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Is gender equality really feasible in light Russian war against Ukraine?

Please read this post with an open mind and comprehension before leaving a comment about your thoughts on gender equality. I believe in gender equality, and I strongly believe that we are all equal and no one is better than another person. But I'd like to share some thoughts with you about how I see equality playing out, particularly for Ukrainians and people in other war-torn countries. As some of you may know, I was in Ukraine when the war started, and I am happy to be alive and sound to be able to write this article. I have a lot to say regarding the war to share with you all, but that will be in my next article, but for now, let's focus on the question: is gender equality really practical judging from the Ukraine war? 

The reason why I am asking this question is that gender equality is important and this has been an issue for a long time, but how feasible is gender equality? When the war started in Ukraine, a law was passed by the president, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy. The Ukrainian men were ordered to stay and fight Russia. It was declared on a Thursday in February 2022 that men aged 18 to 60 were prohibited from leaving the country, which has been under martial law since the beginning of the Russian invasion. Women, girls, and children were allowed to leave the country to seek refuge in other European countries.

One hundred days of war have put enormous strain on Ukraine's health-care system.

Ukraine's health system is under tremendous strain after 100 days of the war, and the World Health Organization (WHO) has strengthened its presence, both in Ukraine and in countries hosting displaced Ukrainians, to help meet the rising health demands.

"This war has gone on for 100 days too long, shattering lives and communities and endangering the short- and long-term health of the Ukrainian people," said WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. "WHO is doing everything possible to assist Ukraine's Ministry of Health by delivering critical medical supplies and equipment." But the most important treatment Ukraine requires is one that WHO cannot provide: peace. We demand that the Russian Federation halt the conflict."

The war has raised the demand for health-care services while decreasing the system's ability to offer them, particularly in areas of active fighting. As of June 2, there had been 269 verified attacks on health, with at least 76 persons killed and 59 injured.

"Over 260 verified attacks on health care have occurred in Ukraine in the first 100 days of the war." These attacks are not justifiable, are never acceptable, and must be investigated. "No health professional should have to offer health care on a razor's edge, but that is exactly what nurses, doctors, ambulance drivers, and medical teams in Ukraine are doing," said Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe.

"During two trips to Ukraine since the war began, I've had the opportunity to meet several health workers." We commend them for keeping crucial services and hope alive in the face of unspeakable pain and suffering."

Some health facilities have been damaged, while others have been overrun by individuals seeking treatment for war-related stress and injuries. WHO has built hubs near the conflict, such as Dnipro, to quickly reach the areas most in need.

"WHO is determined to being in Ukraine both now and in the future, addressing immediate health concerns and helping health-system rehabilitation." "As access and security improve, we are redeploying staff around the country," said Dr Jarno Habicht, WHO Representative in Ukraine. "Mental and physical health must be prioritized in Ukraine's recovery and reconstruction efforts."

To that end, WHO has issued an updated appeal for US$ 147.5 million to alleviate Ukraine's deteriorating humanitarian situation, offer immediate healthcare, and enable the health sector remain resilient in the long term. A total of US$ 80 million is necessary for in-country assistance, including as distributing medicines and providing crucial healthcare services, and another US$ 67.5 million is required to aid refugee-receiving and hosting nations such as Poland, the Czech Republic, Moldova, and Romania.

The war has resulted in a significant increase in psychological suffering and distress. Health care specialists across the country report that the most prevalent request currently is for assistance with sleeplessness, anxiety, bereavement, and psychological suffering. WHO is collaborating with the office of Ukraine's First Lady, Olena Zelenska, to create a national mental health program that is accessible to all.

WHO has increased staff and repurposed systems, notably its logistics system, in response to changing health demands in Ukraine. This has allowed for the delivery of over 543 metric tonnes of medical supplies and equipment to the country, which are being distributed mostly in the east, south, and northern oblasts where the need is highest. Trauma surgical supplies, ambulances, Ukrainian-made ventilators that can continue to work even when power fails, electric generators, and oxygen equipment, including the construction of oxygen plants, are among the items delivered.

