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What is Collagen and Why do you need it?
Collagen is the most abundant and important protein in the human body. It accounts for about 30% of the total protein in the human body that plays many roles in maintaining good health.
Collagen comprises of a specific amino acids composition that holds all the structures of the body together (ligaments, tendons, cartilage, bone), supporting our organs and keeping skin firm and elastic.

Humans produce collagen naturally. Older collagen fibers are broken down in the body and replaced by new collagen fibers.

However, as we age our body loses its ability to make collagen. Starting from age 25 onwards the body collagen production slows down and by age 65, our bodies produce barely half as much collagen as they did when we were younger.

Other factors influencing our body natural collagen production are excessive sun exposure, smoking, lack of exercise, poor eating habits, stress, certain diseases and other environmental factors.

Quote of the day

Please remember to bring it to the Lord in prayer. Melody Jacob
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