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You recently began antibiotic treatment for an infection and are now doing well. However, your skin starts to itch, and the telltale indications of a rash appear — initially on your torso, then spreading to your arms and legs. So, what exactly do you do? Should you be concerned? Is it necessary for you to see a doctor?

Many drugs cause rashes, which are a bothersome side effect. It might be demoralizing to be recovering from one ailment just to learn that you have a new problem to deal with. While these itchy eruptions might be inconvenient, they normally last a week or two and can be treated with over-the-counter drugs.

However, not all medication rashes are the same, and some can even be fatal. Fortunately, the dangerous ones are few, but knowing how to recognize them is still a good idea. How do you tell the difference between dangerous rashes and those that are simply a bother but will go away with time and treatment?

Drug rashes come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

There are two types of allergic rashes that might occur after taking a medication. Within hours, the most immediate form of reaction occurs. Hives appear on the skin and move about. Antihistamines (over-the-counter at a drugstore) are the most common treatment because this process is linked to the release of histamine.

A delayed type of drug rash appears four to fourteen days after you begin taking medicine. Over the course of a few days, pink and red lumps grow on your chest and back, spreading to your arms and legs. These pimples don't move around like hives, and after a few days, things may start to improve, but you may experience peeling skin similar to a recovering sunburn.

Antihistamines aren't as effective for this sort of delayed rash, but topical cortisone cream (or one of its higher prescription-strength equivalents) can help speed up the healing process.

Many individuals use Pinterest to make predictions about the future. This has been true for a lot of different things, like food, beauty, fashion, travel, and more, in recent years. The social media site has been very good at reflecting what people are interested in many different areas.
In fact, according to Pinterest's search statistics, 8 out of 10 of its forecasts for the year came true in 2021. Several key trends will aim to take hold in the next weeks and months for Pinterest's annual Predicts report, which the platform defines as "a not-yet-trending report—a peek into the future, from the place where people go to plan it."

Expect to see bold, vibrant cakes with rich colors, different textures, and metallic colors when it comes to cake decorating.
Weddings in 2021 were popular for individual portions, and this trend will continue in 2022. The popularity of individual tiny cakes will continue to grow. They are not only safe for guests, but they also allow couples to choose from a variety of flavours rather than just one.
Do you have a cake to bake? Whether you're a seasoned pastry chef or a novice baker, these incredibly scrumptious trends will ensure that your next creation is as Instagram-worthy as it is delicious! In 2022, we've put together a list of the top birthday cake trends to keep an eye on. They range from shaggy 70s-style piping to delicate dried flowers.

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What your doctor should know about sex, drugs, and depression

Many of us are anxious about going to the doctor's office: "What do my blood results mean?" Will my doctor suspect that this bulge is cancer? Because the physical exam might make us feel exposed and cause mild discomfort, we may shower, shave, and put on better-than-average clothing before going out for our physical in an attempt to reduce this discomfort.

However, it is during the intimate discussions—whether about crushing despair, increasing alcohol consumption, or sexual problems—that our palms begin to sweat. When we know what to expect, these challenging conversations can be more comfortable and fruitful.


Because most people do not share their sexual history, expect your doctor to ask you a few direct questions as part of your complete exam. Regardless of age, gender, or marital status, doctors question all patients about their sexual history.

I often discuss sexual activity with my patients because mood, substance use, and various medications can all have an impact on sexual functioning. The most commonly prescribed class of antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), for example, is more likely to reduce libido than treat depression. (They achieve remission in roughly 30% of patients, but they cause sexual dysfunction in 60% to 70% of them.)

What your doctor might ask

The five Ps are partners (number and gender), practices (kind of sexual contact), protection (means of contraception), STI history, and pregnancy. He or she may also want to know if you take any medications or supplements that could have an effect on your libido as well.

What your doctor should know Your doctor should be aware of your risk of contracting an STI, including any risky behaviours or substance use. Furthermore, your doctor should be informed of any changes in libido, difficulties obtaining orgasm, difficulties maintaining an erection, or a delay in ejaculation. This helps your doctor think about important things like hormone levels, medical conditions, and medications.