Another critical requirement is training to cope with the aftereffects of conflict, such as trauma surgery, mass casualties, burns, and chemical exposure. WHO has taught around 1300 healthcare workers on these issues since February 24.

Along with this, WHO has been collaborating with the Ukraine Public Health Centre to improve disease surveillance and laboratory diagnoses, as well as with local governments to restore vaccination programs and key health services. WHO collaborates with over 40 Emergency Medical Teams to supplement the health system.

Photo by Derek French from Pexels:
The last few months have been difficult for us. It appears that it is nearly impossible to turn on the news or scroll through social media without coming across a disturbing image. Whether it's seeing a photo of a child injured in a bombing in Ukraine, reading a gruesome description of assaults on innocent women and children, or hearing a survivor tell her story, the emotions evoked by the media can last all day.

What exactly is war anxiety?

War anxiety, also known as nuclear anxiety, is a surprisingly common reaction to conflict-related news and images. The news from Ukraine appears to be hitting us especially hard, coming on the heels of a two-year pandemic. This could be linked to our already high levels of fatigue, anxiety, and a shaky sense of control. A poll by the American Psychological Association found that Russia's invasion of Ukraine caused a lot of stress for 80% of the people who answered.

What does the research indicate?

We are still learning about the long-term effects of mass violence fears. A Finnish study discovered that adolescents who were concerned about nuclear war were more likely to develop common mental disorders five years later. Anxious people are also more likely to seek out crisis coverage in the media, which can lead to a vicious cycle of distress.

War anxiety symptoms

War anxiety can creep up on you gradually or appear suddenly in response to a trigger. Symptoms can manifest in the mind, the body, or both. Anxiety can manifest physically as a racing heart, butterflies in your stomach, nausea, or dizziness. Some people experience full-fledged panic attacks. Others experience war anxiety as uncontrollable worries, difficulty sleeping, restlessness, or nightmares. Others may experience numbness. Remember that anxiety is a normal reaction to life's stresses and that a small amount of anxiety is adaptive — it tells your body to take a threat seriously.

Effective coping strategies.
When your mind is preoccupied with the war, or when you experience muscle tension or other physical symptoms, there are some strategies that can help you break the cycle of anxiety.

Reduce your media exposure. Emotionally compelling news sells, and news that negatively affects you is more likely to be addictive. Breaking the habit of regularly checking the news may be the most effective single change in combating war anxiety. You shouldn't be exposed to it for more than 30 minutes a day, and you shouldn't be exposed right before bed.
Make an effort to help others. Channelling your anxiety into meaningful connections may help you feel less helpless. Consider checking in to offer support if you have a friend or acquaintance from Ukraine. Consider volunteering or donating to one of these organizations.

Develop compassion. Anger can be triggered by war anxiety, which stems from a loss of control. Anger can be directed at populations or ethnic groups, or it can be directed at family members or friends who hold opposing views. Anger can be effectively challenged with compassion in addition to interventions such as mindfulness, physical activity, and breathing exercises. Begin by paying more attention to the kindness around you, attempting to limit your judgments and attempting to appreciate different points of view.
Alter your routine. Limiting your exposure to the media, news updates, and political debates will increase your free time during the day. Unfortunately, as our brains are hard-wired to do, unstructured time usually results in more worrying. Instead, try incorporating the following anxiety-relieving activities: Take a walk in the woods. According to research, spending as little as 15 minutes in nature can help relieve stress and anxiety.

Increase the amount of time you spend exercising. Any aerobic activity can help you feel less anxious, but the more intense the activity, the more it helps.
Deep breathing and mindfulness exercises are recommended. Try to practice every day to reap the benefits. Guided mindfulness can be practiced in person or at home using CDs or mobile apps. Breathe2Relax is a free and scientifically proven mobile app that teaches deep breathing exercises.

