Lifestyle Blogger

Having a good time is most likely one of my favourite hobbies. If you're planning a party, would you like to take it to the next level and make memories that will last a lifetime? YES?? You will require a good celebration cake, and a well-designed cake is an ideal option because a cake is the centrepiece of any birthday party, and it should be beautiful. Everyone loves blowing out the candles, cutting the cake, and getting all the attention from their loved ones. Cakes have become a source of pride, stature, and happiness in the last few years. It's even safe to say that cakes have transcended the dessert table and have become an integral part of the décor in modern times!

Whether you're celebrating your own or a loved one's birthday, we guarantee that these unique and finest cake designs will take your breath away! We've picked together the finest cute and beautiful birthday cake designs to help you get started, from small to large parties. These cakes are sure to be a hit at any party.

You can order these cakes from Fatos_oemer.

Cardiac arrest vs. heart attack( Question and Answer)

Q. When my grandfather was in his mid-70s, he suffered a heart attack but survived and lived to the age of 93. My father had heart disease as well, however, he died of a heart attack at the age of 67. How is a heart attack distinguished from a cardiac arrest?

A. These two names frequently cause confusion because they are frequently used interchangeably. However, a heart attack and cardiac arrest are not synonymous.

A heart attack is a circulatory condition caused by a clogged artery that prevents blood from reaching a portion of the heart muscle. Without reopening the artery and restoring blood flow, the cardiac cells supplied by that artery begin to die. Intense discomfort in the middle of the chest or other sections of the upper body, dyspnea, perspiration, and nausea are all possible symptoms. However, the heart continues to beat and the individual stays conscious.

By contrast, cardiac arrest is most frequently caused by an electrical issue that causes the heart to cease beating suddenly. Ventricular fibrillation occurs when the heart's bottom chambers (ventricles) flutter or quiver as a result of an electrical misfire (v-fib). A person suffering from cardiac arrest collapses or faints quickly, ceases breathing regularly, and is unable to be awakened. Additionally, irregular, strange gasping or choking sounds (referred to as agonal respiration) and jerking muscles may occur.
Tips to minimize your exposure to mold?

Even if you are receiving allergy shots or taking medication, the most effective way to ensure that your shots and other allergy drugs work properly is to minimize your exposure to allergens. Preventative medicine is the best medication! The most frequent symptom of allergic rhinitis is a stuffy or runny nose. Pollen (from trees, grass, and weeds), dust mites and cockroaches, pet dander, and mold are the major allergens that cause it (the allergy trigger that can be the most challenging to identify).

Other fungi and molds

Fungi spores (molds, mildew, yeasts, and mushrooms) are ubiquitous and, like pollen, are extremely light and easily dispersed via the air. Fungal spores can survive for an extended period of time in dry, unfavorable circumstances. However, they flourish best in a moist, warm climate, whether indoors or out.

Many people are allergic to mold, and it can worsen asthma in certain people. Physicians have long recognized a link between respiratory disorders induced by mold spore inhalation and an allergic response.

Alternaria, whose spore count peaks in late summer or early fall, and Cladosporium, whose spore count peaks in the summer months, are two outdoor molds. Individuals allergic to mold should avoid wooded environments and activities such as raking damp leaves. Additionally, stay indoors on windy and wet days, as mold spore counts increase in warm, humid conditions and soon after summer rainstorms.
Indoor molds are equally prevalent, with over 1,000 different mold species identified in American houses. Indoor mold exposure has been associated with rhinitis symptoms, as well as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.


Advice on avoiding mold

The most effective method of avoiding mold allergens is to minimize mold formation in the first place. Molds thrive in moist environments, so seek out and eliminate sources of moisture.
Outside, sensitive individuals should avoid regions prone to mold growth, such as compost dumps, freshly cut grass, and wooded areas. Mold likes to grow on decaying plants, like wet, rotten wood. You should get rid of any wood that isn't in good shape.