What parents need to know about concussion care for children and teens

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In fact, concussions are the most prevalent type of traumatic brain injury, accounting for more than half of all cases (TBI). We've learned from the experiences of former National Football League players that concussions can cause long-term health issues.
When a child or teen has a concussion, it's important that we do everything we can to make sure they get the best care possible and prevent concussions.
When a child suffers a concussion, it's difficult for doctors, parents, and coaches to decide what the best course of action should be. Children who have concussions can rely on recommendations made by the CDC, which examines all of the evidence and provides guidance. 

Sleep May Help You Lose Weight

Eat less and sleep more? Sleep deprivation may have an impact on weight management, according to a new study.

Weight loss was originally considered a simple calculation: eat less and move more to establish a calorie deficit. Underlying disparities between people—in genetics, health issues, body type, and more—are also thought to play a factor in how tough it is to lose weight. Yet research reveals that some things may help set the stage for success.
Sleep more to eat less? New data reinforces this notion, demonstrating that adults who are well-rested consume many fewer calories than those who are chronically sleep-deprived.

This short-term research of 80 overweight patients hammers home just how fundamental slumber is to our predisposition to put on additional pounds, says Dr Beth Frates, director of lifestyle medicine and wellness in the department of surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital.

"Investing in strategies to improve sleep hygiene may help people get the required seven to nine hours of sleep every night," Dr Frates explains. "This could result in people who are overweight by BMI consuming fewer calories and even losing weight."

Sleep deprivation is associated with chronic disorders.

The current study, published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, confirms previous findings that those who sleep less consume more calories and even seek higher-calorie items than those who sleep for longer periods of time.
Dr. Frates observes that around one-third of Americans do not get the required seven to nine hours of sleep each night, and this deficiency is associated with a variety of chronic conditions, including high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. According to her, sleep is one of the six pillars of lifestyle medicine, along with exercise, a nutritious diet, stress reduction, social interaction, and avoiding toxic drugs.
"The majority of individuals place a premium on exercise and diet when it comes to weight management and heart health, but very few place a premium on sleep," she says.
Sleep cycles, calorie intake, and weight tracking
Adults aged 21 to 40 with a BMI of between 25.0 and 29.9 were included in the study. This BMI range is considered overweight. Each of them slept fewer than 6.5 hours per night on a regular basis. For the first two weeks, everyone slept normally.
The second two weeks were spent randomly assigning participants to two equal groups. To achieve 8.5 hours of sleep, one group received individualized therapy, highlighting strategies to modify sleep-disrupting elements such as bed partners, children, and pets.
"The suggestion was no blanket," Dr Frates emphasizes. "It was tailored to the individual, and there was a follow-up meeting with additional therapy." The second group of volunteers continued to sleep in their usual manner.
All were instructed to maintain their everyday routines without altering their food or exercise habits. Each participant wore a wristband that monitored their sleep cycles and weighed themselves each morning. Sophisticated laboratory testing determined the difference between the calories consumed and expended by each participant each day.

Appetite-regulating hormone balance

The researchers discovered that participants who received sleep hygiene counselling slept an average of over an hour longer each night than those who maintained their previous sleeping habits. Additionally, participants in the extended sleep group consumed an average of 270 fewer calories per day and lost nearly a pound on average, compared to participants in the control group, who gained just under a pound on average.
The findings are significant because they demonstrate the efficacy of education and counselling in changing behaviour—in this case, sleep, as Dr Frates explains. She adds that significantly increased sleep duration can help patients feel more alive than just surviving, she says.
However, why might additional sleep be beneficial? Sleep duration has long been associated with the body's generation of hormones that regulate appetite. Inadequate sleep is connected with increased levels of the hormone ghrelin, which stimulates appetite, and decreased levels of the hormone leptin, which causes a sense of satiety. This encourages people to gain weight. By contrast, sleeping more may have an effect on these hormones, rebalancing them.
"With additional sleep, individuals may also feel more awake, energized, and happy," Dr. Frates says. "This could result in increased activity, even if it is not physical activity. It is possible that this will result in less sitting and more interaction.
It's worth mentioning that the study did not disclose whether the longer sleep pattern was maintained following the two-week intervention period, nor did it disclose the sorts of meals consumed by individuals and when.
Additionally, the study had major shortcomings. Did participants in the sleep extension intervention make healthier lifestyle choices? Dr. Frates inquires. While calories are critical, the source of those calories is just as critical. Measuring hunger, desires, and stress levels would also be beneficial.