Obtaining additional assistance

For the vast majority of people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, symptoms will peak and then gradually fade. Severe anxiety symptoms, on the other hand, may necessitate additional attention, especially because conflict can trigger memories of past traumatic experiences. If your work, sleep, or general sense of well-being is being disrupted by war anxiety, consult with your primary care clinician to see if therapy or medications are necessary. This pamphlet can be useful when discussing the war with children. The Disaster Distress Helpline (800) 985-5990) is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week for crisis counseling and referrals to local resources.

War in ukraine
Pexel photo

The United States plans to accept 100,000 Ukrainian refugees.

The United States is ready to accept up to 100,000 Ukrainian refugees. Although the vast majority of those displaced will attempt to remain in Europe, a considerable number will be welcomed across the Atlantic.

With many Ukrainian-American families wishing to give a temporary home to their relatives, the United States is willing to employ a variety of Visa and asylum possibilities. Vulnerable groups, such as LGBTQI people, journalists, and political dissidents, will be prioritized.
Putin hosts concert to celebrate the annexation of Crimea

Russian President Vladimir Putin has continued his misinformation drive by holding a massive concert to celebrate the eighth anniversary of the annexation of Crimea. Crimea is currently being used as a major base for the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

As well as performers and speakers, Putin himself made an appearance, speaking of the "bravery and patriotism" of Russia's soldiers. According to Russia, more than 200,000 people attended the event. However, the stadium itself only holds 81,000, although there were large crowds outside.

Foreign reporters at the event spoke to many attendees who had been told they had to come, were forced, or were given incentives to show up. All state employees were made to attend. Many did not want to be seen on camera or speak to journalists for fear of governmental consequences. These accounts are not yet verified.

There is currently no safe place in Ukraine, and the situation is changing by the hour. All children across the region are now in grave danger of physical harm and severe emotional distress.

So please, let’s do what we do best: let’s gather together our network of friends, family and colleagues and fundraise for the innocent children of Ukraine.

Start a Fundraiser

Violence and explosions have been reported in the capital of Kyiv and other major cities – forcing children and families into basements and bomb shelters. At least 100,000 have already been forced to flee their homes. As temperatures drop below freezing, displaced children could face long days and nights exposed to brutal conditions.
Russia ignores ceasefire, trapping thousands

Last week, a sliver of good news arrived when authorities from Ukraine and Russia agreed to create safe corridors to allow civilians to be evacuated. Unfortunately, that hope was dashed when Russia broke the brief ceasefire, forcing Mariupol to suspend evacuations for two days in a row.

The port city is encircled by Russian soldiers and has been shelled on a regular basis. The inhabitants of Mariupol are in a rapidly deteriorating condition since the city has been without heat, food, or electricity for days.

Hello, every in Ukraine.

Glovo generously support that you and all yours are close to safety

These days, Glovo is trying to support Ukrainians: their correspondents, couriers, partners, ZSU. To that, they have already introduced the robot from delivery to other places: Lviv, Chernivtsi, Odesa, Chornomorsk, Ivano-Frankivsk, Rivne, Ternopil, Lutsk, Khmelnytsky, Kropyvnytsky, Kryvyi Rig, Uzhgorod, Drohobych, Chernivtsi, Zaporizhzhya, Vіkasypro, Vіkasіpro.

Priority is given to the bubbles of “Pharmacy” and “Supermarkets”. The delivery time will be fixed. All income will be transferred to ZSU. At the time of the appearance of unsafe minds, the prayer can be scrambled automatically, and all your cats will be turned to you on the rahunka.

This might be helpful information for foreigners and visitors who live or plan to visit Ukraine. Are you a student, business traveller or tourist, whatever made you visit Ukraine here is what you need to know about tap water in Ukraine.

Drinking water in Ukraine is scarce and tap water is not so clean for consumption. I remember visiting Ukraine for the first time and a boy who drank tap water got seriously ill and was taken to the hospital, he was also warned by the Doctor not to drink tap water again. The state of the country's water pipelines is a major concern since it has resulted in a decrease in the quality of tap water.