"Think globally, act locally," was a popular phrase when I worked for Greenpeace for five years before starting medical school. As I write this blog about climate change and hay fever, I'm wondering if cleaning down my computer, which I've just sneezed all over because of my seasonal allergies, counts as following this aphorism? (Can a tissue be used to clean a computer screen?)

Actually, my allergies seem to have gotten worse in recent years. My patients feel the same way. I seem to be prescribing nasal steroids and antihistamines more frequently than in the past, advising over-the-counter eye drops, and discussing techniques to avoid allergies. Are individuals more stressed, working longer hours, and sleeping less, making them more prone to allergies? Is it possible that the allergies are making things worse? Could the worsening of climate change explain why the steady rise in allergy and asthma rates over the previous few decades?

What is Ichthyosis?

Under normal circumstances, the body's skin surface is constantly renewed, with new skin cells being formed and older cells being shed. Ichthyosis throws this balance off, either by producing too many replacement skin cells or by the skin cells failing to detach well from the skin surface when it's time to fall off. As a result, skin cells build up into thick flakes that stick to the body and resemble fish scales.

Ichthyosis is a skin ailment that presents a lot of cosmetic issues for the individual who has it. It is not, however, a contagious disease. The disorder can also make it difficult for the skin to protect against infection, avoid dehydration, and regulate body temperature.

The most common form of ichthyosis is ichthyosis Vulgaris, which is the disease's mildest form. It affects one in every 250 people.

If you are in Nigeria and you are a soon to be bride and you have not seen these styles then girl, we are here for you. These are the latest dress styles for any bridal excellence at the moment. These styles are trending and the best part of it is that you can be more creative by twisting them to fit your body structure. Feel free to recreate these styles and add or remove details that don't suit you. 

Every bride wants to look elegant on her traditional wedding day and these styles will do the magic because it keeps the traditional look and also promotes a modern bride. You can also check out other Nigerian traditional marriage outfit styles here.

health benefits of jackfruit?

What is jackfruit?

Jackfruit is the scientific name for Artocarpus heterophyllus, which is the scientific name for jackfruit. Jackfruit is a tropical tree fruit in the genus Artocarpus heterophyllus. Asia, Africa, and South America. The stringy flesh behind the thick, rough rind can be eaten raw or prepared in a number of recipes.

The world's largest tree-borne fruit, weighing up to 40 pounds or more, is the jackfruit. Fortunately, you won't have to put this enormous fruit in your shopping cart. Peeled and chopped jackfruit chunks are available in pouches or cans at some health food stores, ready to cook or eat.

Is jackfruit good for you?

Jackfruit, like many fruits, includes some fiber to aid digestion and is low in fat. A 100-gram serving of jackfruit has the following nutrients:

There are 95 calories in this dish.
Protein content: 2 g.
There are 0.6 grams of fat in each serving.
Fibre (three grams)
Vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals found in jackfruit have been shown to offer health advantages. It's an excellent source of:

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant.
Pyridoxine is a B vitamin (vitamin B6).
Niacin is a B vitamin that helps the body make vitamin B3.
Riboflavin is a B vitamin (vitamin B2).
Folic acid is a kind of vitamin B that is found in vitamin B9.

"A combination of potassium, fiber, and antioxidants can help heart health." Flavonoids and lignans, plant components that may help reduce inflammation, are also found in jackfruit."

The health advantages of jackfruit have long been known." "Jackfruit was utilized as medicine by ancient people. People have employed jackfruit for its antibacterial and antifungal effects in folk medicine in areas where it is grown. However, no major research has shown that it has therapeutic value. Therefore, avoid using it to cure health problems.


When it comes to wedding dresses, coloured ones are always a good idea. Many brides don't want to wear white on their big day. Many dresses are blush in color but you may also see blue, grey, or red ones as well. When it comes to colors for weddings these days, one of the most popular is green, which is a very unusual choice! It doesn't have anything to do with anything other than nature, which makes it great for weddings in woodlands and nature-themed settings, as well as many other types of events.

