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Two days ago, I attended the conference at the Center for Contemporary Art, marking the end of the Anti-Racism Interim Governance Group (AIGG) and the sharing of their recommendations for the vision, mission, and structure of the Anti-Racism Observatory for Scotland.

It was very insightful, and people had the opportunity to ask many questions. Racism hasn't been adequately addressed in many countries and has often been taken lightly. A great-grandmother from India, who has lived in Scotland for a long time and has three generations here, shared accounts of how racism hasn't shown significant improvement for a long time.

Another person spoke up and said if there were not significant changes and accountability for those who engage in racist behavior, then she didn't want to be part of this movement.

Individuals from diverse racial backgrounds were in attendance and poured out their heavy hearts.

The event was attended by the Minister for Equalities, Migration, and Refugees, Emma Roddick, and provided an opportunity to hear from them, ask questions, and engage in conversation with the Co-Chairs of the AIGG.

The event also marked the publication of the AIGG community research report, which contributed in various ways. The community research mapped to the AIGG’s work.

Here is the significant question people want answers to:

Observatory Accountability

We would like to know who will be held accountable for how the anti-racist strategy is implemented.

What are your thoughts?

#AntiRacismConference #EqualityInAction #AIGGEvent #InclusiveScotland #RacismAwareness #CommunityResearch #EqualityAdvocacy #AccountabilityMatters #AntiRacistStrategy #EmpowerChange

Stop Undervaluing exceptional Women’s Potential

Gender equality progress has stagnated. Women are accomplishing what conventional wisdom says is necessary for success: obtaining advanced degrees, entering high-paying businesses, and collecting outstanding certifications at rates comparable to or greater than men. However, women continue to take longer to advance, and few reach the top of the corporate ladder. Many women believe they must be twice as good in order to get half as far.

They have reason to be concerned; our peer-reviewed study indicates that extraordinarily qualified women are undervalued and taken for granted by organizations.

People have been asked to rate overqualified job candidates or those who have more skills than are needed for the job, in a number of experiments by
Elizabeth L. Campbell and
Oliver Hahl
Organizations frequently fail to systematically document why they choose not to promote an employee or hire a job candidate, and even fewer are prepared to share that information with researchers. As a result, the experimental methodology allows us to investigate this phenomenon, which cannot be conveniently investigated using field data from organizations.

It was discovered that gender matters a lot. The findings show that individuals are more comfortable employing women for overqualified professions than males. This is because men and women have different ideas about how hard it will be to keep them.

In the modern workplace, there’s no place for discrimination anymore. Whether it’s for clear business advantage or better employee experience, gender diversity is crucial for any company. It creates a better dynamic among teams and offers a bevy of different benefits.

Ensuring equal representation of men and women in the workplace can create a happier, more harmonious company. If you think having good representation is just to satisfy the diversity hire, think again. Here are 7 benefits of gender diversity in the business.

Wider Talent Pool

When hiring employees, you want to ensure you’re hiring the best of the best. You also want to be sure you’re hiring the most talented people, regardless of gender. However, this isn't always possible due to the imbalance of men and women in the corporate world.

Gender diversity in the workplace means your company has a broader talent pool to draw from. Men tend to drop out of education earlier, and women tend to stay in more, so there’s a greater pool of women who possess the same skills as the men.

If a talented female engineer joins your company, she can bring a more diverse set of skills and knowledge. She can bring more ideas to the table and influence the company to do something radically different. Many women are as driven as men, if not more, so they’ll always make sure to do their best for the company.

Increases Creativity

Creativity is an essential part of any business, and many companies want as much of it as possible. Companies often look at creativity as a female trait; however, men can be creative too. Combining both promotes neurodiversity and creates a deeper roster of talented individuals.

Men can be as creative as women, and both genders have different ways of parsing information presented to them. Men typically look at things with a bigger picture perspective, while women tend to focus on smaller, more specific areas. While this information is not absolute, it is a good reason why gender diversity is necessary.

This bigger pool of ideas leads to better business results. It can lead to smarter decisions, quicker innovation, and better solutions. Creating a gender-balanced workforce can ultimately increase the creativity of your company.

It's not a new thing that women do better when it comes to taking care of children, but the question is why? it is simply because women are taught and tailored that way right from childhood. We have watched our mums do the same and this is not in any way bad but if we have to fight for equality then I think this has to be a part of a man's growing responsibility and parents need to start teaching male children that infant/childcare is not just for women. Men should be taught that taking care of children is normal and should be a shared responsibility between a man and a woman. Men are brought up feeling it's all about providing for their families. Well, what happens when you need to share duties especially take care of a child?.

This mentality needs to stop. It's our child and one person should not be obligated to take care of the child (only if agreed mutually). Some men go as far as telling their wives, partner or baby mama to take the child along even when she needs to go to work while he sits at home doing nothing and even if you are busy at home it is your child, take care of that child, create time because women always find a way around it. Men need to be brought up to understand that babysitting is a two-way duty and should not be done only by the woman, especially if both of you work.

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