Holipark 2019 is one of the most popular events held at maxim gorky park Kharkov Ukraine. I almost missed this one. I wanted to experience the cultural blends of different countries coming together to celebrate using colors as a means of communication. I captured some lovely moments and beautiful people. The event usually begins at 12:00pm with different performances from the Indians and other dance groups. By 1:00 pm the festival of color is opened and the color splash begins. I actually went a bit late because I found out about it today.

Kyiv Day or officially the Day of Kyiv (Ukrainian: День Києва); is a holiday in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv usually celebrated in the last weekend of May. Kiev Day is not a public holiday. It falls on Sunday, 26 May 2019 and most businesses follow regular Sunday opening hours in Ukraine.

What Do People Do?
The city of Kiev celebrates Kiev Day by hosting activities and events such as:
Street and outdoor performances by various entertainers.
Cultural exhibitions.
Sporting activities such as marathons and charity runs.
Fashion shows.
Open-air music concerts.
Firework displays.
The Kiev Day celebrations take place on the Saturday and Sunday during the last weekend in May. 

Miss Africa Ukraine 2019 is a beauty pageant organization aimed at defining, promoting and developing the African beauty. Our mission is to unite Africans in Ukraine as well as present awards yearly to outstanding African students in different spheres of influence in Ukraine.
I like to document my travel experience and take pictures not just for the memories but to share on my website so you all can get to share the moment with me and get closer to my personal lifestyle. I traveled to Dnipro city (Днепропетровской) Dnipropetrovsk Oblast for a photo shoot and I also planned on catching up with friends I have not seen in a while.

I wanted to travel a day before the day I traveled but there were no taxi's. Usually I use the bla bla car app which is well known in Ukraine. I was almost scammed by a fake taxi driver on this app so I decided to travel the next day. 
For those of you who do not know Dnipro city, it is located in Ukraine and it is Ukraine's fourth largest city, with about one million inhabitants. It is 391 kilometers (243 mi), southeast of the capital Kiev on the Dnieper River, in the south-central part of Ukraine.
This photo belongs to Lavina.
I traveled on a Sunday and on getting there, I had a very nice meal and after an hour we headed over to Lavina amusement park in Dnepr city. Lavina is an open air area with large greenery hills where the largest festivals, concerts, exhibitions, performances and other events regularly take place.

Every year, “Lavina” is visited by well-known dance and vocal groups, musicians, talented singers and artists with special programs and give a lot of positive emotions to visitors.
During the winter it is turned into a Ski resort, where you can enjoy snow skating, tubing and ice skating, all kinds of snow sports.

This photo belongs to Lavina.

Winter Park in “Lavina” is a modern ski complex with well-groomed ski and tubing tracks up to 250 meters, and an ice rink. The territory of the park is well lit in the evening. In addition, the organization of night skating and other interesting events, which came to the mind of both regular visitors and new guests, has become a good tradition.

This is my favorite snow winter sports because of how comfortable and easy it is.
This photo belongs to Lavina.
ICE PALACEI have been trying to learn how to ice skate but the fear of falling won't let me. I finally got to practice even more, I got some tutorials from my friends and I did really well.
 You can check out the pricing here. There are ski schools available and you can be taught how to perform a lot of winter sports.
Read the rules here for visiting the snow sports arena.

"House Forester"

Located near the city, on the ring road in the Belgorod highway, not far from Feldman Ecopark. The territory has a 25-meter swimming pool, sun loungers, a summer bar. In addition, around the complex - a real picturesque forest, where you can walk for hours away from the city noise.
The price of pleasure:   weekday - 150 UAH / day, Sat-Sun and holidays - 200 UAH / day. Children under 12 years - free of charge (accompanied by an adult). Subscription for the week: 900 USD / month
Hours:  10:00 - 20:00
Contacts: Kharkiv region, Dergachi district,. Cherkasy Lozovaya, 3 and Belgorod highway; 729-83-23, 050-301-38-97.