Takeaways for improving your sleep

A few important strategies from the study may help you sleep better and maybe consume fewer calories:
Maintain a sleep log.
Evaluate bedtime rituals in order to fine-tune variables affecting sleep length.
Electronic device use should be limited to at least one hour before bed.

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Can mindfulness exercises help with overeating?

We've all had moments of indulgence that result in overeating. It's nothing to be concerned about if it happens once in a while. If this happens regularly, you might worry if you have a "food addiction" or an overheating problem. Before you get too worked up, keep in mind that neither of them is a recognized medical diagnosis. Indeed, the reality of food addiction is a hotly debated topic.

If food addiction occurs, it would be induced by a physiological mechanism, and you would experience withdrawal symptoms if you didn't eat particular foods, such as those containing sugar. But that's not the same as saying you adore sugar and find it difficult to avoid it. "Dr Helen Burton Murray, an expert in psychology, agrees. When she isn't at work, she is the head of the Center for Neurointestinal Health at the Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Neurointestinal Health.

Many people unintentionally overeat and are unaware of it until they have finished their meal. Mindfulness exercises can help you stick to reasonable portion sizes in this situation.

However, she advises that if your ideas about food are interfering with your ability to function on a daily basis, you should seek professional help. A smart place to start is with your primary care physician.

From the just concluded Jenny's Glow wedding to different wedding guest styles shared on Instagram on a daily basis, we have compelled the best and most sophisticated wedding guest styles to attend a Nigerian wedding. We have shared different styles in the past, but the bar keeps going up, so we are bringing you the latest wedding guest outfit styles to attend a Nigerian traditional wedding in 2022. The list is mostly made up of celebrities and socialites. You can download the photos by double-clicking on them, and the download option will appear.

Cake designs for children

If your kid is having a birthday party soon, then we've got you covered with these amazing, fancy yet attractive cake designs that any kid will love. We loved the colour that was mixed into the cake. To pick the best cake for a child's birthday celebration, check out these amazing cake designs to suit your kid's special day. You can order these cakes from Ladanafshanii. 
Let's be honest: inflammation has a terrible rep. Much of it is justifiable. Long-term inflammation, after all, is linked to chronic illnesses and death. If you just depended on headlines for health information, you may conclude that stamping out inflammation would abolish cardiovascular disease, cancer, dementia, and perhaps ageing itself. Unfortunately, this isn't the case.
Nonetheless, our understanding of how chronic inflammation might harm one's health has vastly improved in recent years. Three common questions arise as a result of this understanding: Is it possible that I have inflammation without realizing it? How can I tell if I have it? Is it possible to test for inflammation? Yes, there are some.

Inflammation screening
It's summer and changing up your nail polish colour palette to match the season,s mood is a simple and easy way to get into the spirit. We have compiled a list of the greatest new luxury nail polish colours and brands for the holidays, featuring beautiful wintry bottles in gold, silver, blue, red, forest green, and plum.

Summer not only provides better weather and more beach days, but it also offers festivals and celebrations across the United States. People assemble from all over the world, both inside their own countries and internationally, to partake in a number of unrivalled summer traditions.

One of the simplest ways to boost your style is to add exquisite accessories – and your nails are the ideal accessory. Combine a traditional base like nude, black, or red with expensive-looking ornaments – think gold and jewels – and sophisticated designs and topcoats for the luxury manicure. This season, these luxurious nail designs should be at the top of your wishlist.

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