Feel free to wear an airy green wedding dress with no embellishments, a deep neckline and a cut-out back, or even with beautiful embroideries and embellishments if you are a woods bride. Botanical or garden brides may want to look for a white wedding dress with green botanical prints or embroidery on it. You should wear green as your wedding color because this is the most elvish color ever! A beautiful, flowing and chic green wedding dress with a deep back cutout is what you should wear. You should also put fresh greenery in your hair.

Do you have a habit of clearing your throat? Here's what you should do:

Ahem! Ahem! Have you ever felt the need to dislodge the mucus that clings to the back of your mouth? Most of us have done so at some point in our lives. When dealing with the symptoms of a regular cold, the experience often lasts only a few days.
However, what if throat-clearing continues for weeks or months? This nagging sensation may be distressing for the person experiencing the problem and may also annoy friends and family who hear the unique growling sound.
So what is the source of all this throat clearing? There are numerous causes, but I'll focus on four of the most prevalent. It's critical to understand that throat-clearing that lasts longer than two to three weeks should be evaluated by a medical practitioner.

Post-nasal drip

The most common cause of throat clearing is most likely post-nasal drip.
Nasal mucus is produced by the nose to aid in the clearance of diseases and allergies, as well as in response to irritants such as cold temperatures. A chronically runny nose can be quite upsetting. As with mucus dripping toward the front of the nose, some mucus may also drip from the rear of the nose toward the throat, occasionally going as close as the vocal cords. If the mucus is too thick to swallow, we use a loud "AHEM!" to urge it out.
The best way to resolve this issue is to address the underlying source of post-nasal drip. A simple way to do so without medicine is to use a neti pot for nasal irrigation. If you continue to have discomfort, other types of nasal sprays may be helpful. It is recommended that you examine these alternatives with a health practitioner, as some sprays may exacerbate your symptoms. The critical step is to determine what is generating excessive mucus production.

Reflux: nasal drip (post-nasal drip)

Laryngopharyngeal reflux is another common cause of throat clearing (LPR). The acid in your stomach aids in the digestion of food. However, excess stomach acid can occasionally travel backwards up the tube called the oesophagus, which connects the throat to the stomach. This may cause irritation and throat clearing if it splashes on the vocal cords or throat.
Acid reflux does not always cause a burning sensation in the throat. Neither does everyone suffer from heartburn, a classic symptom of a similar ailment known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Certain individuals just have an urge to clear their throats or suffer from chronic coughing.
Solutions: In certain circumstances, consuming an anti-reflux diet and avoiding lying down immediately after eating may help. Often, people have to take drugs for a few weeks or months to cut down on stomach acid production.
You recently began antibiotic treatment for an infection and are now doing well. However, your skin starts to itch, and the telltale indications of a rash appear — initially on your torso, then spreading to your arms and legs. So, what exactly do you do? Should you be concerned? Is it necessary for you to see a doctor?

Many drugs cause rashes, which are a bothersome side effect. It might be demoralizing to be recovering from one ailment just to learn that you have a new problem to deal with. While these itchy eruptions might be inconvenient, they normally last a week or two and can be treated with over-the-counter drugs.

However, not all medication rashes are the same, and some can even be fatal. Fortunately, the dangerous ones are few, but knowing how to recognize them is still a good idea. How do you tell the difference between dangerous rashes and those that are simply a bother but will go away with time and treatment?

Drug rashes come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

There are two types of allergic rashes that might occur after taking a medication. Within hours, the most immediate form of reaction occurs. Hives appear on the skin and move about. Antihistamines (over-the-counter at a drugstore) are the most common treatment because this process is linked to the release of histamine.

A delayed type of drug rash appears four to fourteen days after you begin taking medicine. Over the course of a few days, pink and red lumps grow on your chest and back, spreading to your arms and legs. These pimples don't move around like hives, and after a few days, things may start to improve, but you may experience peeling skin similar to a recovering sunburn.

Antihistamines aren't as effective for this sort of delayed rash, but topical cortisone cream (or one of its higher prescription-strength equivalents) can help speed up the healing process.
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