Arizona Beach club

This is not the bustling centre of the city and the distant green and Alexis meows. On its territory is a large-scale recreation centre Arizona Beach club. The club - children's and adult swimming pools, there is also access to the river. Active guests can play volleyball or tennis. One of the main highlights of the institutions - bar ... right in the pool!
The price of pleasure: weekdays - 150 UAH / day, weekend - 200 UAH / day, children up to 7 years - free of charge.
Hours aqua zones: from 10.00 till the last client.
Contact : ul. Sovkhoznaya, m "August 23", "Alekseevskaya."; 788-16-18 (050) 401-66-80.

Aqua-Zone club "Misto"

In the entertainment centre "Misto" is a 25-meter pool, where you can not only swim but also to consult a qualified fitness trainer. By the way, the pool is filled with artesian water, purified quartz. There are also sun loungers and volleyball courts for recreation.
The price of pleasure: a weekday - 150 UAH / day, at the output - 200 UAH / day, children from one year - 100 UAH / day
Opening hours: 08:00 - 20:00
Contact: ul. Klochkovsky, 190-A; 758-17-04

Terrace beach club

Beach vacation right in the heart of Kharkiv? Easily. At the 6th floor of the hotel "Nemo" has an outdoor saltwater pool and whirlpool. For fans of the sunbathing platform is equipped with deck chairs and sofas. Bathing, you can enjoy a wonderful view of Kharkiv, because of Terrace beach club - an open platform.
The price of pleasure: a weekday - 300 UAH / day, at the output - 350 UAH / day, children under 5 free
Hours: from 8 to 21.
Contact: ul. Sumy, 35 (Shevchenko Gardens, in cascade); 700-33-99

Sports complex Tetra

Aqua yoga, aqua-pilates, aqua-therapy for pregnant and just being able to swim in the open air - is "Tetra" aqua-area sports complex. Here you can not only relax but also improve your fitness and health.
The price of pleasure: to get to the aqua-sports complex area, it is necessary to issue a club card. Its cost - from 3150 UAH (10 guest visits).
Hours: 9 to 21
Contact: ul. Sumi, 85; 766-02-02


We go back to Alexis meows. On the territory of the complex "Arcade" - as much as five swimming pools (2 for children 3 adults), there is a sports equipment rental. In addition, as described Vgorode in "Arcadia" in the near future, there will be a new area with a huge swimming pool.
The price of pleasure: weekdays - 200 UAH / day, weekends and holidays - 250 UAH / day, children up to 7 years - free of charge, from 7 to 14 years - 150 UAH / day during the week, 200 USD / day on weekends.
Opening hours: 09:00 - 19:30
Contacts: Alexis meows, trans. Beech, 27; 720-05-20, 720-05-23

Marine Club

Swimming pool at Marine Club is small - about 12 meters, but it is possible to pass SPA treatments and relax on the sundeck. At the same veranda, by the way, there is free wi-fi, so you can combine business with pleasure and do not break away from the gadgets.
The price of pleasure: 60 UAH / 1.5 hours
Hours: 9:00 - 21:00.
Contact: ul. Lermontovskaya, 7, 25 714-25-
Poltava Krichevsky Museums:  It is one of the oldest museums of Ukraine that was founded in 1891. The museum is situated building of the former province government that had been built upon the project of the architect V. Krichevsky in 1903-1908. It was designed in the Ukrainian modern style that contains traditional ornaments in the front exterior decoration, that is why the museum building was indicated in the list of the architectural monuments of national value.

Location : ( 2 Konstitutsii Street, Zhovtneva Street, Poltava, Ukraine).

