2018.
Read the Medium diversity project.
Melody Jacob wearing Szaleo.pl fashion hat sale.
Melody Jacob Featured wearing the Rebel Sanguine by Leo.intown
Melody Jacob Featured wearing the Semi red by Leo.intown
Melody Jacob Featured wearing the Mayaswimwear.com

Melody Jacob Featured in Women for More Magazine.
Melody Jacob as the face of LeoinTown - New Entry collection
Melody Jacob Featured on Rebellious Fashion
Melody Jacob Blog on Czasnabuty.pl
Melody Jacob Featured on Shavonne

Melody Jacob as the face of Czasnabuty.pl Footwear Brand
Melody Jacob as the Face of Study in Germany by Dzidzaiedu.com
Melody Jacob as the face of Bahiya
Melody Jacob proudly represents czasnabuty.pl as the featured personality in the newsletter
Melody Jacob representing as the Face of Leo in Town.
Melody Jacob as the Face of Ourjoyouryoys
Melody Jacob as the face of Boomstyle
Melody Jacob Featured on Thoughtcatalog.com.
Melody Jacob Promoting Szaleo.pl berets Wełniany beret Arystokracja [PREMIUM]
Melody Jacob Promoting Casnaboty.cz footwears.
Melody Jacob: Face of UVM collection.

Melody Jacob for Zaful Valentines day campaign.

Melody Jacob featured on Public Desire Blogger Baes of the Week
Goodbye 2017, Hello 2018!
Melody Jacob promoting the Ariel Dress by Jarlolondon.
Melody Jacob promoting the Diamond dress by Jarlolondon
Melody Jacob promoting the Djuna dress by Jarlolondon.
Melody Jacob Promoting the Seahorse Silk scarves
Melody Jacob Promoting the wax-wear.com luxury coat.

Melody Jacob promoting the Szaleo.pl plaid scarf.
Melody Jacob Featured as Style Grab Queen by Metisu Fashion.
Melody Jacob Promoting the Szaleo.pl scarf
Melody Jacob Featured on Jarlo London.

Melody Jacob promoting Szaleo.pl Straw bags.
Melody Jacob for Casnaboty.cz Summer DPH sales Campaign.
Melody Jacob wearing the Szaleo.pl scarf.
Melody Jacob wearing the Daszek Sunny boho bag By Szaleo.pl.
Melody Jacob for Boxers and Briefs

Melody Jacob representing Szaleo.pl.
Melody Jacob for Mayaswimwear Sales Campaign
Design collaboration with MrMonkies Designed By Melody Jacob.
Melody Jacob on Czasnabuty.pl

Melody Jacob : Face of Featured On Happiness Boutique now Hey Happiness.
Melody Jacob as face of Wildflower Cases.
Melody Jacob as a brand ambassador for Ever-Pretty.com

Melody Jacob as face of Maya swimwear weekend sale campaign.
Melody Jacob for the Bank Holiday treats campaign with Solewish
Face of Casnaboty Back to school campaign 2016.
Melody Jacob as the brand Ambassador of Casnabuty.

Melody Jacob Featured on Choies
Giant Vintage Sales face, View more from them by clicking on this links

Sales face for Giant Vintage jojo wine oversized sunglasses
Melody Jacob for Amiritasingh
Melody Jacob featured on Twinkle deals summer campaign
Melody Jacob Featured in the front page of MOGANI.DE
Melody Jacob Featured wearing the Adidas Superstar from Casnaboty.cz
Melody Jacob featured on Giant Vintage
Melody Jacob Featured on CASNABOTY wearing there Boho fringe boot.
Melody Jacob Featured on Giant Vintage
Melody Jacob Featured on YOINS
Zaful loves my style

Melody Jacob Featured in Chictopia.

Here are some links to my style features:
- My Pick from Last Week’s LinkUp by dousedinpink.
- My Pick from Last Week’s LinkUp by dousedinpink.
- Street Style: Melody Jacobs In A Black Hollow Out Embroidered Design Maxi Dress. by Kokolife.ng.
- Sylvafun.blogspot.com (Link)
- Style feature by The Purple Beehive
- Melody Jacobs featured as One of Nigeria's Finest Fashion Bloggers (Fashion Royale's)
- Melody Jacob Featured on (Lepetitebullesdemavie)