Poltava museum named after V. Krichevsky as significant scientific and cultural center, founded in 1891 on the initiative of famous scientist Professor Dokuchaev, who gave more than 4,000 soil samples, 500 rock samples, 862 herbarium sheets. Among the patrons and native of Poltava province Skarzhynska Catherine (1854-1932), which gave more than 20,000 exhibits and library. In the museum gift for years 1894-1913 gave valuable collection of Oriental antiquities Paul Bobrowski

I have always wanted to tour the city of Poltava.
Poltava serves as a transit between Kharkov and Kiev, so while traveling I have always wondered what it will be like walking in the streets of this city.
So, finally I was able to visit the City for a tour, it was an amazing experience. 
As you all know Ukraine is not an English speaking country so communication sometimes can gets really bad. In this city everyone wanted to understand and communicate with us, I felt at home even more relaxed asking questions than in Kharkov where every Ukrainian seemed to be sad and angry at themselves.
The feelings that comes along visiting the memorial Complex is so strong, Something just felt so calm in my spirit, lots of thoughts dancing around my soul. This is 3rd time I am visiting the memorial complex of glory but that same fresh feeling keeps coming each time I step into the that arena. It is such an honor for everyone who fought for freedom. This is sure a place to visit in Kharkov Ukraine.

The memorial complex of Glory is located in Lisopark, which during the war years became a place of mass executions of inhabitants, guerrillas and soldiers. One of its fields was a huge common grave – exactly at this place later was built The Memorial of Glory. Alley framed by two pylons is leading to the Motherland statue, and at her foot an eternal flame burns. Further, there are tables engraved with the names of people who rested there. In this place sounds the heartbeat of the people who fought for their land and their people to victory. On the Victory day here are coming thousands of Kharkovites, to lay flowers in memory of the victims.

The stately Glory Memorial was unveiled in the Forest Park in 1977. It immortalizes the undying exploits of the Soviet people fighting the Nazism (which is the ideology and practice associated with the 20th-century German Nazi Party and Nazi Germany, as well as other far-right groups).
The Complex of Glory immortalized the immortal and unforgettable feat of Soviet citizens in the fight against the Nazi invaders. At this northern city limit the Nazis executed and shot tens of thousands of Soviet soldiers, partisans and underground fighters, prisoners of war and patriots, who refused to submit to the enemy. 

During the Great Patriotic War the residents of Kharkov showed the enviable courage, bravery and heroism. They stoically fought against the oppression of the conquerors, together with other citizens of the former Soviet Union and gave their lives for the peaceful life of their descendants. In honor of these soldiers there were erected three steles with dropped down cast banners. On one stele there is the inscription, which is to remind present and future generations about the great feat of the Soviet people: "In the battles for Kharkov 186 306 Soviet soldiers died a hero’s death".
The well known Ukrainian architect, Ukrainian SSR's Honoured Artist, Aleksey Nikolayevich Beketov was born on 19 February (3 March) 1862, in Kharkov, in the family of Nikolay Nikolayevich Beketov - the founder of physics and chemistry, the member of Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Father's brother Andrey was a scientist, too: he had become known as Darwinist botanist, he was a Corresponding Member and an Honourable Member of Petersburg Academy. Aleksey Nikolayevich passed his childhood in communication with the Mechnikovs and the Alchevskiys families.
Location : Kharkov
Country : Ukraine
Address : Davina 25, "Quiet’ Downtown.
Aleksey Nikolayevich received an excellent education. At the same time he attended M. D. Ivanova-Rayevskaya's Artist School and after that in Petersburg Arts Academy. His education was topped with the dissertation thesis completion, which in 1894 brought him the title of Architecture Academician.

Beketov died on 23 November 1941. He left us about one hundred various buildings, and one of the most magnificent of them is the building of Kharkov research institute of microbiology and immunology named after I. I. Mechnikov.
The first Beketov building, which decorated Kharkov, was the Commercial School. After this work, which brought success to the novice, the young architect constructed a whole series of bank buildings. The projects were ordered by the leaders of the roughly developing Kharkov business and industry -- today's buildings of the Automotive Technical School, The Houses of Techniques, the Puppet-Show and others.
According to the status of Petersburg's Academy of Arts, an architect with 3 years construction experience could choose an item and work on a project to receive the rank of Academician of Architecture. Beketov decided to take on the project of a public library with 1.5 million volumes, with reading halls, an art gallery, storehouse and numismatic hall. Beketov completed this grand work in only 9 months. In 1894 the Scientist Soviet gave him the rank of Academnician. The building of the library can be called a gift to Kharkov of "a perfect creation.
The creative works of Beketov were noticeable not only in Kharkov; his buildings also decorate Belgorod, Dnipropetrovsk, Simpheropol and other cities - but the most monumental buildings he built are in Kharkov. During his life he completed 64 different architecture projects and all of the buildings were individual masterpieces. Here, in his native city, this outstanding architect ended his life.
Buildings Created By Beketov1889 - Medical office (Poltavsky Shlyakh, 12)
Darvina (Darwin) Street was established in the mid-19th century and was initially called Sadovo-Kulikovska, as named after its landlords, the Kulikovskys, who owned vast lands in this area. When the massive construction started here, as the Technological Institute was being built, they sold most of their land to the city. In the early 20th century a range of mansions was built in the street, including the Governor’s Mansion and Governor’s Office.
The buildings in Darvina Street have been well preserved and are of special interest for those fond of old architecture.
Built in the style of Neorenaissance, 9, Darvina Steet is a former house of merchant Ryzhov (designed by V. Velichko, 1912). This is one of the few mansions of the city which preserved its initial outlook. During the early years of Soviet power, it housed the Extraordinary Commission for Fighting Counterrevolution, Speculations and Sabotage. Later it became home to the All-Ukrainian Society of Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries. Since 1934 it has become the House of Architects.
Situated next to it is a former mansion of English Consul Charles Blacky, now housing the House of Artists (designed by V. Gaush, 1911).
13, Darvina Steet is a mansion previously owned by D. Alchevsky, biology professor of Kharkiv University. The designer (A. Beketov) described the style of the building as Mauritanian. It used to house the Society of Working Women Mutual Help, the first mixed gymnasium for boys and girls and now it is home to Ukrainian-British College.

Further on, the architectural complex of the street resembles that of a small European town. 21 and 23, Darvina St. were designed by A. Beketov in 1901–1903 in the style of Neorenaissance. A very interesting building designed in the style of Modern by V. Rzhepyshevsky for a stage director N. Sinelnikov was built in 1914. Close to it (31, Darvina St.) is the house designed by V. Velichko for his family. At the end of the street there is a mansion designed by A. Beketov in 1912 (37, Darvina St.). Besides A. Beketov, painters M. Pestrikov and N. Samokish used to live there at different times.
Buildings by Beketov.
1893 - Lenin House of Culture (Sovnarkomovskaya, 13)

1893 - Law Academy (Pushkinskaya, 77)

1896 - Secondary School N1 (Darwin, 1)

1896 - Arts Museum (Sovnarkomovskaya, 9)

1896 - "Znaniye" Society (Nezavisimosty pl.)

1896-1898 Autotransport Technical College (Nezavisimosty pl., 28)

1896-1899 - Technical House (Nezavisimosty pl., 26)

1899 - Medical Society (Olminskogo ul, 11)

1900 - Scientists' House (Sovnarkomovskaya, 10)

1891-1901 - Korolenko Library (Korolenko, 4)

1902 - Court Offices House (Rudneva pl.)

1906-1907 - Puppet Theatre (Nezavisimosty pl., 24)

1912 - Arts Museum (Sovnarkomovskaya, 11)

1913 - I. I. Mechnikov Institute (Pushkinskaya, 14)

1914-1915 - KhSKhM SKB (Pushkinskaya, 84)

1914-1916 - KhIMESKh (Artyoma, 44).

Quote of the day

Please remember to bring it to the Lord in prayer. Melody Jacob
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